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剧本由《总统杀局》的编剧鲍尔·威利蒙和Eric Roth 执笔。

史派西饰演的角色名叫弗兰克·安德伍德,美国国会众议院多数党督导(或称多数党党鞭 the House Majority Whip in the United States Congress)。他是个政治家中的政治[展开全文]


剧本由《总统杀局》的编剧鲍尔·威利蒙和Eric Roth 执笔。

史派西饰演的角色名叫弗兰克·安德伍德,美国国会众议院多数党督导(或称多数党党鞭 the House Majority Whip in the United States Congress)。他是个政治家中的政治家,老练成熟,有令人崇拜的领导范儿,很有魅力,也很无情。他的成功来自于一个事实,他和妻子克莱尔(罗宾·怀特饰演)将不惜一切代价,爬上权力的顶峰。


作为Netflix的首部原创剧集,政治惊悚剧《纸牌屋》由英国同名小说改编,老版的迷你剧也是有名的经典。《社交网络》导演大卫·芬奇将会执导导航集,并且作为该剧的执行制作人。同时加盟的还有《本杰明·巴顿奇事》的编剧艾瑞克·罗斯、制作人Joshua Donen以及史派西制作公司Trigger Street Productions的合伙人达纳·布努内蒂。导航集剧本由《三月十五日》的编剧Beau Willimon撰写,他也将作为执行制作人加盟该剧。


(CLOCK TICKS) Nothing lasts forever.

=>(CLOCK TICKS)没有东西永远持续下去。

Even the longest, most glittering reign must come to an end some day.

=> 即使是最漫长,最闪亮的统治,也有一天会结束。

Who could replace her? Plenty of contenders.

=> 谁能代替她?充足的竞争者。

Old warriors, young pretenders.

=> 老战士,年轻的伪装者。

Lord Billsborough, say.

=> 比尔斯伯勒勋爵说。

Party Chairman.

=> 党主席。

Too old and too familiar.

=> 太老,太熟悉了。

Tainted by a thousand shabby deals.

=> 受到一千个破旧的交易的影响。

Michael Samuels.

=> 迈克尔塞缪尔

Too young.

=> 太年轻。

And too clever.

=> 而且太聪明了。

Patrick Woolton.

=> Patrick Woolton。

Bit of a lout.

=> lout的位。

Bit of a bully-boy.

=> 一个欺负男孩的位。

Yes, it could well be Woolton, Henry Collingridge.

=> 是的,这可能是伍尔顿,亨利·科林里奇。

The people's favourite.

=> 人民的最爱。

A well-meaning fool.

=> 一个善意的傻瓜。

No background and no bottom.

=> 没有背景,也没有底部。

What, me? Oh, no, no, no.

=> 什么,我?哦,不,不,不。

I'm the Chief Whip.

=> 我是首席鞭子。

Merely a functionary.

=> 只是一个工作人员。

I keep the troops in line.

=> 我保持队伍一致。

I put a bit of stick about, make 'em jump.

=> 我放了一些棒,让他们跳。

I shall, of course, give my absolute loyalty to whoever emerges as my leader.

=> 当然,我将绝对忠于谁是我的领袖。

You'll have to excuse me now.

=> 你现在不得不原谅我

Henry Collingridge is Britain's new Prime Minister.

=> 亨利·科林里奇是英国新任总理。

Today Henry Collingridge emerged as the popular choice to lead his party as Prime Minister in the general election.

=> 今天,亨利·科林里奇(Henry Collingridge)成为大选当选总理的热门选择。


=> 先生。

Collingridge, _8 years old, has served as Minister for the Environment and Minister for Inner City Growth, and has been described as the acceptable face of capitalism.

=> 8岁的Collingridge曾担任环境部长和内城增长部长,被形容为资本主义的可接受面孔。

Well let's see how he does.

=> 那么让我们看看他是怎么做的。

Throughout the span of this government, we have transformed this country beyond all recognition.

=> 在这个政府的整个范围内,我们已经把这个国家变得无所不能。

We are now a nation of property owners, a nation of shareholders, a proud nation of men and women who know how to get off their backsides and help themselves.

=> 我们现在是一个拥有财产的国家,一个拥有股东的国家,一个骄傲的男人和女人的国家,他们知道如何摆脱背后的困难和自我帮助。

We have achieved all that we set out to achieve.

=> 我们已经完成了我们所要实现的一切。

(APPLAUSE) Now is the time when we can afford to share our hard-won gains with those less successful than ourselves.

=> (掌声)现在是我们能够分享我们来之不易的成就的时候,而那些不如我们自己的成功的人。

And now, let our watchword be this.

=> 现在,让我们的口号是这个。

Let's find the right way for all of our people to come together.

=> 让我们找到让所有人都走到一起的正确方法。

(CHEERING) Bloody nonsense.

=> (CHEERING)血腥的废话。

All come together? Sounds like a motto of a knocking-shop in Marrakech.

=> 都聚到一起?听起来像马拉喀什敲门店的座右铭。

Dear old Patrick.

=> 亲爱的老帕特里克

Knocking-shop in Marrakech! Very wide of the mark.

=> 在马拉喀什敲门店!非常宽的标志。

Our esteemed new leader wouldn't know a knocking-shop if he saw one.

=> 我们尊敬的新领导如果看到一个,就不会知道敲门店。

His morality is strictly backstreet Sunday school hypocritical cant picked up in Peterborough or Rugeley or some such God-awful place.

=> 他的道德严格来说是后天主日学派的虚伪不能在彼得伯勒或鲁杰利或者这样一个可怕的地方拾起来的。

Not that one holds that against him.

=> 并不是说那个人反对他。

but we started something when we let fellows like that climb up the greasy pole.

=> 但是当我们让像这样的人们爬上油腻的杆子时,我们开始了一些事情。

Good boy.

=> 好孩子。

My own background, as you see, is somewhat different.

=> 正如你所看到的,我自己的背景有些不同。

But privilege carries responsibility.

=> 但特权承担责任。

I am a loyal servant of the state and proud to be so.

=> 我是国家的忠实仆人,并为此感到自豪。

Besides, I may not think highly of Henry Collingridge.

=> 此外,我可能对亨利·科林里奇的评价不高。

but I believe he thinks highly of me.

=> 但我相信他很看重我。

I have hopes of high office, I confess.

=> 我有高职位的希望,我承认。

I have been promised as much by him.

