第三十三讲 搞定这几类词,语法填空会得高分,今天小编就来说说关于语法填空必备知识?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!



第三十三讲 搞定这几类词,语法填空会得高分!





1] 常考连接词


1. however 然而,但是[有逗号] 2. but 然而,但是[没有逗号]

3. therefore 因此 4. thus 于是

5. because 因为 6. so因此

7. if 如果 8. if 是否[只用在宾语从句]

9. though 虽然 10. when 在哪里,在那里

11. while 同时,而 12. where 在某处

13. after 在……之后 14. before 在……之前

15. till 直到 16. until 直到

17. not---until 直到……才 18. since 既然,因为

19. as 由于,因为,像,作为 20. for 因为,为了

21. lest 以免 22. in case 以免

2] 定语从句引导词

1.that 替代定语从句修饰的人和物

2.which 替代定语从句修饰的物

3.who 替代定语从句修饰的人

4.whose 替代定语从句中的“某人的,某物的”

5.when 替代定语从句中的时间,意思是“在那时”

6.where 替代定语从句中的地点,意思是“在那里”

7.why 替代定语从句中的原因,意思是“原因是”

3] 疑问词

1. what 什么 2. who 谁

3. whom 谁,宾格 4. which 哪一个

5. what colour 什么颜色 6. whose 谁的

7. when 什么时候 8. where 在哪里

9. how old 多大年纪 10. how long 多久

11. how far 多远 12. how soon 还要多久

13. how often 每隔多久一次14. how many 多少,接可数名词

15. how much 多少,接不可数名词

4] a, an一个,某个

the 那个,那些

5] 副词:

ever 曾经 never 从不,永不 often 经常

6] 代词

1. it,有两种情况,一是用来替代前面的单数名词或不可数名词。

第二种情况,是用来构成it---to和it---that 句型

2. few 很少,几乎没有,可数/接可数名词

3. little 很少,几乎没有,不可数/接不可数名词

4. many 很多,可数/接可数名词 5. much 很多,不可数/接不可数名词

6. something 一些事物 7. anything 任何事物

8. nothing 什么都不 9. someone/somebody 某人,有人

10. anyone/anybody 任何人 11. no one/nobody 没有人,一个人都没有

12. both 两个都 13. either 两个有一个

14. neither 两个中一个都没有 15. none 很多中一个没有,一点没有

16. one 一个 17. another 另一个,再来一个

18. other 剩下的,其它的 19. the other 剩下的那个

20. others 剩下的人/物 21. the others 那些剩下的人/物

22. what 所,所做的事情,样子

7] 介词:


1. in 在里面,在某方面 2. on 在上面,关于

3. at 在某一点 4. for 为了

5. of---的,或者用在短语中 6. with 有,随着,带着,使用某种工具

7. by 通过,使用某种方法 8. without 没有

9. like 像 10. unlike 不像

11. through 穿过,通过某种方式……

8] 情态动词[能愿动词]

1. can/could 能够 2. may/might 可能

3. must 必须 4. need not 没有必要

5. will/would 将,会,愿意 6. should 应该

7. had better 最好



I 2______ (enjoy) the fantastic scenery around 3_____ something unpleasant caught my eye.

2]---3] 给词,enjoy 欣赏,动词. 有谓语了吗?还没有谓语,考谓语的……时态……

根据下文,caught,过去时,所以,enjoy应该有过去时……一般过去时还是进行时?本句说:我做某事……一件不愉快的事情发生了……所以,最好是用进行时:我正在做某事……〔就在那时〕另一件事发生了,所以,第一个空填was enjoying;第二个空填when,就在那时


The burden of students 1______ (be) a hot topic for years, but the load of parents has received 2______ attention, especially from their own children.

The picture shows us a touching moment 3 ______ a little girl comes to greet her working mom.

1] 上下文什么时态?是现在时……所以be一定是现在时,包括一般现在时,现在完成时等。下文有for years,表示做了多久,所以,填写进行时has been.

2] burden,负担……本句,学生负担已经是一个话题很多年了,但是……既然是负担,应该受到关注attention,有“但是”,一定没被关注,所以,填little,表示关注得很少。

3] 这幅图画展示给我们一个感人的时刻……一个女孩前来跟她的正在工作的妈妈打招呼……注意,这样的一个外观:



因为前面是时刻moment,我们自然想到,填when行吗,填when意思是:在那时,一个女孩前来……可以的, 所以,填when


He was then taken to the dorm宿舍, 6_____ he saw other children happy. He tried as much as he 7_____ to fit in but could not because his mind was at home.

6] 他被带到宿舍,_____他看见其它的孩子很高兴


7] as much/many as …can 是习惯用语,填can……时态对吗?上下文是过去时,所以,填could


Now, 9 ______ I think of my first boarding school life, I think 10 ______ instructive and unforgettable.

9] 注意,这样的一个结构外观:




原因because因为/as由于/since既然/如果if ……


也可以填whenever 每当我想起……

10] 我认为有教益……应该说:我认为某事有教益……所以,这里,少一个“某事”,单数就可以,填it,可以替代上面提到的某事


In my opinion, when we do something, we 7 _____ have the willpower to finish 8_____ . We must firmly carry it 9 _____ to the end if we want to get a fruitful result. A man who gives up halfway will achieve 10 _____ .

