

没有任何从政经验的地产大亨当选美国总统,科学么?周报君特约评论员、弗吉尼亚军事学院历史系副教授、前美国参议院对外关系委员会高级专员克利福德•克雷柯夫(Clifford A. Kiracofe)怎么看?以下是双语精华摘编:

Overall, it is clear that in the West significant numbers of voters reject uncontrolled finance capitalism as a model of economic and social organization. Instead, people want to liberate productive forces in society and in the economy and orient them toward peaceful development.


The American people have been ill-served and exploited by the incompetent politicians subservient to the Wall Street during the George W. Bush and Barrack Obama administrations.


What has been at stake in foreign policy is a continuation of the hawks' U.S. policy of imperialism in support of unipolar hegemony.


The mantra of the foreign policy establishment is that because the U.S. "won" the World War II it had the right to step into the shoes of the former British Empire to become the self-appointed "indispensable" state in charge of organizing and of policing world order.


In contrast to this imperial vision, Trump in his first major foreign policy speech rejected foreign policy as usual. He called into question the utility of obsolete Cold War alliance structures. He denounced hawkish foreign policy networks such as the neoconservatives. He called for a new diplomacy which emphasizes negotiation rather than coercion.




