


Local authorities in China have been asked to compile teaching materials and roll out tutoring sessions aimed at preparing young couples for married life and to introduce a ceremony for marriage certificate presentation to the marriage registration procedure, the guideline said.指导意见要求,各地要编写婚前辅导教材,推出婚前辅导课程,帮助当事人做好进入婚姻状态的准备,同时还要在婚姻登记流程中引入颁证仪式。


这里的marriage registration(婚姻登记)是两人结婚必经的法定流程,只有在民政部门正式登记才算是合法夫妻(legally wedded couple)。关于“结婚”的英文表达,最简单的就是A marries/weds B,其他常用的表达还有,to tie the knot, to walk down the aisle, to get hitched等。To tie the knot(喜结连理)至少在13世纪就用来表示“结婚”的意思了,knot在很多文化中都被视为“坚不可摧的承诺”之意。To walk down the aisle则指举行婚礼时,新娘由家人陪伴走过教堂或礼堂的过道,来到新郎身旁,然后举行仪式。To get hitched更形象地表现了婚姻中两个人的关系,hitch本意是“拴住、套住”,get hitched就是两个人拴在一起。

根据意见要求,各地要着力提升结婚颁证服务水平,县级以上婚姻登记机关至少设立一个独立的颁证大厅,探索将颁证仪式引入结婚登记流程并实现颁证仪式常态化(include the certificate-issuing ceremony in the regular marriage registration procedure),通过引导婚姻当事人宣读结婚誓言(take wedding vows)、领取结婚证,在庄重神圣的仪式中宣告婚姻缔结,让当事人感悟铭记婚姻家庭蕴含的责任担当(better comprehend the responsibility that comes with marriage)。


The guidelines also called for improving mechanisms for family dispute mediation and divorce counseling, and required marriage registries at the county level and above to set up mediation rooms.意见同时强调,要深化婚姻家庭关系调适和离婚辅导,县级以上婚姻登记机关要设置婚姻家庭纠纷调解室。

They should also explore effective ways to intervene in faltering relationships and provide support during the cooling-off period before a divorce is granted, it said.探索离婚冷静期内对当事人开展婚姻危机干预的有效方法和措施,并对当事人提供支持。


集体婚礼 group wedding

婚礼誓言 wedding vows

相亲 blind date

网络婚介 online matchmaking service

婚姻状况 marital status


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

