今年的情人节又到了。在这个美好的时刻,你有什么好的的浪漫计划吗? 你是和某个特别的人(someone special)一起庆祝情人节吗?还是独自一人吃狗粮呢?
情人节(Valentine's Day),又被称为圣瓦伦丁节或圣华伦泰节(Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine),时在每年阳历的2月14日。作为一个西方基督徒节日,情人节起初是为了纪念名叫Valentinus(圣华伦泰)的圣徒。而如今,它常常与浪漫的爱情联系在一起,成为世界上许多地区重要的文化,宗教,和商业庆典。
1.Love at first sight
如果我们说“It was love at first sight”,其实要表达的意思就是“we fell in love with each other right on the spot, as soon as we met”,即一见钟情。那么你相信一见钟情吗?小黄学长反正是不太相信的。
- A: So how did you two meet?诶,你俩怎么认识的?- B: Well, it was love at first sight, really.一见钟情呗!2.Fall head over heels for someone
意思是when someone falls in love with another person very deeply and suddenly。也可以加上in love,表达为fall head over heels in love for someone,即神魂颠倒。
- As soon as I got to know him better, I fell head over heels in love with him.在对他有了更深入的了解后,我便深陷情网,无法自拔。- It didn’t take them long to fall head over heels for each other.他们俩很快便坠入爱河。3.Have the hots for someone
意思是feel sexually attracted to someone,表示在对别人有“性趣”,但并不一定对别人存在“兴趣”。不过话说回来,对别人有了“兴趣”,不就产生了“性趣”。嘿嘿,你是说吧!
- A: Do you think Mary likes Jack?你知道玛丽对杰克有“兴趣”吗?- B: Of course! She totally has the hots for him!当然,她完全对他有“性趣”。4.A blind date
意思是a date you have with someone who you haven’t met beforehand,即中文的“相亲”,单身汪们赶快去尝试,说不定就脱单了啦,哈哈!
- A: Do you have any plans for this weekend?你这周有什么计划- B: Actually, Susan set me up on a blind date with one of her best friends.嗯,苏珊给我和她的好友安排了一次相亲。5.Those three little words
字面意思是“那三个字”,也就是“I love you”
- You two have been going out for a while now, right? Is it serious? Have you said those three little words yet?你们俩在一起已经一段时间了,对吧?你们感情是认真的吗?你们说过那三个字吗?6.Love me, love my dog
意思是if you love someone and you want to be with them forever, you need to accept them as they come,换句话说,to love them for what they are, you ought to accept their good things and their flaws.
- Lucy and I broke up because she wanted to change who I am and I just couldn’t do it. You know: love me, love my dog!我和露西分手了,因为她想改变我,而我做不到。你知道,爱我就得接受我的一切。7.Lovebirds
一对热恋中的情侣就叫lovebirds,他们通常喜欢show how much they love each other in public,又是牵手,互相眨眼,又是亲吻,又是拥抱,无处不在,很是刺眼,完全不顾周围单身狗的感受,良心何安?
- Awww! Look at those two lovebirds over there. Aren’t they just a beautiful couple?咦,看看旁边的那对小情侣,简直让人羡慕嫉妒恨(天呀,戳瞎我的双眼吧!)。8.Pop the question
意思是to ask someone to get married, to form or make a proposal to someone,即求婚。
- After several years together, he finally decided to pop the question. And she said yes, of course!在同居多年后,他终于决定开口向她求婚,她表示非常愿意。9.Tie the knot
意思喜结连理,这个表达来源于 “凯尔特人婚礼仪式的“绑手礼”(the Celtic marriage ceremony of handfasting),那时,新郎和新娘手牵手,绑在一起,各自只留下一只手可用。如果一年(另一说一年零一天)后两人仍然在一起(期间可以生小孩),那么将再举行一场仪式,正式确认二人为法定夫妇,象征着夫妻二人忠贞不渝。
- Having popped the question, they decided to tie the knot after five months.求婚后,他们决定五个月后成亲。10.Someone’s better half
指的是the person we love, our husband or wife,中文意思很形象,“我的另一半”
- A: Are you finally going to buy this car?你最后决定要买这辆车吗?- B: Well, I have to take it up with my better half first.额,我得先和我的另一半商量一下(看来多半是妻管严,惧内hen-pecked)。最后让我们来欣赏一个关于Jack and Diane的浪漫爱情故事。
Jack and Diane met on Valentine’s Day, 2019 when they went on a blind date. They hit it off right away. Some people said it was love at first sight. That night, they spent several hours chatting, laughing and making eyes at each other. They dated several times after that, and even went on a double date with Jack’s friends Brad and Angelina.杰克和黛安于2019年情人节那天因相亲而相遇。 他们俩一拍即合/相谈甚欢。 有人说这是一见钟情。 那天晚上,他们花了几个小时聊天,互相傻笑,眉来眼去/眉目传情。 在那之后他们约会了几次,甚至与杰克的朋友布拉德和安吉丽娜进行了一次双重约会。Diane was crazy about Jack, and soon he was head over heels for her. In April, Diane told her sister that Jack stole her heart, and Jack also realized that she was the one.黛安对杰克如痴如醉,不久之后杰克也为她神魂颠倒。 四月,黛安告诉她的妹妹杰克掳走了她的心,杰克也意识到她就是生命中的那个人/真命天女。Jack popped the question to Diane one warm April afternoon in Central Park. She said yes, so they got engaged. In May, they got hitched in Las Vegas. Their close friends, Brad and Angelina, were with them when they tied the knot. Everyone knew that they were made for each other.在一个温暖的四月下午,杰克在中央公园向戴安娜求婚。 她说愿意,所以他们订婚了。 五月,他们在拉斯维加斯举行婚礼。 当他们喜结连理时,他们的亲密朋友布拉德和安吉丽娜和他们在一起。 每个人都知道他们俩天作之合/天生一对/天造地设。
- Serena: I went on an awesome blind date last night.昨晚我有次不错的相亲。- Chuck: Cool! So you guys really hit it off?真酷,所以你俩一拍即合/相谈甚欢?- Serena: Oh Yeah! I think it’ s love at first sight.对的,我想这就是一见钟情吧!- Chuck: Really? Did you spend the whole night making eyes at each other?真的吗?你俩该不会整晚眉来眼去/眉目传情?- Serena: Something like that. He says he wants to date me again tomorrow night.算是吧,他说他想明晚再次找我约会。- Chuck: That’s great. We should go on a double date someday.棒极了,我们将来应该来个双重约会。- Serena: Are you still crazy about Blair?你还对布莱尔如痴如醉?- Chuck: Yep. Totally head over heels for her. She stole my heart.是的,完全神魂颠倒。他掳走了我的心。- Serena: Wow! Do you think she’s the one?哇,你觉得她是你的真命天女/你生命中的那个人?- Chuck: Yep! We’re made for each other. In fact, I popped the question last night.是的,我俩天造地设/天作之合/天生一对。我昨晚向她求婚了。- Serena: You got engaged!? Why didn’t you tell me before!你们订婚了?你为什么不早点告诉我!- Chuck: I just did, ha ha! We’ve decided to get hitched next month in Vegas.哈哈,我刚刚告诉你了。我们决定下月在拉斯维加斯举办婚礼。- Serena: I hope you’re going to invite me to the wedding. I want to see you tie the knot!我希望你邀请我参加你的婚礼。我想见证你们的婚礼。Anyway, I hope you have a very romantic day(希望你能有个浪漫的一天)!