
这两天华为百万年薪招应届毕业生的消息满天飞, 也不知是真是假.

We all know the US is a well developed country in terms of its economic prowess, military might and political influence around the world. Even so, most Americans Make less than 50 grand a year, which Converts to RMB is about 350,000. That is only one-third of the salary HUAWEI allegedly offered to its new graduate Recruits. Maybe it is not too late for some of you to change your field of study to IT after all, eh?


Average Salary For US workers

1. Well: 很, 非常.

Usage(用法): it is typically followed by an adjective such as

well developed’,

well adapted’,

well organized’...

当然, well 这个词最常用的是当作停顿语, when you are stalling(拖延) and trying to think of the next word, you go like: “you are right about that point, well, uh, you know, blablabla...” 好像中国人口中的‘那个’

2. Develop: 发展, 动词. 名词是development.

Developed country: 发达国家.

Developing country: 发展中国家.

3. In terms of: 就...而言


4. Economics: 经济.

A country's economy: 整个国家的经济状况

Political economy: 政治经济学

microeconomics: 微观经济学

macroeconomics: 宏观经济学

中国学生和家长通常会分不清economicsbusiness的区别. 很多学生心里想的是finance(金融)和商业管理, 却选了economics的课程, 结果纷纷叫屈, 怎么全是数学理论和模型啊? 这是一个很大的误区, 以后同学们要注意.


US Military Might

5. Prowess: 实力.

6. Military might: 军事实力.

7. Political: 政治的.

8. Influence: 影响.

9. Make: 挣.

How much do you make a year? 当然, 这样的私密话题在美国人当中是比较避讳的.

10. 50 grand: 50 千. one grand= 1 千. 这个是俚语, 我这里书面写出来其实是不合适的, 只是为了教会这个词.


Exchange Rate

11. Convert: 换算. conversion rate: 换算比率. exchange rate: 汇率.

12. RMB: 人民币的英文缩写.

13. Salary: 年薪.

wage: 工资. 这个词既是工资的统称, 也是时薪的意思. 比如hourly wage, minimum wage等等. 不能说hourly salary.

14. Allegedly: 据说. 这个词通常有贬义.

For example: He allegedly had an affair with his secretary. 据说这家伙和他的女秘书有一腿.


Company Recruitment

15. Offer: 提供, 报价. 这个词大家在求职期间经常听到.

She made me an offer I can’t refuse. (不许想歪了)

16. Graduate: 毕业. graduate studies: 研究生课程.

17. Recruit: 招人, 包括招聘, 招生, 招兵.

18. Field of study: 研究领域.


Drill Instructor vs. Army Recruits

以上皆为原创. 图片来自thebalancecareers.com youtube.com ftwonline.co.za services.anu.edu.au

