
高考英语动词作状语的考题 每日高考英语考点(1)




△过去分词: 表示被动或完成,有时表示状态。



1)Do you know the woman talking to Tom ?

= Do you know the woman who is talking to Tom ?


2) The soldier wounded in the war has become a doctor.

= The soldier who was wounded in the war has become a doctor.


3)China is a developing country and America is a developed country.



1)The secretary worked late into the night , preparing a long speech for the president . (preparing...表示主动,且与谓语动词动作同时进行)


2) Given more time , I’ll do it well . (given过去分词表示被动)



1._____ a foreign language,one must have a lot of practice.

A For mastering B Mastering C To master D So as to master

2.The old man walked in the street,______.

A followed by his son B followed his son C and following his son D and followed by his son

3.Many teachers were praised at the meeting,Mr Zhou_____.

A including B being included C to include D included

4.Six_____nine makes fifteen.A added to B adds to C added up to D added by

5.There are a lot of peasants ____ in the rice fields.

A who works B who worked C work D working

6.He was sitting there,_____ in deep thought.

A lose B lost C loss D losing

7._____many times,but he still couldn't understand it.

A Having been told B Though he had been told C He had been told D Having told

8.____her mother had come,her face lit up.

A Hearing B Having heard C When hearing D When she heard

9.Walking down the street the other day,_____.

A I saw unusual something happened B a terrible accident happened

C something unusual was seen by me D I saw a terrible accident.

10.____ in white,she looks much more beautiful.

A Wearing B Dressing C Dressed D Having dressed

11._____ from the hill,the little village looks the more beautiful.

A To see B Being seen C Seeing D Seen

12._____, the old man is living a happy life.

A Taking good care B Taken good care

C Having taken good care D Taken good care of

13.When____, ice changes into water.

A to heat B heating C heated D they are heated

14.Look around when ____the street.

A cross B crossing C crossed D to cross

15.Do you know the girl ____ at the back of the classroom?

A seated B seating C sat D sit

16._____ a reply, he decided to write again.

A Not receiving B Receiving not C Not having received D Having not received

17.She is upstairs_____ letters.

A writes B is writing C write D writing

18._____ very small,computers are widely used.

A Because B As C Since D Being

(1---5CADAD 6---10BCDDC 11---15DDCBA 16---18CDD)



高考英语动词作状语的考题 每日高考英语考点(2)