=> 我已经被他承诺了。

But first things first.

=> 但首先是事情。

We have a general election to win.

=> 我们有一个大选来赢。

Good evening, and welcome to ''Election Special''.

=> 晚上好,欢迎来到“选举专员”。

The polling stations have just closed.

=> 投票站刚刚关闭。

and we have a long night ahead of us.

=> 我们还有一个漫长的夜晚。

Early indications are that the government will be returned with a reduced majority.

=> 早期的迹象是,政府将以减少的多数返还。


=> 。

- For he's a jolly good fellow! For he's a jolly good fellow! - And so say all of us! _ - Ghastly people.

=> - 因为他是一个快乐的好人!因为他是一个快乐的好人! - 所以说,我们所有人! - 可怕的人

- OUR people.

=> - 我们的人。

What was that frightful woman saying? Wanted the smack of firm government.

=> 那个可怕的女人在说什么?想要坚定的政府。

She wanted YOU to smack her bottom, I could see that much.

=> 她想让你拍打她的底部,我可以看到很多。

What is Collingridge going to do for you? I don't know.

=> 科林里奇要为你做什么?我不知道。

Perhaps nothing.

=> 也许没什么。

- I've done enough for him.

=> - 我为他做了足够的

- More than he deserves.

=> - 超过他应得的。

That woman thought I should be Prime Minister.

=> 那个女人认为我应该是总理。

''Glamis and Cawdor, and King hereafter''.

=> 格拉米斯和考德多,以及今后的国王“。

I think that you should be Prime Minister.

=> 我认为你应该是总理。

You're twice the man Collingridge is, or ever will be.

=> 你是Collingridge的两倍,或者将来会是。

Well, yes, my wife is very loyal.

=> 那么,是的,我的妻子是非常忠诚的。

A politician needs a wife - and other people, too, regrettably.

=> 一个政治家需要一个妻子,其他人也很遗憾。

A man of state needs helpers, little elves and sprites to do his bidding.

=> 一个国家的人需要帮助者,小精灵和小精灵来做他的投标。

Even unwitting pawns who don't know who they serve.

=> 即使不知情的小兵也不知道他们的服务对象。

Roger O'Neill, the party's Publicity Director, Lord Billsborough's right-hand man.

=> 比尔斯伯勒勋爵的右派人物罗杰·奥尼尔(Roger O'Neill)是该党的宣传总监。


=> (喊道)耶稣。

Roger! Ah, but that sidestep.

=> 罗杰!啊,但那边走了。


=> 神奇。

I had Phil Bennett with that at Lansdowne Road.

=> 我在菲尔·班尼特(Lansdowne Road)与菲尔·贝内特(Phil Bennett)

Open the window, Rog.

=> 打开窗户,Rog。

Where were you, anyway? Picking something up to celebrate with.

=> 无论如何,你在哪里?挑选一些东西来庆祝。

Has his little weaknesses.

=> 有他的小弱点。

Very warm nature.

=> 非常温暖的性质。

Very human.

=> 非常人性化。

But I don't mind that.

=> 但我不介意

They make him more They make him easier to deal with.

=> 他们让他更多他们使他更容易处理。

Of course, one needs a sympathetic ear amongst the ladies and gentlemen of the press, those valiant seekers after truth.

=> 当然,在新闻界的女士们和先生们中间,那些追求真理的英勇的追求者,需要一个同情的耳朵。

(TV) As we wait to go over to Torbay for the first result, Let's see what the countrywide swing would look like if our exit poll is correct.

=> (TV)当我们等待Torbay的第一个结果时,让我们来看看如果我们的出口调查是正确的,那么全国的摇摆将会是什么样子。

An overall majority of 31 seats would mean that the political map of Great Britain would look like this.

=> 大多数31个席位将意味着英国的政治版图将如此。

Jesus! What's this? We backed those bastards.

=> 耶稣!这是什么?我们支持那些混蛋。

- Why can't they deliver? - They won't lose.

=> - 他们为什么不能交付? - 他们不会输。

Starting with a majority of 100 and losing Never a word in the polls.

=> 从100的绝大多数开始,在投票中从来没有一个字。

Nobody forecast this.

=> 没有人预测到这一点。

Greville, I told you it'll be closer than the polls said.

=> 格雷维尔,我告诉过你会比民意测验结果更接近。

They're not coming out for Collingridge.

=> 他们没有出来Collingridge。

Thank you very much, Mattie.

=> 非常感谢,Mattie。

That's extremely helpful at this juncture (!) What are we going to do? Christ, look.

=> 这在这个时候非常有用(!)我们要做什么?基督,看。

''Home & Dry.

=> “家和干。

'' Home and bloody dry.


It was dictated to me over the phone by our proprietor, Mr.


Benjamin Landless.

=> 本杰明失地。

Even he wouldn't want the late edition to go out looking like that.

=> 即使他不希望晚期版本出来看起来像这样。

Mattie? Any thoughts? Government Majority Slashed.

=> 玛蒂?有什么想法吗?政府多数削减。

Back In By A Whisker.

=> 回到由晶须。

I'm Still Standing - But Only Just.

=> 我仍然站在 - 但只是只是。

It's YOUR job on the bloody line as well.

=> 这也是你在血腥的路线上的工作。

Greville, we can afford to wait a bit.

=> 格雷维尔,我们可以等一下。

It's only 20 minutes till the first result.

=> 第一个结果只有20分钟。

Don't worry.

=> 别担心

I'll be back in just a sec.

=> 我会在一秒钟内回来。

Come here, you.

=> 过来,你。

- Jeremy is scared shitless.

=> 杰里米吓坏了。

- I told him it'd be close.

=> - 我告诉过他会很近的

And I've told him that our analysis will show how his ads zapped the target voters in every category.

=> 我已经告诉他,我们的分析将显示他的广告如何在每个类别中淘汰目标选民。

So if we win, headquarters will know they owe it all to us.

=> 所以如果我们赢了,总部就会知道他们应该把这一切归功于我们。

And if we lose If we lose, everyone will say we ran the best campaign ever and the lousy politicians blew it.

=> 如果我们输了,如果我们输了,每个人都会说我们曾经跑过最好的战役,糟糕的政客们吹嘘它。

Rog, are you OK? Bloody hay fever.

=> Rog,你还好吗?血腥花粉热。


=> 精细。

Fine! Never better.

