


Ⅰ. 听小对话,选择图片(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)



Ⅱ. 听小对话,回答问题(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

6. Whose pencil-case is this?

A. Kate's B.May's C. Jane's

7. Why didn't Simon go to the movie?

A. He was late.

B.He lost his ticket.

C. He forgot the time.

8. How long does Peter usually spend on his English homework?

A. About half anhour.

B.About an hour.

C. About two hours.

9. Where are the man and the woman probably talking?

A. At a bus stop.

B. Ata mall.

C. At a bank.

10. How does the girl like the book?

A. A little.

B.Very much.

C. Not at all.

Ⅲ. 听长对话,回答问题(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


11. What day is coming soon?

A. Mother's Day.

B. Children's Day.

C. Father's Day.

12. Who will help Frank wash the car?

A. His sister. B.His brother. C. His friend.


13. When did the boy go to Ninghai?

A. On April 19th.

B. On may 19th.

C. On June 19th.

14. How long did the boy stay there?

A. One day. B.Two days. C. Three days.

15. What did the boy do?

A. He went shopping.

B. He went boating.

C. He went sightseeing.

Ⅳ. 听短文,回答问题(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

16. Where did Mr. and Mrs. Black go yesterday evening?

A. The cinema.

B.The supermarket.

C. The restaurant.

17. How old was their son?

A. Two months old.

B. Eight months old.

C. Ten months old.

18. Who stopped them when they walked in?

A. A policeman.

B. An office worker

C. A shop assistant

19. What did they think of the movie?

A. Interesting.

B. Relaxing.

C. Boring.

20. Why did they want to let their son cry?

A. To get all theirmoney back.

B. To make him see the movie.

C. To give him somethingto eat.


21. —How about ____ Christmas evening party?

—I should say it was success.

A. a B. the C. an D. /

22. — Thispen belongs to . is a red one.

A. him, Mine B. his,My

C. him, My D. his, Mine

23. — weather! Shall we go to the park?

— Sounds great. Let's go.

A. What a fine B. What fine

C. How fine D. How a fine

24. Many countries, American, Japan, Brazil and Spain, want to hostthe 2016 Olympic Games.

A. beside B.but C. including D. except

25. —Math is difficult forme. How I wish to improve it!

—Don't lose your confidence. I believe you will ______ it if you keep trying.

A. take B. work C. pick D. make

26. —What's this?

—It's _______ one-eyed sick dog that needs _______ X-ray.

A. a, a B. an, an C.a, an D.an, a

27. —______ do you go to the English club?

— Twice a week.

A. How far B. How often

C.How long D. How soon

28. —CanI help you?

—I want to buy a book.But there are too many books here. I don't know_______.

A. where to buy B. which to buy

C.when to buy D. how to buy

29. — After reading the story about Chen Ji, I was very impressed.

— _______. He is reallywarm-hearted.

A. So was I B.So did I

C. So Iwas D.So I did

30.—Tim hasn't arrived yet. I don't know .

—I don't know, either. But the meeting will begin soon

A . When Tim willarrive.

B. why is Tim late.

C. Where will Tim arrive.

D.how will Tim come.



During his collegeyears, Sherman Rogers spent a summer in logging (伐木) camp. When the boss had to leavefor 31 days, he put Rogers in charge (掌管).

“What shall I do if the men 32 to follow my orders?” Rogers asked. He thought of Tony, a worker who complained all day, gave the other men a 33 time.

“Fire (解雇) them,”the boss said. Then, as if reading Rogers’ mind, he added, “I suppose you aregoing to fire Tony if you get the 34 . I’d feel badly about that. I have been logging for 40 years. Tony is one of the best workers I’ve ever had. I know hehates everybody and 35 . But he comes in first and leaves last.There has not been an 36 for eight years on the hill where he works.”

The next day, Rogerswent to Tony, “Tony, do you know I'm in charge here today?” Tony said yes. “I was going to fire you the first time we quarreled, 37 I want you to know I'm not,” he told Tony,adding 38 theboss had said.

When he finished, Tony dropped the things in his hand and tears went down his 39 .

“Why didn't he tell me that eight years 40 ?”

That day Tony worked 41 thanever before – and he smiled!

