



1. afraid fear fearful fearless fright frighten frightening frightened


1, afraid adj. 害怕的 be afraid of sth 怕 be afraid to do sth 不敢 be afraid that 恐怕,担心 She is not afraid of dogs at all. 她才不怕狗呢!

2, fear n. & v. 害怕 Who do you fear most in your class? 你们班上他最怕谁?

3, 后缀-ful表示“充满的”, fearful adj. 充满害怕的That’s a fearful story. 那是一个充满恐惧的故事。

4, 后缀-less表示“没有的”,fearless adj. 无畏的 Nothing can frighten this fearless boy. 什么也吓不住这个勇敢的男孩。

5, fright [ frait ] Sudden, intense fear, as of something immediately threatening f-right f, 佛;right, 右边fright, 佛在右边,令人心存恐惧,不敢放肆; n. 恐惧 Fright appeared on his face immediately. 他的脸上马上显出了恐慌。

6, 动词后缀-en, 表示“使……”,frighten vt. 使恐惧,使害怕

7, 形容词后缀-ing表示“令人……的”,frightening adj. 令人恐惧的We were frightened at the frightening story he told vividly. 我们都被他娓娓讲述的恐怖故事吓住了。

8, 形容词后缀-ed表示“感到……的”,frightened adj. 感到恐惧的。


I’m afraid she fears darkness. She is afraid of night and afraid to go out alone. She finds the night fearful. She has tried to be fearless, however, she always finds herself frightened.

2. Africa / African America / American Asia / Asian Australia / Australian Europe / European Antarctica Arctic


1. f, 音“非”,Africa 非洲;Most blacks come from Africa. 多数黑人来自非洲。

2. me, 音“美”,America 美洲;There are two Americas: North America and South America. 世上有两个美洲:北美洲和南美洲。

3. Asia, 音“亚细亚”,亚洲;Asia is the largest continent in the world. 亚洲是世界第一大洲。

4. Australia 音似“澳大利亚”,Australia lies in the south. 澳大利亚位于南方。

5. Eu,音似欧,Europe 欧洲; The first industrial revolution took place in Europe. 第一次工业革命发生在欧洲。

6. arctic 北极, 前缀“ant-“表示相反,Antarctica南极洲;Antarctic is a continent while the Arctic is an ocean. 南极洲是大陆,北冰洋是大洋。

7. 后缀 –an, 表示“……的, ……的人”African非洲的,非洲人;Mandela, a black African, was respected all over the world. 非洲黑人曼德拉受到了全世界的尊重。

8. American美洲的,美洲人;Some native Americans are still living in poverty. 一些美洲土人仍然生活在贫困之中。

9. Asian 亚洲的,亚洲人;China is the largest country of all Asian countries. 中国是亚洲最大的国家。

10. Australian 澳大利亚的;澳大利亚人;

Most Australians were against the government’s plan to send troop there. 多数澳大利亚人反对政府的派兵计划。

11. European 欧洲的,欧洲人。Europeans play an important part in today’s world. 欧洲人在当今世界上起着重要的作用。


No matter you are African, American, Asian, or Australian, you can enjoy yourself by visiting Africa, America, Asia, or Australia.

3. after afternoon noon soon spoon spoonful moon moon-cake month monthly


1. noon 正午;

2. after, 在 …… 之后,afternoon, 在正午之后,下午。

3. soon, 音“速”,很快, 不久 I’ll be back soon. 我很快就回来。

4. sp, 联想soup, 汤,spoon汤匙;Would you please pass me the spoon in front of you? 请你把你面前的汤匙递给我,好吗?

5. spoonful n.一匙 He ate a spoonful of soup and found it tasty. 他品尝了一匙汤,觉得很可口。

6. moon, m, 联想月牙儿形状,月亮

7. moon-cake 月饼

8. month, mon, 即moon, 月亮,month, 月

9. -ly为形容词后缀,表示“的”,monthly每月的。He subscribed some monthly magazines.


This afternoon he read in a monthly magazine an article that the soup can soon be made on the moon with some flower and a spoon!

after all毕竟 day after day日复一日 one after another一个接一个 be after追求 look after照顾 run after追赶


What are we after? Day after day, we come into the classroom one after another. We run after the top students. But we have to look after ourselves. After all, we are humans.

4. again against object to project reject oppose opposite opposition contrary contradict contradiction contradictory dictionary


1. again adv. 又 once again又一次 again and again反复 time and time again再三

2. st, 联想stand, against又站在那里,prep. 反对 How can you be against my plan? 你怎能反对我的计划?

