502.deposit money 存钱

503.current deposit 活期存款

504.in depression 沮丧地

505.the Great Depression 美国的大萧条事情

506.in depth=deep 深 in width=wide 宽

507.in length=long 长 in height=high 高

508.describe…as 把 … 描述成 / 说成

509.desert a friend/a family/a ship 离弃朋友 / 家庭 / 一艘船

510.a deserted street 一条无人的街

511.deserve punishing/to be punished 应受处分

512.have a desire for 对 … 有一种欲望

513.have a strong desire to do sth. 急切地想做某事

514.desire to do 很想做某事

515.be in despair 处于绝望中

516.cry in despair 绝望地哭

517.despite /in spite of /regardless of n./the fact that 不管 / 不顾

518.in detail 详细地

519.the details of … 的细节

520.determine to do=decide to do=make decisions to do 决定做某事

521.be determined to do =make up one's mind to do sth. 下定决心做某事

522.develop a film 冲洗底片

523.with the development of... 随着 .... 的发展

524.be devoted to=devote oneself to 奉献于

525.a devoted scientist 一个忠诚的科学家

526.keep a diary 记日记

527.die of cold/ hunger/grief 冻死 / 饿死 / 悲伤而死

528.die from ( accidents ) 死于外部原因 ( 事故 )

529.die away 逐渐停止,逐渐消失

530.die down 逐渐减弱,逐渐模糊

531.die off 相继死去

532.die out 灭绝 ; 逐渐消失

533.be/to on a diet 节食

534.differ from sth. in sth. 在 … 和 … 不同

535.tell the difference between A and B =tell A and B apart 区分 A 和 B

536.be different from 和 … 不同

537.without difficulty 毫不困难地

538.have difficulty/trouble in doing sth. 做某事有困难

539.overcome the difficulties in ... 克服某一方面的困难

540.dig out 挖出

541.digest a book 理解一本书

542.with dignity 有尊严

543.be diligent in/at 在某方面勤奋

544.dim room/light/ shape of an animal 昏暗的房间 / 光线 / 模糊的动物的影子

545.dine out with sb. 和 … 外出一起吃饭

546.dip into a book 浏览书籍

547.direct sb. to do sth. 指点某人做某事

548.direct sb. to a place 指点某人去某地

549.in the direction of 朝 … 方向

550.in this/that direction 朝这个 / 那个方向

551.in all directions 朝四面八方

552.the disabled 残疾人

553.be disagreeable to sth 对 ... 不合意

554.be disappointed to do sth. 失望做某事

555.be disappointed about sth. 对 ... 感到失望

556.to one's disappointment 令人失望的是

557.disapprove of 不赞成

558.shake one's head in disapproval 摇头表示不赞成

559.a sense of discipline 纪律意识

560.have good discipline 纪律好

561.keep/maintain discipline 守纪律

562.at a discount 打折扣

563.discourage sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人不要做某事

564.have a discussion on 对 ... 进行讨论

565.discuss sth. with sb. 与某人商讨某事

566.under discussion 还在讨论中

567.You are dismissed. 你被解雇了

568.be in disorder 乱七八糟

569.on display 展览着

570.dissolve in water 溶解在水里

571.at a distance 以一段距离来看

572.in the distance 在远处

573.a distinct improvement 明显的进步

574.be distinguished for 由于 … 而出名

575.be distinguished as 作为 … 而出名

576.be distressed about/over 为 ... 而苦恼

577.disturb the peace 扰乱治安

578.dive into water 跳入水中

579.dive into books 埋头读书

580.divide ...in two/in half/into halves 把东西分成两半

581.divide sth. from sth. 把 .... 同 ... 分隔开

582.divorce one's wife 与妻子离婚

583.be/feel dizzy 头晕目眩

584.do away with 除去,废除

585.do one's best to do... 尽力去做某事

586.do shopping 购物

587.live a dog's life 过着牛马不如的生活

588.from door to door 挨家挨户

589.close the door behind one 随手关门

590.dormitory building 宿舍大楼

591.domestic science lessons 家政学

592.domestic animals/birds 家养的动物 / 鸟

593.domestic news /market 国内新闻 / 市场

594.(There is) no doubt that… 毫无疑问

595.I don't doubt that 我不怀疑 …

596.Do you doubt that…?(doubt 用在否定和疑问句中用 that)

597.I doubt whether 我怀疑 …(doubt 用在肯定句中用 whether)

598.be down with 由于 … 而病倒了

599.fall down to the ground 落到地上

600.download a passage 下载一篇文章

601.go downstairs 下楼

602.downtown traffic 市区交通