=> 精细!从来没有更好的。

Oh, Lord.

=> 我的天。

I think this is it.

=> 我觉得这就是。

- Terry Aloysius Alabaster,,, - Happy Sunshine Party.

=> - 特里Aloysius雪花石膏,,, - 快乐的阳光党。

43 votes.

=> 43票。


=> - (INDISTINCT NAME读出) - 劳工。


=> 。



sixteen thousand, three hundred and fourteen.


- George Timothy Granville Green,,, - Conservative.

=> - 乔治提摩太格兰维尔绿色,,, - 保守。


=> 。



twenty-three thousand, seven hundred and eighty_-five.


What's 23.

=> 什么是23。

OOO? Eight per cent swing.


Majority of 30 or so, just what they forecast in the exit poll.

=> 这个数字大概在30左右,正如他们在出口调查中所预测的那样。

We're all right.

=> 我们没事。

We've just about saved our bacon.

=> 我们刚刚救了我们的培根。

Well done, Roger! Well done indeed! If that doesn't get you a knighthood, what will? Didn't mean to interrupt.

=> 干得好,罗杰!做得真好!如果这不能使你成为爵士,那会怎样?并不意味着打断。

- My assistant, Penny Guy.

=> - 我的助手,便士。

- Delighted.

=> - 欣喜的。

So you assist young Roger? What exactly do you assist him with? Just about anything at all.

=> 所以你帮助年轻的罗杰?你到底是帮什么忙的?几乎任何事情。

I say! Shall l, er? Oh, about 15 minutes.

=> 我说!呃,呃?哦,大约15分钟。


=> 对。


=> 再见。

You don't have an arrangement for leasing her out, do you? - Excuse me, sir.

=> 你没有把她租出去的安排,是吗? - 对不起,先生。

- It's all right.

=> - 没关系。

I'm Charles Collingridge.

=> 我是Charles Collingridge。

- Here is my membership card.

=> - 这是我的会员卡。

- I'm sorry, sir.

=> - 对不起,先生。

Erm - It's all right, Constable.

=> 呃 - 没关系,警员。

- Ah, Teddy.

=> - 泰迪。

I've got myself into a pickle.

=> 我已经把自己变成了一个泡菜。

- Come on, Charles.

=> - 来吧,查尔斯。

- I'm sorry, sir.

=> - 对不起,先生。

Sir, the Prime Minister's expected in five minutes.

=> 主席先生,总理预计在五分钟之内。

Well, boys, we're back.

=> 那么,男孩,我们回来了。

They're all here.

=> 他们都在这里

Is it all right for a chap to come and drink his brother's health? Absolutely, Charles.

=> 一个小伙子来喝他哥哥的健康是否正确?查尔斯绝对是。

We're delighted to see you.

=> 我们很高兴见到你。

- Where's Hal? - On his way, Charles.

=> 哈尔在哪儿? - 在路上,查尔斯。

Soon be here.

=> 很快就在这里。

(SIRENS WAIL) Hal? It could have been worse.

=> (SIRENS WAIL)哈尔?它本来会更糟。

- Atchoo! - Mr.

=> - Atchoo! - 先生。

O'Neill! - Mr.

=> 奥尼尔! - 先生。

O'Neill! - Who is it? The Prime Minister's office.

=> 奥尼尔! - 是谁呀?总理办公室。

I can't hear you.

=> 我听不到你

It's the Prime Minister for you, Mr.

=> 这是你的总理,先生

O'Neill! (APPLAUSE) Hello.

=> 奥尼尔! (掌声)你好。

Yes, this is Roger O'Neill.

=> 是的,这是罗杰·奥尼尔。

Thank you.

=> 谢谢。

Just putting me through.

=> 只是把我通过。

Prime Minister! Many congratulations, and how very good of you it is to call.

=> 总理!很多人都恭喜,你打来电话真是太好了。

And then I'd like to lick it all off very, very slowly.

=> 然后,我想非常缓慢地舔掉它。

Thank you very much, Prime Minister.

=> 非常感谢总理。

That'll be very much appreciated.

=> 这将非常感激。

Did I say that this would be taking place in the fifth-year dorm at Benenden? I'm overwhelmed.

=> 我是否说过这会发生在Benenden五年的宿舍?我不知所措

May I tell them that? The Prime Minister just wants me to thank you on his behalf for running such a fabulous campaign.

=> 我可以告诉他们吗?总理只希望我代表他为我们表示感谢,感谢你们进行这样一场精彩的运动。

and he's not going to ask for his money back.

=> 而且他也不会要求他退钱。

(CHEERING AND APPLAUSE) - Well done! - Thank you, Bertie.

=> (CHEERING和APPLAUSE) - 干得好! - 谢谢,伯蒂。

- Well done, Michael.

=> - 干得好,迈克尔。

- Thanks, Lucy.

=> 谢谢,露西

Isn't he lovely? - Many congratulations, Michael.

=> 他不可爱吗? - 很多人祝贺迈克尔

- Thank you, Francis.

=> 谢谢你,弗朗西斯


=> (会话的BUZZ)很抱歉。

Please let me get you another one.

=> 请让我再给你一个。

Charles Collingridge.

=> 查尔斯·科林里奇。

I've asked Francis Urquhart to keep an eye on him.

=> 我已经要求弗朗西斯•厄克特(Francis Urquhart)关注他了。

Urquhart? Hardly see him as a natural nursemaid.

=> 厄克特?几乎没有看到他是一个天然的保姆。

Not so sure.

=> 不太确定。

He's got a good heart but he won't stand for bloody nonsense.

=> 他有一颗好心,但他不会为血腥的胡说。

Ideal nursemaid in my opinion.

=> 理想的护士在我看来。

- He's a bore.

=> - 他是个窟窿

- Damn good thing.

=> - 该死的好东西

Dull dog, but sound as a bell.

=> D狗,但听起来像一个钟声。

He doesn't care much for me.

=> 他对我不在乎。

You're younger than he is.

=> 你比他年轻。

You're clever, and you make no effort to hide it.

=> 你很聪明,你不会隐藏它。

You're better looking than he is.

=> 你比他更好看。

- And I'm Jewish.

=> 我是犹太人

- Well, quite.

=> - 好吧。

The odd thing about Francis Urquhart is he'd never stab you in the back, however much he disliked you.