7] /8] 本句意思:根据我的意见,当我们做某事,我们_______有那种意志力去完成_______

这种外观,一般填代表情绪的动词,就是情态动词,或者叫做能愿动词,我们填should应该,最合适。8] 有某种意志去完成某件事,这件事就是前面提到的something,在此,用it替代。

9] 习惯用语:through to the end到底,所以,填through




So I went from one bookstore to 5_____ , hoping to find something suitable for him. 6 _____ I selected a set of Chinese textbooks among a variety of similar ones.

5] one---another 是习惯用语,所以,填another

6] 沿着上面的意思:我从一个书店到另一个,希望找到一些适合于他的东西……______找到了,选择了[selected] 一套汉语课本……



I found the trays〔托盘〕 returned after lunch all empty 8 _____ any leftover. Food 9 _____ (save) and the dining hall was cleaner. Seeing this, I felt relieved and proud of 10_____ we had done.

8] 关注两个词:empty空了……leftover 残羹剩饭。空了……那就没有任何剩下的东西了。所以,这个空填without.

9] 食物……save 节省?食物只能被节省,所以,用被动,be save……什么时态?看上下文,returned 过去时,所以,be saved用过去时……was saved

10] 整句:看到这的时候,我感到宽慰,并且很骄傲……我们已经做……



An important quality素质 in a neighbor is consideration 关心for 49_____ . People should not do things 50 _____ will disturb their neighbors unnecessarily. For example, television sets need not be played at full volume (音量) 51_____ loud pop music should not be played very late at night. By avoiding things likely to upset your neighbors, you can enjoy 52 _____ friendly relationship with them.

49) 本句:一个邻里之间的重要是素质就是关心……自己?别人?安全?……根据常识,我们填写others,关心别人,关心对方,才是王道。

50] 本句:人们不应该做这些事情……将会影响他们的邻居……什么会影响邻居?肯定是“这些事情”啊……所以,本句应该是:人们不应该做这些事情……这些事情将会影响他们的邻居……这是在同一个句子中的重复上面的词,这个词可以用定语从句的引导词替代。这件事,用which或that替代。两个都可以。当然,如果本句的things换成something只能用that了。

51] 本句:例如,电视不必要播放到满音量______高音的流行音乐不应该在深夜播放……


52〕 本句;通过avoiding避免可能likely会让邻居沮丧的事情,你就可以和他们一起享受______友好的关系了……根据习惯,我们还可以说:享受一个〔友好的〕习惯了。



An equally important quality is tolerance. Neighbors should do all they can to avoid disturbing other people, 53 _____ there are times when some level of disturbance is unavoidable. 54 _____ neighbors want to get along well with each other, they have to show their tolerance. In this way, everyone will live 55 _____ peace.

53] 一个同等重要的素质就是忍受。邻里应该做他们所能做的来避免打扰邻居……有时候,这些时候一些打扰不可避免……应该避免……不可避免,意义相反……中间应该填“但是”though.

54] 本句:_____邻里想要好好相处,他们就不得不显示出他们的忍耐……依照局势,这里应该填如果……if,when当某时,也可以

55] 本句:peace和平。每一个人都生活在和平之中,所以填in


Many schools are giving in to parental impatience and are purchasing hardware 6 _____ good educational planning. Educators do not even agree on how computers should be used. Even those 7 _____ believe that all children should have access to computers warn of potential dangers to the very young. The temptation(诱惑) remains strong _____ 8 (large) because young children adapt so well to computers. However, not every school can afford to go into computing, and that creates 9 _____ problem: a division between the haves and the have-nots. Very few parents are hoping for computer instruction in poor school districts地区, 10 _____ there may be barely enough money to pay the teacher.

6] 本句:我们学校正在迁就家长的不耐烦,并且正在购买硬件______良好的教育计划……


7] those_____……those+空格,常考those who这个结构,就是那些……人,……意思对吗……即使那些相信所有孩子都应该可以用上电脑的人也警告……所以填those是正确的。

8] strong大的,强大的……要变成副词largely吗……largely 很大程度上……这种诱惑在很大程度上是很强大的……正确,填largely

9] 本句:那就创造[引起]_______问题……根据上下文,上文已经有一个问题:诱惑……这是另一个问题……所以,填another.

10] ……在贫穷的地区……可能〔几乎没有barely〕足够的钱来给老师发工资……这又是一个也许填定语从句引导词的空,外观:句子/名词+另一个句子……前面是地区,地方,我们试填:where,意思是在这里……在这里,没有……钱给老师发工资……正确。


I met my step-mom for the first time when I moved to America. That night before I went to bed she came to my room, __1__was the first room I had ever had for my own.







She asked me for a hug, but I did not know what __5__ word “hug” meant. So, I just looked at her __6__ a questioning expression on my face. But she didn’t give up. She called my father into the room and asked him to explain to me what she meant. When he did I looked at my new step-mom and wondered__7__ she wanted to hug me. She then told me it was because she loved me and you hug people when you love __8__. So she opened her arms wide and timidly I opened__9__ and we hugged.

5] 她要我拥抱她,但是,我不知道“hug”……词是什么意思……很显然,在词的前面,应该有一个“这个”……我不知道hug这个词是什么意思……

6] 所以,我看着她,_______一种疑问的〔神情〕在我的脸上。


7] ……我看着我的继母,并且想知道______她想拥抱我……想知道什么/怎么样/为什么/谁?根据上下文,最好是填“为什么”why. 更何况,下文还有一个because.
