
Mac下一般brew install unrar和brew install unar就可以了。

Mac os的压缩zip文件在windows系统下打开中文文件名乱码 实际问题就是文件编码的问题 mac 下默认是UTF-8 而已,windows下默认是GBK Windows下生成的zip文件中的编码是GBK/GB2312等 unar unrar x bms-3k.rar /tmp 直接解压缩到/tmp目录 unar test.zip -o /tmp unar -encoding GBK 项目管理制度.zip ------------------------------------------------------ unar -encoding list|grep GBK * GBK: Chinese (GBK) 指定编码解压 # unar -encoding GBK 1531461061538.zip 1531461061538.zip: Zip 1531461061538.pem (3670 B)... OK. 1531461061538.key (1678 B)... OK. Successfully extracted to "1531461061538". 列出压缩包内容: # lsar 1531461061538.zip 1531461061538.zip: Zip 1531461061538.pem 1531461061538.key 安装unrar brew install unrar 安装unar命令顺带lsar也就安装了 brew install unar Updating Homebrew... ==> Auto-updated Homebrew! Updated 1 tap (homebrew/core). ==> New Formulae ladspa-sdk prometheus-cpp ==> Updated Formulae Updated 80 formulae. ==> Downloading https://homebrew.bintray.com/bottles/unar-1.10.1.catalina.bottle.2. ==> Downloading from https://d29vzk4ow07wi7.cloudfront.net/366fc5e1d3587148e089214a ######################################################################## 100.0% ==> Pouring unar-1.10.1.catalina.bottle.2.tar.gz ==> Caveats Bash completion has been installed to: /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d ==> Summary /usr/local/Cellar/unar/1.10.1: 79 files, 13.6MB unar -encoding GBK zhb.zip zhb.zip: Zip 中文名z/ (dir)... OK. 中文名z/zhb_nginx 正式测试代理 .xlsx (19055 B)... OK. 中文名z/zhb_正式测试 tomcat应用服务2.xlsx (18173 B)... OK. 中文名z/ZHB服务器 .xlsx (33792 B)... OK. Successfully extracted to "./中文名z". lsar test.zip 列出压缩包内容 lsar test.zip ###若发现乱码,可指定压缩包文件名使用的编码格式## lsar -e GB18030 test.zip ###若能正常列出文件名,可解压### unar -e GB18030 test.zip