=> 关于弗朗西斯·厄克特(Francis Urquhart)的奇怪之处在于,他从来不会把你背在背后,不管他多么不喜欢你。

Not many left like Urquhart.

=> 没有多少像Urquhart一样离开。

A dying breed, more's the pity.

=> 一个垂死的品种,更可惜。

Teddy? He's here.

=> 泰迪熊?他在这儿。

- Coming down? - I'll wait up here.

=> - 下来? - 我会在这里等。

(CHEERING) Thank you all so much.

=> (欢迎)非常感谢你。

You've been magnificent.

=> 你已经很壮观了。

- How's it looking? - 24, possibly 25.

=> - 它看起来好吗? 24,可能是25。

- As bad as that? - It's a majority.

=> - 那样糟糕? - 这是多数。

Five more years.

=> 再过五年


=> 是。

- Francis! - Welcome back, Prime Minister.

=> - 弗朗西斯! - 欢迎回来,总理。

I've had one or two thoughts about the new cabinet.

=> 我对新内阁有一两个想法。

I'm sure you have, Francis.

=> 弗朗西斯,我确定你有。

Good man.

=> 好人。

- Come round first thing in the morning.

=> - 早上来第一件事。

- My pleasure.

=> - 我的荣幸。

Hal! It's me! Oh, God, Charlie.

=> 哈尔!是我!哦,上帝,查理。

Not tonight.

=> 不是今晚。

Don't worry.

=> 别担心

I'll look after him, Charlie! I've been hoping for a word all night.

=> 查理,我会照顾他的。我一直希望整个晚上一个字。


=> 弗朗西斯。

Francis Urquhart.

=> 弗朗西斯·厄克特。

My dear old friend.

=> 我亲爱的老朋友

Do you know what I feel like doing? - Getting rat-arsed? - Exactly.

=> 你知道我想做什么吗? - 得到老鼠? - 确实如此。

I know a good place round the corner.

=> 我知道拐角处的一个好地方。


=> 灿烂。

Two good chaps getting rat-arsed together.

=> 两个很好的家伙在一起。

Surprised? Well, everybody can be valuable.

=> 惊讶吗?那么,每个人都可以有价值。

That's my philosophy.

=> 这是我的理念。


=> 先生。

Urquhart! Mr.

=> 厄克特!先生。

Urquhart! No, no, no.

=> 厄克特!不不不。

Nothing to report.

=> 没什么可报告的。

Oh, hello, Charles.

=> 哦,你好,查尔斯。

I hope you had a little bet on the winning team.

=> 我希望你对胜利的球队有一点赌注。

and my advice is confidential.


Word is that you're in line for a senior cabinet position.

=> 单词就是你排在内阁的高层位置。

Is that so? Don't expect me to comment on rumours or to keep my Prime Minister waiting.

=> 是这样吗?不要指望我对流言发表评论,也不要让我的总理等待。

Thank you very much, gentlemen, ladies.

=> 先生们,女士们,非常感谢。


=> 先生。

Urquhart! Mr.

=> 厄克特!先生。

Urquhart, can I have a word? (DOOR OPENS) Sorry to keep you waiting, Chief Whip.

=> Urquhart,我能说一句话吗? (DOOR OPENS)抱歉让你等待,首席鞭子。

He's ready for you now.

=> 他现在已经准备好了

Come up.

=> 上来。

Thank you.

=> 谢谢。

(KNOCK) Prime Minister Teddy.

=> (KNOCK)总理泰迪。

Didn't realise you'd be here.

=> 没意识到你会在这里。

Pull up a chair, Francis.

=> 拉起椅子,弗朗西斯。

Now, I've had a careful look at this memorandum of yours.

=> 现在,我仔细看过你的备忘录。

You're proposing a very radical change.

=> 你提出了一个非常激进的改变。

- I'd like you to tell me why.

=> - 我想请你告诉我为什么。

- Well.

=> - 好。

er - Just in general terms.

=> 呃 - 就一般而言。

- All right.

=> - 好吧。

We have been in power longer than any party since the war.

=> 战后,我们的执政时间比任何一方都长。

It's a new challenge.

=> 这是一个新的挑战。

We need to show we're not stagnating, we're capable of self-renewal.

=> 我们需要表明我们不是停滞不前,我们有能力自我更新。

Your own succession to the leadership is a good example of that sort of thing.

=> 你自己对领导层的继承就是这种事情的一个很好的例子。

And you want to see more of ''that sort of thing''? We've had a clear indication that people are looking for change.

=> 而且你想看到更多的“这种事情”?我们清楚地表明人们正在寻找变化。

You think so? The new names you've put forward are not on the liberal wing of the party.

=> 你这么想?你提出的新名字不在派对的自由派上。

- Wouldn't you agree, Francis? - No one from the radical right either.

=> - 弗朗西斯,你不同意吗? - 没有一个激进的权利。

They're all good, sound men.

=> 他们都是好的,健全的人。

Good, sound men from the Shires.

=> 好的,来自Shire的健全的人。

Guaranteed to do what they're told? Men who have been bred and educated in a tradition of public service and have proved their reliability over long years.

=> 保证做他们被告知的事情?在公共服务传统上培育和教育的人,长期以来证明了他们的可靠性。

Yes, that is another way of putting it.

=> 是的,这是另一种方式。

I see you're offering your own services in high office.

=> 我看到你在高级职位上提供你自己的服务。

You will remember, Prime Minister that some months ago we talked about the possibility that there might be a senior ministerial post.

=> 你会记得,总理几个月前我们谈到了可能会有一个高级部长职位。

Yes, I do remember that.

=> 是的,我记得这一点。

Thing do change so very quickly in politics, don't they, Francis? I'm very grateful indeed for your suggestions.

=> 事情在政治上变化得很快,不是吗,弗朗西斯?我非常感谢你的建议。

but we disagree with you.

=> 但是我们不同意你的意见。

Do you remember Macmillan, the Night of the Long Knives? Sacked a third of his cabinet.

=> 你还记得麦克米伦,长刀之夜吗?解雇了他的内阁的三分之一。

Destroyed his government in the process.

=> 在这个过程中摧毁了他的政府。

He was out within the year, Francis.

=> 他在一年内出去了,弗朗西斯。

Now here is what I have in mind.

=> 现在这是我的想法。

As you see, no cabinet changes at all.

