经常有学生问:by contrast | In contrast | on the contrary 有什么区别?每个短语在何种情况下使用?

事实上,在雅思英语写作中,By contrast = In contrast. 他们的用法类似However 或 on the other hand, 用于比较不同点。具体用法如下:

Unemployment rose in the UK. By contrast, the number of unemployed people in Canada fell. 英国的失业率在上升,但加拿大的失业率却在下降。

By contrast 置于句首,后面添加逗号。

On the contrary 正相反, 恰恰相反

On the contrary 的含义不同于 By/ in contrast. 我们使用 On the contrary 来否认某件事的真实性,并说明其反面才是真的

  • A: I thought you said the film was exciting? 你不觉得这部电影很精彩吗?
  • B: On the contrary, I nearly fell asleep half way through it! 正相反,看到一半我差点睡着!

事实上,on the contrary 在雅思写作中用的并不多。

当然,在雅思英语写作中,除了使用By / in contrast 比较不同点外,我们还可以使用如下替代方法:

  • while/whilst/whereas/but
  • compared to
  • However
  • 比较级




while = whilst = whereas = but

这是个连接词用于将2句话,连接成为一句话。结构为:句子A,while 句子B。含义是,比较突出A和B的不同。


23% of water is used by industry in San Diego and worldwide, while the figure for California is 10% higher, at 33%.

compared to

compared to 是张老师比较喜欢的一个比较方法,to 后面 一般连接要比较的数据。例如:

23% of water is used by industry in San Diego and worldwide, compared to 33% in California.


In San Diego and California , residential water consumption(居民用水) accounts for 60% (占60%) and 39% of total water usage(水资源使用). However, a mere (=only)8% of the water used globally goes to homes.

此时,however = by contrast



More water is consumed by homes than by industry or agriculture in the two American regions.

容易出错的是:than 前后都得有 by,而不能写成 by homes than industry.


#英语# #雅思# #托福# #考研# #出国留学#
