


1. 编程人员 _____________

2. 厨师 _____________

3. 医生 _____________

4. 工程师 _____________

5. 小提琴手 _____________

6. 司机 _____________

7. 飞行员 _____________

8. 钢琴家 _____________

9. 科学家 _____________

10. 教育 _____________

11. 文章 _____________

12. 决心 _____________

13. 队;组 _____________

14. 意义;意思 _____________

15. 业余爱好 _____________

16. 学校作业 _____________

17. 关系 _____________

18. 纸;纸张 _____________

19. 污染 _____________

20. 将来 _____________

21. 环境 _____________

22. 人 _____________

23. 行星 _____________

24. 地球 _____________

25. 和平 _____________

26. 海洋 _____________

27 天空 _____________

28. 公寓套房 _____________

29. 太空 _____________

30. 工厂 _____________

31. 形状 _____________

32. 单词 _____________

33. 假期 _____________


1. computer programmer

2. cook 3. doctor 4. engineer

5. violinist 6.driver 7. pilot

8. pianist 9. scientist 10.education

11. article 12. resolution 13. team

14.meaning 15. hobby 16.schoolwork

17.relationship 18.paper 19.pollution

20.future 21.environment 22.human

23.planet 24. earth 25.peace

26. sea 27.sky 28. apartment

29. space 30.factory 31. shape

32. word 33. holiday


1. paper:

1)表示“纸”时,为不可数名词 a piece of paper/ a sheet of paper



Please give me ______ to write on.

A. a paper

B. one paper

C. a piece of paper

D. some piece of paper


2. cook:


cook做为动词就是做饭的意思,如I'mcooking,我正在做饭。而make可以指做很多东西,包括较抽象的东西,比如make a plan。


She likes ______, so she wants to be a ______.

A.cooking, cook

B.cook, cooking

C.cook, cook



【解析】 英语中动词和动词之间不能直接相连,cook做动词讲时是做饭烹饪的意思,作名词讲是厨师的意思,因此选项A为最佳答案,她喜欢烹饪,因此她想成为一名厨师.


◆ 动词

1. 邮寄;发送 _____________

2. 许诺;承诺 _____________

3. 讨论 _____________

4. 改进 _____________

5. 同意 _____________

6. 污染 _____________

7. 种植 _____________

8. 相信 _____________

9. 不同意 _____________


  1. send 2. promise 3. discuss

4. improve 5. agree 6.pollute

7. plant 8. believe 9. disagree


1. pollute



Do you think noise ________(pollute) is a terrible problem?


2. agree

agree,动词,意为“同意”,反义词为disagree。它组成的词组主要有agree with , agree on , agree to.

agree with表示同意某人或某人的意见、想法、后接表示人的名词或代词时,一般只用 agree with。agree to do sth,表示赞同做某事;agree on sth,表示赞同某事。


I hope you can________me.

A.agree with

B.agree about

C.agree to

D.agree on


【解析】本句的意思是“我希望你能同意我的意见。”而“同意”的 用法是agree (with sb) (about / on sth) 意为“同意;(与某人)意见一致”。因为me,所以本题选A。

3. discuss

1) discuss属于及物动词,后可直接加宾语,其后无须加about。只有在名词discussion后才需加上about去表示讨论的内容, have a discussion about 就……进行讨论;

2) discuss作动词时,后面不可以直接加动词不定式。

We discussed to set a new room. 这个表示方式是错误的。


Can you come to my house ______the science report?

A. discuss

B. to talk

C. to discuss

D. discuss about



4. try

try v 试图,设法,努力

(1)try on 试穿

(2) try to do sth 尽力/努力做某事

(3) try doing sth 尝试/试图做某事

(4)try one’s best to do sth

= do one’s best to do sth


【 典例分析】

We should try ___ much fruit.

A. eat

B. to eat

C. eating

D. eats



1. 参与(某事) _____________

2. 同意;赞成(某人)_____________

3. 多次;反复地 _____________

4. 许多;大量 _____________

5. 跌倒;倒塌 _____________

6. 寻找 _____________

7. 对……有把握_____________

8. 确保;查明 _____________

9. 能够做某事_____________

10. 在……开始_____________

11. 写下_____________

12. 关于;与……有关系 _____________

13. (尤指为消遣)学着做;开始做 _____________


1. play a part

2. agree with

3. over and over again

4. hundreds of

5. fall down

6. look for

7. besure about

8. make sure

9. be able to

10. at the beginning of

11. write down

12. have to do with

13.take up


1. make sure

▲ make sure that 从句

Make sure that you can find out the truth soon.


▲make sure to do sth 务必干……

▲ make sure of sb./ sth 弄清楚某人/事


(1) besure about / of 名词、代词或动名词 对……有把握

She is sure of success.


(2) be sure to do sth 务必;确信

I’m sure to go with you.


(3) besure that 从句

We are sure that you can make great progress this term.


Please check your paper to_______ there are no mistakes

A. think of

B. try out

C. find out

D. make sure



I my resolutions and I make sure I will keep them.

A. am sure, try my best

B. sure about,try my best to

C. am sure about, try my best

D. am sureabout, try my best to


【解析】be sure肯定,确信;be sure about确信某事,对……有把握;try one’s best to do sth尽力做某事。句意:我相信自己的决定,并且相信我能尽力实现它们。结合语境可知选D。

2. hundreds of

hundreds of 意为“许多,大量,数百”,表示不确切的数字。我们经常称为模糊数字。

hundred意为“百”,表示具体数字,当hundred,thousand,million等前面是具体的数字修饰时,只能用单数,不能加s,of。即:模糊数字两有(有s, of);具体数字两无(无s,of)。

注意:Two hundred of the students are girls.



_____students went there.

A. Two hundreds of

B. Hundreds of

C. Hundreds

D. Two hundreds