=> 如你所见,没有任何内阁改变。

It'll be seen for what it is - a sign of strength and sureness of purpose.

=> 它会被看作是一个力量和目的的标志。

I hope the parliamentary party will agree.

=> 我希望议会方面会同意。

I count on you to press it home to them, as Chief Whip.

=> 作为首席鞭子,我指望你把它压回家。

- I do assume I have your full support.

=> - 我确实认为我有你的全力支持。

- Of course.

=> - 当然。

That goes without saying.

=> 那不用说了。


=> 好。

I still regard you as a candidate for high office, but you are the strongest and most deeply respected Chief Whip this party has had, I think I may say, since the war.

=> 我仍然认为你是高级职位的候选人,但是你可以说是战争以来这个党最强大,最受尊敬的首席鞭挞者了。

Such a slender majority.

=> 如此纤细的多数。

A good Chief Whip is more important to me than a good Home Secretary.

=> 一个好的首席鞭子对我来说比一个好的内政大臣更重要。

You are too kind, Prime Minister.

=> 总理,你太客气了。

Much too kind.

=> 太好了。

Nothing! Nothing! Not a damn thing! He had the gall to say he counted on my support! His fate was in my hands! Melodramatic twaddle.

=> 没有!没有!不是一个该死的东西!他胆怯地说,他指望我的支持!他的命运在我手中! Melodramatic蹒跚。

Is it? What? Isn't there some truth in it? - Isn't his fate in your hands? - No, No, no.

=> 是吗?什么?其中没有一些真相吗? - 他的命运不在你手中吗? - 不不不。

I'm in charge of discipline.

=> 我负责纪律。

I can't deliver if my troops are disaffected.

=> 如果我的部队不满意,我不能交付。

But aren't they disaffected now? His weakness, his refusal to take responsibility for firm leadership, is going to bring this government down.

=> 但是他们现在不是不满吗?他的弱点,拒绝承担坚定的领导责任,将会使这个政府失败。


=> 是。

And sooner rather than later, in my view.

=> 在我看来,早一点而不晚一点。

- Unless - Unless he were to relinquish the leadership.

=> - 除非 - 除非他放弃领导。

He won't do that.

=> 他不会这样做的。

Unless a better man were to take the leadership from him.

=> 除非有更好的人从他那里领导。

Have you any idea what that would involve? No, but I would imagine that you have a very good idea, Francis.

=> 你有什么想法会涉及?不,但我会想象你有一个非常好的主意,弗朗西斯。

And I know that you're capable of doing whatever is necessary.

=> 而且我知道你有能力做任何必要的事情。

(DOORBELL) - We're not expecting anyone, are we? - No.

=> (DOORBELL) - 我们不期待任何人,是吗? - 没有

I'll go.

=> 我会去。


=> 先生。

Urquhart, Mattie Storin, ''Chronicle''.

=> Urquhart,Mattie Storin,“Chronicle”。

Sorry, I've been trying to contact you.

=> 抱歉,我一直在尝试与您联系。

I'd appreciate help in understanding the thinking behind the lack of cabinet changes.

=> 我希望能帮助你理解没有内阁变革背后的思想。

I don't mean to be rude.

=> 我不是故意的

No comment.

=> 没有意见。

Great story.

=> 伟大的故事。

You wouldn't like us to run it.

=> 你不会喜欢我们运行它。

I beg your pardon? What story? ''Last night there were signs of deep division in the highest party circles.

=> 请再说一遍?什么故事? “昨天晚上,党内最高级的领导出现了深刻的分歧。

''Francis Urquhart, the Chief Whip, who has been denied promotion again, ''refused to comment on or defend the Prime Minister's decision.

=> “鞭策者弗朗西斯·厄克特(Francis Urquhart)再次被拒绝晋升,”拒绝评论或捍卫总理的决定。

'' I know you.

=>'' 我认识你。

The new girl Greville took on when they pensioned off Cecil Roach.

=> 当他们从Cecil Roach退休时,新的女孩Greville承担了。

I'm the newish political correspondent on the ''Chronicle''.

=> 我是“纪事报”上的新任政治记者。


=> 是。


=> 相当。

Do come inside, Miss Storin.

=> 进来吧,斯托林小姐。

Oh, let me take your coat.

=> 哦,让我拿你的外套。

Good evening.

=> 晚上好。

Good evening, Mrs.

=> 晚上好,夫人。


=> 厄克特。

Miss Storin.

=> 斯托林小姐

A journalist.

=> 一名记者。

We'll talk in my study, Elizabeth.

=> 我们将在我的研究中谈谈伊丽莎白。

My wife likes to listen to Wagner.

=> 我的妻子喜欢听瓦格纳。

Do come in.

=> 进来吧

- Drink? - Whatever you're having.

=> - 喝? - 不管你在做什么

- Whisky.

=> - 威士忌酒。

All right? - Thank you.

=> 好吧? - 谢谢。

Bruichcladdich if you know your malts.

=> Bruichcladdich如果你知道你的麦芽。

Thank you.

=> 谢谢。

Do sit down.

=> 请坐下

Well, now Mr.

=> 那么,现在先生

Urquhart, in my piece I'll faithfully record your public loyalty to the Prime Minister and your defence of his actions - or, in this case, lack of actions.

=> 乌尔克哈特,在我的作品里,我会忠实地记录你对总理的公开忠诚,以及你对他的行为的保护 - 或者在这种情况下,缺乏行动。

But I want to understand what people are really thinking.

=> 但是我想了解人们真正的想法。

I want to know what you really feel.

=> 我想知道你的感受。

I think you'd like to talk to me, in confidence, on lobby terms.

=> 我想你想用游说与我保密。

You could have phoned Greville Preston and complained about my harassment and threatened him, and he'd listen.


Everyone knows that threats from Francis Urquhart are not idle threats.

=> 大家都知道,弗朗西斯·厄尔克哈特的威胁不是闲散的威胁。

- Good.

=> - 很好。

- If I betray your confidence.

=> - 如果我背叛了你的信心

you could have me sacked and unemployable within the week.

=> 你可以让我在本周内被解雇和失业。

- I'm going to confide in you, am I? - I hope so.

=> - 我要去信任你,是吗? - 但愿如此。

Everyone says, ''Francis Urquhart could tell you the answer, but he won't.

=> 大家都说,'弗朗西斯·厄克特哈特可以告诉你答案,但他不会。

'' Well, at this stage in my career, I need to understand more than I need scoops.