3. object ob-, 外;-ject, 丢;object 向外丢,n. 物体, 目标,宾语,vi. object (to)反对 I object to your idea. We can’t watch the movement of objects in that way. 我反对你的意见。我们不能那样观察物体的运动。

4. re-, 回去,reject vt. 丢回去,抛弃 Your idea should be rejected. 丢掉你的观点吧。

5. pro-, 向前;project向前投掷,要实施,n. 工程 Let’s contribute more to the Hope Project. 让我们为希望工程多做点事吧。

6. 词根pose 表示放,摆,oppose又放在那里,vt. 反对。We can’t oppose it! 我们不能反对!

7. -ite为形容词后缀, opposite adj. 反对的 The boy went in the opposite direction.


8. --ition为名词后缀,opposition n. 反对, 反对派 He was defeated by his opposition. 他被对手击败了。

9. contra-, 反的,contrary adj. & n. 反面 On the contrary, we will fight on. 相反,我们要继续战斗下去。

10. diction, 话语,contradiction相反的话, n. 矛盾 Can you see the contradiction in his excuse? 你能看出他借口里的矛盾之处吗?

11. contradict vt. 同...矛盾, 同...抵触 What he did contradicted what he promised. 他的行为与他的承诺不一致。

12. diction加后缀-ary, dictionary n. 字典,词典 We shouldn’t look up every new word in the dictionary. 我们不能每遇到生词就去查词典。

13. contradictory adj. 矛盾的 Have you found anything contradictory in his speech? 你发现他话里的矛盾地方了吗?


He didn’t agree with us. On the contrary, he put forward an idea against us again! He is always objecting to our plan, opposing our idea and standing in the opposite direction!

5. age teenager ago before forecast foresee forehead foreleg forearm


1. age n. 年龄。I could jump much higher at your age. for ages很久 at the age of在……岁的时候

2. teen, 十;-er, 人;teenager 年龄在十三到十九岁的人,青少年 It’s said that the teenagers today are not working so hard as they did in the past. 据说今天的青少年不如以前那么勤奋刻苦。

3. ago go, 去,ago 啊,过去了,以前;(从现在往后推)He went home ten minutes ago. 他十分钟前回家了。

4. fore表示前,before, 在以前;(从过去时间往后推) He said he had gone home ten minutes before.他说他十分钟前回家了。

5. forecast fore-cast vt. 预报 It’ his sister who forecasts the weather on TV. 是他姐姐在电视上预报天气。

6. foresee fore-see vt. 预知 Who can foresee the future? 谁能预知未来?

7. forehead fore-head n. 前额 Sweats appeared out of his forehead. 汗水从他前额渗出来了。

8. foreleg fore-leg n. 前腿 The rabbits’ forelegs are not so strong as their hind legs. 兔子的前腿不如后腿粗壮。

9. forearm fore-arm n. 前臂 He has strong forearms. 他前臂结实。


Two days ago he said he had ever been to as far as Beijing to see the star long before and that at the age of 40, no longer a teenager, he hadn’t run after pop stars for ages.

6. agree agreement agreeable disagree disagreeable disagreement


1. agree, a, 一;gree, 音“给以”,agree 一致给以,vi.同意;

The teacher agreed to hold a picnic next weekend. 老师同意下周末搞野餐。 agree that agree to do sth同意做 agree to sth同意某事 agree with sb/ sth同意某人的意见 agree on sth 达成一致

2. 加名词后缀-ment, agreement n. 同意,协议 Can they reach an agreement about the trade? 他们能达成一份贸易协定吗?

3. 加形容词后缀-able, agreeable adj. 可同意的,让人满意的,宜人的。He lives in an agreeable room. 他住的房间非常舒适。

4. 加否定前缀dis-, disagree vi. 不同意 Sorry, but I disagree with you there. 抱歉,但我不同意你的说法。

5. 加形容词后缀-able, disagreeable adj. 不同意的,不好的。To our surprise, the working conditions of the workers are quite disagreeable. 令我们吃惊的是,工人们的工作条件相当糟糕。

6. 加名词后缀-ment, disagreement n. 不同意,分歧 Obvious disagreement lies among them. 他们间存在着明显的分歧。


As no one disagreed to the plan any longer, an agreement was at last reached in the agreeable hall.


During a Christmas exam,one of the questions was:“What causes a depression?”One of the students wrote:“God knows! I don’t.Merry Christmas!”

The exam paper came back with the prof’s notation:“God gets 100,you get zero.Happy New Year!”

