
Sweetening the Pill - a documentary


Abby Epstein 和 Ricki Lake 发起的这个项目,旨在拍摄一部关于短效避孕药(The Pill)的纪录片。

This time, we want to empower women with knowledge and choice when it comes to contraception. Let’s say it’s "The Business of Being Born: The Prequel!" After all, we spend much more time trying to avoid, rather than achieve, pregnancy!

这一次,当遇到避孕问题时,我们希望女人可以拥有知识力量和做出选择的能力。“生意经:前传”(The Business of Being Born),我们这一次花了更多的时间做的是,避免怀孕!

We believe that the birth control pill was one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century. But we think women deserve more and better options, not less of them. Hormonal birth control often dominates the conversation, but, like a hospital birth or cesarean, it’s not always the best choice for all.


During those decades when we’re trying to avoid getting pregnant, many of us seem to find ourselves settling for a method we’re not entirely happy with or switching from one hormonal contraceptive to another - from pill to implant to ring, for example - trying to find something that fits. The ads and inserts give us long lists of the possible side effects, but it doesn’t make them any easier to live with. Some non-hormonal options seem to have disappeared almost entirely (anybody try to get a diaphragm lately?) while more hormonal options have become available.







自然避孕法(Fertility awareness-based methods)一共列举了4种,第一个Standard Days method 其实就是安全期啦,在月经周期的第8~19天禁欲。剩下两个TwoDay 和Ovulation method我还真不知道该怎么翻译,不过应该也是根据基础体温和宫颈粘液来观察排卵的方法。症状体温法是自然避孕法中最可靠啦。将基础体温和宫颈粘液结合起来用的,珀尔指数仅0.4,和短效避孕药是差不多的。







国内对自然避孕法真是一无所知哦,不像欧美等国,对自然避孕有很深的研究。而且都有职业的自然避孕培训师的。我们在众筹项目Sweetening the Pill 的页面就看到两个自然避孕培训师——Fertility Awareness Advisor


Katinka Locascio is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Labor Doula, and Fertility Awareness advocate. She is the founder Earth & Sky Healing Arts, a wellness center focusing on women's health and natural fertility in NYC. She lectures and teaches workshops on fertility awareness and women's health. More for information visitwww.earthandskyhealingarts.com


Hannah Ransom is a certified fertility awareness educator that loves teaching women about their bodies and how a few simple-to-check signs can help them understand what's going on with their fertility and hormones and give them the ability to use an effective natural birth control with ease. She is the owner ofholistichormonalhealth.comand loves digging into why birth control methods without hormones have been so vilified and getting women real information about the birth control methods they have access to.


Sweetening the Pill 这个项目以后如果有新的动态,我会跟进的。

最后,再次强调一下,使用激素类避孕法的时候,要多关注自己的身体健康。老外确实用避孕药的很多,但是她们都是体检后医生按照体检报告开处方拿药,然后定期检查的。而且她们现在也不是那么喜欢激素避孕法了,在YouTube搜一下Contraception Pill 也可以看到很多的抵制短效避孕药的视频。避孕方法还有很多,激素只是其中一个选择而已~