Rogers went back to 42 afterthat summer. Twelve years later he met Tony again who was now boss for one ofthe largest logging companies in the West. Rogers asked him how he came to California and happened to be so 43 .

Tony replied, “Were itnot for the one minute you talk to me back that day, I would kill somebody someday. One minute 44 mywhole life.”

Have you got one minuteto thank someone? One minute to appreciate (欣赏) her or him? One minute. It canmake a 45 for a lifetime. Let's thank someone forone minute.

31. A.few B. a few C.little D. a little

32. A.decide B. refuse C.want D. ask

33. A.good B. relaxing C.pleasant D. hard

34. A.way B. suggestion C.chance D. problem

35. A.something B.nothing C. everything D. nobody

36. A.advertisement B. action C. idea D.accident

37. A.and B. but C. so D.because

38. A.what B. why C. how D. when

39. A.head B. hair C.face D. hands

40. A.before B. later C. old D.ago

41. A.harder B. less C. lazier D.slower

42. A.school B. bank C.hospital D. hotel

43. A.healthy B. friendly C. successful D.careful

44. A.waited B. changed C. left D.sent

45. A.speech B. mistake C. decision D. difference




International studentsin Christine Rhodes' English class in Australia share their impressions (印象) of places they havevisited in Australia.

Canberra, the nicest city in Australia I went for a shortholiday to Canberra. My uncle lives there. It's the nicest city in Australia, alittle bit similar to Cairns. There're lots of big rivers and trees around thecity.

SiggiSiebold from Germany — The small city of Mount Isa

I went to Mount Isa sixmonths ago. It's a long way from Brisbane — about 2,000 km. It's a small city, with a population of 21,000, but it has all the basic facilities such as a base hospital, six schools and supermarkets. Here the weather is hot and gets very little rain.There're two big lakes to keep rainwater for people in the city to drink.

Indra Ekanayake — Lake Moondarraand a mine (矿)

In Mount Isa, there's adam (水坝) called Lake Moondarra. At weekends you can go there with yourfriends, and it is beautiful. On the lake, there is water skiing. Also, peoplecan go fishing there.

There's a big mine inMount Isa. Many people go to work in the mine and earn a lot of money. MountIsa isn't a beautiful green place, but many people love it.

46. Siggi Siebold is from ____.

A. Australia B.Germany

C.England D.Indonesia

47. Whatdoes the underlined word “facilities” probably mean in Chinese?

A. 设施 B.土地 C.交通 D. 名胜

48. Lake Moondarra is a ____.

A. city B. mountain C. mine D. dam

49. Whichof the following is TRUE?

A. Siggi Siebold stayed in Canberra for sixmonths.

B. Mount Isa is a famousvillage in Australia.

C. People in Mount Isadrink rainwater.

D. People can't go waterskiing on the lake.


Arthur Robert Ashe Jr. was the first African-American player totake part in the international sport of tennis at the highest level of the game. He was born on July 10, 1943.

When Arthur was 6, hismother died. Arthur, with his father and his brother, lived near a large parkin Richmond, Virginia. His father was the manager of the park. He took care ofthe park and made sure everything was right.

Arthur was allowed toplay in the park when he was seven years old. He was quite energetic. Aswimming pool, tennis courts, and baseball diamonds (棒球场) were in the park. Arthur spent a lot of time playing there. He did well in sports, but he had never tried to play tennis.

He often watched the tennis players. Sometimes there were tennis lessons, and Arthur would watcheven more carefully. The young man teaching the lessons noticed Arthur. His name was Ronald Charity.

Mr. Charity asked Arthurif he wanted to learn to play tennis. Arthur was excited and agreed. Arthur learned very quickly. Mr. Charity found Arthur would grow up to be a good tennis player. By the time he was ten, Arthur won a tournament (联赛). Many older and bigger players came to the park trying to win the prize, but Arthur beat them. He became known as“the kid who could play tennis”.

Arthur grew up to be oneof the first successful African-American tennis players. He played and won all overthe world.

50. Which question is answered in Paragraph 2?

A. Where did Arthur growup?

B. Why did Arthur liketennis best?

C. When was Arthur born?

D. What did Arthur liketo do at school?

51.Thepark offered people all of these EXCEPT ____.