I need a friend in high places, Mr.

=> 先生我需要一个朋友


=> 厄克特。

And I think you'd like to talk to me.

=> 我想你想和我谈谈。

And nobody knows I'm here tonight.

=> 没有人知道我今晚在这里。

And nobody will.

=> 没有人会。

Perhaps you'd like to ask me questions, Miss Storin.

=> 也许你想问我一些问题,斯托林小姐。

Mattie, please.

=> Mattie,请。


=> 是。


=> 玛蒂。

There really is a lot of rivalry and dissent within the cabinet, isn't there? Some elements of the party, some elements in the cabinet, are deeply distressed.

=> 内阁中真的存在很多争议和不同意见,不是吗?党内的一些分子,内阁中的一些分子,深感痛心。

They don't think the PM has what it takes for a full five-year term.

=> 他们不认为总理已经完成了五年的任务。

They see a leadership crisis looming.

=> 他们看到领导危机即将来临。

The more ambitious of them want to be well placed when it comes.

=> 他们中更雄心勃勃的人希望在事情发生时能得到很好的安排。

They're not thinking about the good of the party or the good of the country.

=> 他们没有想到党或者国家的好处。

but about the next leadership race.

=> 而是关于下一届领导力竞赛。

One might say the same about the Prime Minister.

=> 对总理也许会这样说。

He's thinking about his survival.

=> 他正在考虑他的生存。

- Not the good of the country.

=> - 不是国家的好处。

- You might say that.

=> - 你可以这么说。

I couldn't.

=> 我不能。

- If one word of this is linked with my - I am a lobby correspondent.

=> - 如果有一句话与我有关 - 我是一个大厅记者。

Don't worry.

=> 别担心

It's ''senior party members and sources close to the Prime Minister''.

=> 这是“接近总理的高级党员和消息来源”。


=> 好。

Very good.

=> 很好。

Could I ask you why you've decided to talk to me? You don't usually give interviews at all.

=> 我能问你为什么决定跟我说话吗?你通常不会采访。

Let's say you turned up at the right time.

=> 假设你在正确的时间出现了。

No, no, that's not fair.

=> 不,不,这不公平。

Things need to be aired publicly.

=> 事情需要公开播出。

I've read your stuff.

=> 我读过你的东西

It's very good.

=> 这很好。

I think I can trust you to be honest.

=> 我想我可以相信你是诚实的。

Perhaps you haven't been here long enough to be corrupted.

=> 也许你在这里没有足够长的时间来损坏。

Thank you.

=> 谢谢。

I hope I never will be.

=> 我希望我永远不会。

Could I ask you, if the Prime Minister is experiencing discord, shouldn't he sack the dissidents? Get in new people and fresh policies.

=> 请问,如果总理遇到不和,他不应该解散异议人士吗?获得新的人和新的政策。

You might think so, but it isn't so easy.

=> 你可能会这么想,但并不那么容易。

He's not certain where the danger lies.

=> 他不确定危险在哪里。

A flurry of changes might look like panic.

=> 一连串的变化可能看起来像恐慌。

- That's the official view.

=> - 这是官方的观点。

- You don't agree? Of course I agree.

=> - 你不同意?当然我同意。

I have to agree.

=> 我必须同意。

You, on the other hand, might feel that if you were the captain of the Titanic, you wouldn't say, ''Steady as she goes.

=> 另一方面,你可能会觉得,如果你是泰坦尼克号的队长,你就不会说:“稳定下去。

'' Should he? I don't know how to put it in a way that you'll be able to answer.



=> 尝试。

If I were captain of the Titanic, which of my senior officers should I be worried about? ''Beware of an old man in a hurry.

=> 如果我是泰坦尼克号的队长,我应该担心哪些高级军官呢? “小心一个老人急着。

'' Have you heard that phrase, Mattie? Lord Billsborough.


But he's Collingridge's closest adviser.

=> 但他是科林里奇最亲密的顾问。

He can't still think he could be leader? Not at his age, not from the lords.

=> 他还不能认为自己可以成为领导者?不在他的年龄,不从领主。

So? He doesn't want it for himself.

=> 所以?他不想为自己。

He wants to pull the strings.

=> 他想要拉弦。

He wants the party leadership for a prot�g�.

=> 他希望党的领导能够做到。

You might think that.

=> 你可能会这样想。

I couldn't possibly comment.

=> 我不可能评论。

- Michael Samuels? - You might think that.

=> - 迈克尔塞缪尔? - 你可能会这样想。

Lord Billsborough is setting up Collingridge as an Aunt Sally so that Michael Samuels can take his place.

=> 比尔斯伯勒勋爵正在把科林里奇当上萨莉婶婶,让迈克尔·塞缪尔斯接替他的位置。

You might think that.

=> 你可能会这样想。

I couldn't possibly comment.

=> 我不可能评论。

And how do you feel about all this? Oh, I'm just the Chief Whip, Mattie.

=> 你怎么看待这一切?哦,我只是马蒂的首席鞭子。

My feelings are neither here nor there.

=> 我的感觉既不在这里,也不在那里。

I look after morale of the back-benchers, keep them up to the mark, listen to their problems, help them out when I can, administer kicks up the backside when indicated.

=> 我照顾后备人员的士气,保持他们的标准,听取他们的问题,我可以帮助他们,当指示时管理背面。

Just like a prefect, head of house.

=> 就像一个州长,房子的头。

I'm sorry.

=> 对不起。

That sounds cheeky.

=> 这听起来很厚道。

Not at all.

=> 一点也不。

That's exactly what it's like.

=> 这正是它的样子。

Everyone says you're very good at it.

=> 大家都说你很擅长。

I believe I am, Mattie.

=> 我相信我是Mattie。

I believe I am.

=> 我相信我是。

- Thank you for your time.

=> - 感谢您的时间。

- Not at all.

=> - 一点也不。

Well? Interesting girl.

=> 好?有趣的女孩。


=> 聪明。

- Not TOO clever? - No.

=> - 不太聪明? - 没有

Just clever enough, I should say.

=> 够聪明的,我应该说。

She might be the little friend you need.

=> 她可能是你需要的小朋友。

A political correspondent with her way to make.

=> 一位政治记者与她的方式。

(BIG BEN CHIMES) No, Prime Minister I haven't seen the papers yet.

