用英语学英语口语:to close a/the deal 成交



当close a deal/the deal需要语言去理解,而你能做这个理解用的唯一语言和方式只是中文以及中文词“成交”时,你从中得到的,就仅仅是一个中文词“成交”了,其它的英语“营养成分”(如英语同义词表达)都被你的中文给通通“过滤”掉了,于是,一段可能别人只走一年就走完的英语学习之路,你却可能要走十年才走完。



1) URead 体验英语:

What is close a/the deal?

To reach an agreement with a buyer;to finalize a sale by persuading the interested party to complete the purchase;To reach an agreement with another party, thus concluding negotiations;to formally conclude bargaining;To bring negotiating to an end by reaching an agreement.


2) UTalk 自己跟自己说英语:

What is close a/the deal?

读完这一大段英语To reach an agreement with a buyer;to finalize a sale by persuading the interested party to complete the purchase;To reach an agreement with another party, thus concluding negotiations;to formally conclude bargaining;To bring negotiating to an end by reaching an agreement后,我们“使用英语”:

OK.We have many many other ways to expreess 'to close a deal'.

When I want to mean 'to close a deal',or if I happen to forget to close a deal, then I can say to reach an agreement with a buyer;I can say to finalize a sale by persuading the interested party to complete the purchase;I can say To reach an agreement with another party, thus concluding negotiations;I can say to formally conclude bargaining;I can even say To bring negotiating to an end by reaching an agreement. Well they all mean the same thing.


不过,我们长期接受的“英语学习”是,似乎在“学”了close a deal后,再“配”上几句“例句”如下,并死记硬背这些例句,外带“理解用”的中文翻译,那才叫真正的“口语学习”:


We need to move in a month, so how quickly can you close a deal and get our house sold?



这样的训练就给你带来了一种语言能力,以后要表达close a deal,你不一定依据“用中文理解记住”的“唯一表达”英语close a deal来表达,或者你忘记了close a deak,那么,你说To reach an agreement with a buyer也行啊,你说to finalize a sale也行啊,你说 conclude sales negotiationas也行啊,你甚至说bring negotiating to an end by reaching an agreement也照样行啊!

因为把英语作为你理解英语的语言,你的英语表达能力丰富了,而且你也不是时时在考场里做四六级汉译英应试考试,不说close a deal会觉得被人认为你的英语不够厉害,也会被改卷老师“扣分”,你是在真正与人英语沟通,能沟通到位就是“牛人英语”了,close a deal难道是唯一标准吗?“成交”难道只能,也只会死记硬背和会说close a deal吗?


