鸮[xiāo]鹦鹉, 英文:Kakapo (英 /'kɑːkəpəʊ/) birds 是新西兰(New Zealand )的一种特有鹦鹉,Kakapo 是当地毛利人的毛利语,Kaka是 鹦鹉,po是 夜的意思,顾名思义Kakapo 是一种夜行的鹦鹉。
它们拉丁名字叫(Their Latin name Strigops habroptilus)由于独一无二的外观(unique appearance)我们可以翻译成 “owl-face soft-feather”
Kakapo birds are one of the most interesting creatures in the world. They are the heaviest parrot species on Earth, and their almost prehistoric look makes them stand out like a sore feather.
单词:interesting 有趣的, creatures 生物, parrot 鹦鹉, species 物种, prehistoric 史前的, sore 疼痛的、厉害的,feather 羽毛 ;
Kakapos are unable to fly, making them one of the largest flightless bird species in the world.
单词:flightless 不能飞的
难怪有人会说:more like that of a dog than a bird.
虽然Kakapos 不会飞,样子蠢萌,但是以前在新西兰还是有好多的。
However, then humans came, bringing disease and invasive mammals into the island. The kakapos were faced with an array of new predators — dogs, cats, and rat species brought by the settlers. The kakapos’ go-to defense of standing still to avoid perceived threats no longer protected them.
单词:disease 疾病, invasive mammals 入侵物种, predators 捕食者,settlers 移居者,defense 防御,standing still 静止不动, perceived 感知到的
Now there are only 211 kakapos in existence.
in existence 现有的,
The New Zealand Department of Conservation created the Kakapo Recovery Program, which involved clearing the country’s islands to make them predator-free and relocating the existing birds to these habitats.
单词:Department of Conservation 保护部门, Recovery Program 恢复计划, predator-free 没有捕食者的区域,relocating 迁移, habitats 栖息地;
虽然被人称作"废柴"鸟,珍稀程度可以赶上大熊猫。但是这些年由于各种入侵物种( invasive mammals )对当地物种的侵害,保护物种多样性(biological diversity),Saving New Zealand's kakapo from extinction(灭绝)。只是不让这些动物只留在照片,视频和人们的回忆里。
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