=> (BIG BEN CHIMES)不,总理我还没有看到这些报纸。


=> 是。

''Speculation that the Prime Minister was unlikely to fight another election.

=> “猜测总理不太可能再次选举。

''Ministers manoeuvering for position in the event of a leadership struggle.

=> “部长们在领导层斗争中为自己的位置做好准备。

'' It's insubstantial.


Someone's flying a kite.

=> 有人在放风筝。

Someone's bloody well making mischief.

=> 有人血腥制作恶作剧。

''Lord Billsborough dismissed any suggestion of a leadership election.

=> “比尔斯堡勋爵驳回了任何关于领导选举的建议。

''However, the Party Chairman would be crucial during a leadership race.

=> “但是,党主席在领导力竞赛中将是至关重要的。

''Billsborough is known to be close to Michael Samuels.

=> “比尔斯伯勒与迈克尔·塞缪尔斯(Michael Samuels)很接近。

''who could be one of the contenders.

=> “谁可能是竞争者之一。

'' Dammit, Francis.


This is the ''Chronicle''.

=> 这是“编年史”。

They're supposed to be our people.

=> 他们应该是我们的人民。

Quite right, leave this with me, I'll get on to Greville Preston and find out who's been telling tales.

=> 很好,把这个留给我,我会去Greville Preston找出谁在讲故事。

or we'll go to Ben Landless.

=> 或者我们会去Ben Landless。

Absolutely right.

=> 绝对正确。

We don't need this from the ''Chronicle.

=> 我们不需要这个从“年代记”。

'' Leave it with me.

=>'' 交给我吧。

Thank you, Francis.

=> 谢谢你,弗朗西斯。

I'm very grateful for your support.

=> 我非常感谢你的支持。

Not at all.

=> 一点也不。


=> 再见。

Now then, Mr.

=> 那么,先生


=> 鼪。

I'd like to say how terribly sorry I am You should have thought of that before.


Can we do anything for him, Stamper? Not easy, Chief Whip.

=> 我们可以为他做什么吗,斯坦普?不容易,首席鞭子。

The sergeant is reluctant to believe our friend here stopped his car to ask the way to his own constituency.

=> 中士不愿意相信我们的朋友在这里停下车来问自己的选区。

Dear God.

=> 亲爱的上帝。

- I'm awfully - Do shut up, Stoat.

=> - 我很好 - 闭嘴,斯托。

I did persuade him to stretch a point.

=> 我确实劝他伸出一点。

He won't be proceeding.

=> 他不会继续。

Really? Oh, my gosh.

=> 真?天啊。

- I can't begin to tell you how grateful - Stoat, you've been lucky.

=> - 我不能开始告诉你多么感激 - 斯托,你很幸运。

I heard you're thinking of abstaining on the second reading of the environment bill.

=> 我听说你正在考虑在环保法案的二读上弃权。

- Don't.

=> - 别。

- No.

=> - 没有

No, of course not.

=> 不,当然不。

Stoat, be off.

=> Stoat,走吧。

Try not to be such a fool.

=> 尽量不要成为这样的傻瓜。

If you must use whores, for God's sake go to a decent knocking-shop where they understand discretion.

=> 如果你必须使用妓女,为了上帝的缘故去一个体面的敲门店,他们明白自由裁量权。

- Stamper will give you a list.

=> - 冲模会给你一个清单。

- Yes, right.

=> - 对,对。

Thank you very much.

=> 非常感谢你。

I'm very I mean, if ever there's anything, anything at all - Yes, yes, yes.

=> 我的意思是,如果有,什么都行 - 是的,是的,是的。

Off you go now.

=> 现在你走了

- Goodbye.

=> - 再见。

And, well Thanks again.

=> 而且,再次感谢。

What a frightful little man.

=> 多么可怕的小男人。

Where do they find them these days? God knows.

=> 他们最近在哪里找到他们?天知道。

If I had a dog like that, I'd shoot it.

=> 如果我有这样的狗,我会开枪。

Yes, quite.

=> 是的,挺好的

- Roger O'Neill's in the outer office.

=> - 罗杰·奥尼尔在外面的办公室

- Oh, yes.

=> - 哦,是的。

I think I'll make this one a private chat, Stamper.

=> 我想我会让这个私人聊天,冲压。

Whatever you say.

=> 不管你说什么。


=> 罗杰。

- Good to see you.

=> - 很高兴见到你。

Squash sometime? - I'd like that very much.

=> 有时候打壁球? - 我非常喜欢。

- Roger.

=> - 罗杰

- Good morning, Francis.

=> - 弗朗西斯早上好

- I'll be on my way.

=> - 我正要上路。

- All right.

=> - 好吧。

Have a seat, Roger.

=> 罗杰,请坐。

Good of you to come in.

=> 很高兴你进来。

Drink? It's a bit early for me, but if you're offering - Whisky? - Sure.

=> 喝?对我来说有点早,但如果你提供 - 威士忌? - 当然。

Why not? Wanted to thank you for the good job you did in the run-up to the election.

=> 为什么不?希望感谢你在选举前做的好工作。

One or two wanted to make you a scapegoat, but I'd have none of that.

=> 有一两个人想让你成为代罪羔羊,但是我没有。

- Neither would the PM.

=> - PM也不会。

- I hadn't realised anyone blamed me.

=> - 我没有意识到任何人责怪我。

- You're not having one yourself? - It is a bit early in the day for me.

=> - 你自己没有? - 今天对我来说有点早。

You've been a bit of a bad lad, Roger.

=> 罗杰,你已经是一个坏小子了。

- What? - You've had your hand in the till.

=> - 什么? - 你已经把你的手放在里面了。

- Francis, you're joking - Expenses are paid by Central Office.

=> - 弗朗西斯,你在开玩笑 - 开支由中央办公室支付。

You've been claiming quite large sums from the advertising agency as well.

=> 你们也从广告公司那里获得了相当多的钱。

- It's a bit naughty, Roger.

=> - 罗杰,这有点顽皮。

- Ah, that.

=> - 那个。

It's perfectly simple, Francis.

=> 弗朗西斯,这很简单。

Accounting at Smith Square is so slow, I'd wait months to get my money back.

=> 史密斯广场的会计非常缓慢,我等了几个月才把钱还给我。

It's much simpler to get it from the agency.