A. tennis B.football

C. baseball D. swimming

52. What did Arthur do for the first time at the age of ten?

A. He entered the parkwhere his father worked.

B. He copied tennismovements without holding a racket.

C. He pretended to hit atennis ball back and forth over a net.

D. He played tennisbetter than players who were older than he was.

53.Thisarticle is a (n) ____.

A. biography (传记) B. diary

C. advertisement D. piece of news


The Green Magic Tree House, in India, is the perfect hotel for anybody who likes adventure (冒险).Guests must drive for miles through the jungle to find it in the middle of teaand coffee plantation (种植园).

There are two treehouses to choose from, one 30 meters and the other 35 meters above the ground.Both houses have two floors. The bedrooms are above the living area and thereare bathrooms and showers. You can get up to rooms and move between floors byusing ladders (梯子). You can go from one tree houseto the other on a rope bridge. The houses sometimes move about in the wind butthe views are fantastic.

Guests can enjoy moving through the jungle, climbing in the mountains, and watching wildlife. There are many unusual plants, birds, and insects in the area.

The Ice Hotel is in Jukkasjarvi, a village in Sweden 200 kilometersnorth of the Arctic (北极) Circle. Every winter,a team of architects (建筑师), designers and snowbuilders build the hotel. This year there are 80 rooms.

Everything is made ofice. The walls, the floors, the ceilings (顶棚), and even thefurniture are made of ice. The beds are made of ice,

too, but guests sleep onwarm deer skins. Outside it can be -37℃,so inside it feels quite comfortable. The hotel has a bar, where guests candrink vodka (伏特加) from glasses made of ice. It's very popular — because there isn't much else to do.

To spend a night atJules Underwater Lodge in Florida, guests need to scuba dive (潜水)seven meters under the sea. They enter a small house through a door at the bottom of the building. Inside, the kitchen is stored with food and there is afridge and a microwave oven (微波炉). There is a hot shower and comfortable beds and lots of books, DVDs and video games. Most guests, however, spend their time at one of the large windows watching different fishes swimming by.

54. Both of the Tree Houses have _______ floors inside.

A. two B. one C. three D.four

55. The writer tells us three ___________ hotels.

A. natural B.unusual

C.green D.movable

56. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The bar in the icehotel is famous for beer.

B. Fishes are watchedthrough the hotels’ windows.

C. Guests can liveunderwater for several days.

D. The tree houses areof the same height.


Chinese are very generous (慷慨) when it comes to educating their children. Not caring about the money, parents often send theirchildren to the best schools or even abroad to England, the United States or Australia. They also want their children to take extra-course activities. The Chinese believe that the more expensive an education is, the better it is. However what most parents fail to realize is that today's children lack self-respect andself-confidence.

Parents can achieve this by teaching practical skills like cooking, sewing and doing other housework.

Cooking demands (要求) patience and time. A good cook always tries to improve his cooking. so he will learn to work hardand gradually (逐渐) finish his job successfully. His result, a well-cooked dinner, will give him much satisfaction and a lot of self confidence.

Some old machines, suchas a broken radio or TV set that you give your child to play with will make himcurious and arouse his interest. He will spend hours looking at them, trying tofix them; your child might become an engineer when he grows up. Theseactivities are not merely teaching achild to read a book, but rather to think, to use his mind. And that is moreimportant.

57.According to this passage, parents in China_______.

A. are too strict withtheir children

B. are too rich toeducate their children

C. have some problems ineducating their children correctly

D. are too poor toeducate their children

58.Generally speaking, what most parents fail to realize is_____.

A. that their children need to take extra-course activities

B. that the more expensive an education is, the better it is

C. that today's children lack self-respect and self-confidence

D. that their children first need to be a good cook if they want to get good marks in the exams

59. Doingsome cooking at home helps children_____. ,

A. learn how to serve their parents

B. learn how to become strong and fat

C. benefit (受益)from it and prepare themselves for the future

D. make their parents believe that they are clever

60.According to the last paragraph we can conclude that____.

A. broken radios andtelevision sets are useful

B. one's curiosity maybe useful for his later life.

C. an engineer must fix many broken radios.

D. a good student should spend much time repairing radios


A. 根据句子的上下文内容和所给汉语提示,写出下列空白处各单词的正确形式。每空一词。

61. You have to be ______ (耐心的) if you are waiting at the end of a long queue.

62. Please don't _____ (浪费) water. Can't you see the sign “SaveWater”?

63. Susan was so careless that she made many _____ (错误) in the test.

64. The (努力) you work, the more progress you'll make.

65. My daughter likes sleeping with the windows (开着的) to keep the air fresh.

66. Reading gives me a lot of ideas on how to make my______(自己的) life better.

67. Orville and Wilbur Wright, the two brothers____ (发明) the airplane.

68. I was _______ (尽力) to get a bottle of milk from thefridge when I lost the bottle.

69. Robert, what a great _______(杂乱) you have made!

70. It was fantastic — you _______ (能够) seethe whole city, the river and the hills beyond.

B. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子通顺、正确。每个单词限用一次。

whatever, light, help, break, knife

71. The box is very _______, and I think I can lift it by myself.

72. It is _________ to learn to use the Internet.

73. My bike was ________ yesterday, I'd ask my brotherto repair it.

74. ________ are used for cutting things.

75. ________ happens, don't be in a hurry.


Children's education is very important in England. Children begin with primary education at the age offive, and this usually lasts until they are eleven. Then they move to middle schools. They stay there until they reach sixteen, seventeen or eighteen years old. After that, they can have higher education.

The mainkinds of school are:

State Schools (公立学校)

Parents don't need to pay for their children's schooling.

Private Schools (私立学校)

Parents pay for their children's education.

Primary Schools

In the UK, primary schools are always close to children's houses. Children stay with the same group throughout the day.

Middle Schools

Most children go to the middle school nearest to theirhouses at the age of 11.

Public Schools (PrivateSchools)

A public school is also called a private school. The most famous public schools are Eton, Harrow and Winchester. 7% of the childrenin England go to private schools. Parents pay for their children to go to these schools.

Prep Schools

A prep school is a school to prepare pupils to go to apublic school. They are for kids between seven and eleven or thirteen yearsold.


76. Steven is 12 years old. He wants to be a studentin Eton School. _____________

77. Susan is 11 years old. She wants to go to the school nearest to her home. ___________

78. John is 13 years old and his father is very poor._____________

79. Lily is 5 years old. She lives with her mother,and her mother is very poor. ____________

80. Jack is 9 years old. He wants to pass the exam andgo to a private school. ____________


A. 社区要招收小学英语辅导员。要求: 英语成绩优秀,性格外向,喜欢孩子。请完成下面的招聘广告:

Student teachers wanted

Our center needs some student teachers.

You must.

81. You must ___________________________.

82. ___________________________________.

83. ___________________________________.

Please join us. Call center at 2045678 or email center2012@163.com.

B. 学生应当遵守学校的规章制度。请根据以下要点提示,以School rules为题,叙述中学生应遵守的一些规章制度,并谈谈你的看法。80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。


1. 在课堂上不乱讲话,要认真听老师讲课,不带食物进教室,保持教室安静、清洁;

2. 课后要按时完成作业;

3. 在学校,要穿校服;

4. 保护学校的一草一木;

5. 与老师和同学们友好相处。

School rules

Every school has rules for students. As a student, wemust obey them. ______________________________________________________________




11-15 CABBC 16-20 ACBCA


21-25 BABCD 26-30CBBAA


31-35 BBDCC 36-40DBACD

41-45 AACBD


46-50 BADCA 51-55BDAAB

56-60 BCCCB


61. patient 62. waste 63.mistakes

64. harder 65. open 66. self

67. have invented 68. trying my best

69. mess 70. can 71. light

72.helpful 73. broken

74. Knives 75.Whatever


76. Public Schools 77.Middle Schools 78. State Schools

79. Primary Schools 80.Prep Schools


A. 81. be good at English 82. You must be outgoing. 83. You must like children.

B. One possible version:

School rules

Every school has rules forstudents. As a student, we must obey them.

First of all, in class,we shouldn’t talk but listen to the teachers carefully. We are not supposed totake food or drinks into the classroom. We should keep our classroom quiet andclean. Then, after class, we should finish our homework on time. One morething, we should wear our school uniforms in school. Besides, we should protecttrees, grass and flowers there because they make our school more beautiful. Atlast, we should get on well with our teachers and classmates.