=> 从代理处得到它要简单得多。

I've never taken a penny in expenses that wasn't absolutely legitimate, Francis.

=> 弗朗西斯,我从来没有花一分钱去支付那些不是绝对合理的费用。

Not a single penny, I swear on my mother's grave.

=> 没有一分钱,我发誓在我母亲的坟墓。

�22,370 in the last ten months, I make it.

=> 在过去的十个月里,呃22,370,我做到了。

Here we are.

=> 我们到了。

Have a look at the figures.

=> 看看数字。

Might be slightly out, but not by more than a tenner or so.

=> 可能稍微出来,但不会超过一个十纳米左右。

Bit steep for a few lunches, wouldn't you say? It's all Atchoo! Atchoo! Cocaine's awfully expensive, isn't it? Is it worth it? They say it makes a good man brilliant.

=> 陡峭的几个午餐,你不会说吗?这都是Atchoo! Atchoo!可卡因非常昂贵,不是吗?这值得么?他们说这是一个好男人的辉煌。

If that's so, you must be a genius.

=> 如果是这样,你一定是个天才。

Francis, you must believe me.

=> 弗朗西斯,你一定要相信我。

I haven't got a problem.

=> 我没有问题。

I'm not addicted.

=> 我没有上瘾。

I just use it occasionally for recreational purposes and when I have to work late.

=> 我只是偶尔用于休闲目的,当我必须工作到很晚。

I understand, Roger.

=> 我明白,罗杰。

But there are not many who would.

=> 但是谁也不会太多。

And I know this sounds old-fashioned, but isn't it illegal? - What are you going to do? - I know what we SHOULD do.

=> 而且我知道这听起来很老套,但是不是非法的? - 你会怎样做? - 我知道我们应该做什么。

Write off the money as a bad debt and toss you overboard.

=> 把这笔钱记作坏账,把你折腾过来。

But I must have a soft spot for you.

=> 但是我必须对你有好感。

I'll bail you out.

=> 我会保释你的

I'll save your bacon.

=> 我会保存你的培根。

And in return I want your absolute, unquestioning loyalty.

=> 而作为回报,我想要你绝对的,毫无疑问的忠诚。


=> 是。

Yes, of course.

=> 当然是。

To me personally, not to the Chairman.

=> 对我个人而言,不是给主席。

I need someone I can trust to keep an eye on things and help out in general.

=> 我需要一个我可以信任的人来关注事物,并且总体上帮助你。

- Anything, Francis.

=> - 什么,弗朗西斯。

Anything at all.

=> 什么都可以

- All right, Roger.

=> - 好的,罗杰。

Now, listen to me very carefully.

=> 现在,仔细听我说。

Why are we consorting with socialists tonight? Isn't that against the rules? Not a bit of it.

=> 我们今晚为什么要和社会主义者交往呢?这不是违反规定吗?没有一点。

Steve Kendrick's not bad.

=> 史蒂夫·肯德里克也不错。

We used to work together years ago.

=> 我们几年前曾经一起工作。

He's going to be pleased with me tonight.

=> 他今晚会很高兴的。

Flash git, don't you think? Fancies himself.

=> Flash Git,你不觉得吗?幻想自己。

- Fancies you, too.

=> - 也喜欢你。

- Everybody fancies me, except you.

=> 除了你,每个人都会幻想我。

Here he comes.

=> 他来了。

Teeth and tits.

=> 牙齿和山雀。

One for you, and one for you.

=> 一个给你,一个给你。

- I gather you've got something for me.

=> - 我收集你有我的东西。

- Yes.

=> - 是的。

How do you fancy being the star of Prime Minister's Question Time? Mr.

=> 你怎么看成是总理提问时间的明星?先生。

Kendrick! Number six, sir.

=> 肯德里克!先生,六号。

I refer the Honourable Member to the reply I gave some moments ago.

=> 我提到这位议员刚才的答覆。


=> 先生。

Kendrick! Will the Prime Minister explain to the House why he is not going ahead with the hospital expansion programme? (SHOUTING) I note the Honourable Member's concern with the health service.

=> 肯德里克!总理会向众议院解释他为什么不进行医院扩建计划? (SHOUTING)我注意到这位议员对卫生服务的关注。

I remind him that under this government the health service has enjoyed an annual increase of 7%.

=> 我提醒他,在这个政府下,医疗服务每年增长了7%。

Furthermore, the health service has benefited more than any other service from our determination to reduce inflation and to operate in a sensible and cost-efficient way.

=> 此外,从我们降低通货膨胀的决心以及以合理和成本有效的方式运作的角度来看,卫生服务比其他任何服务都受益匪浅。

- Answer the question! - That is what I'm doing.

=> - 回答问题! - 这就是我正在做的。

This government made a commitment to expand the hospital building programme.

=> 这个政府做出了扩大医院建设计划的承诺。

(CATCALLS) It is not this government's practice to discuss the specifics - (SHOUTING) - It is not this government's practice to discuss the specifics of new spending plans in terms of precise dates.

=> (CATCALLS)讨论具体细节并不是政府的做法 - (SHOUTING) - 按照确切的日期讨论新的支出计划的具体细节并不是政府的惯例。

No time.


It must have leaked out of yesterday's cabinet committee meeting.

=> 它一定是从昨天的内阁委员会会议中泄露出来的。

Peter McKenzie was upset about cuts.

=> 彼得·麦肯齐对削减感到不满。

He wouldn't leak to an opposition MP.

=> 他不会泄露给反对派议员。

Then who did? I want him found.

=> 那么谁做的?我想让他找到。

I want an example made of the bastard.

=> 我想要一个混蛋的例子。

I think it was someone who wanted to make things difficult for you.

=> 我想这是一个想让你难过的人。

That's why it was leaked to Kendrick rather than the press.

=> 这就是为什么它被泄露给肯德里克而不是媒体。

It may be someone very close to you.

=> 它可能是一个非常接近你的人。

Someone you've always trusted and who now wants to break you.

=> 你一直信任的人,现在想破坏你的人。

Henry, I've just heard.

=> 亨利,我刚刚听到。

I came straight over.

=> 我直接过来了。

Later, Teddy, if you'd be so good.

=> 泰迪,如果你真的那么好。

I just have to chew over a few things with Francis here.

=> 我只需要在这里和弗朗西斯一起咀嚼几件事。


=> 是。

Yes, of course, I'll .

=> 是的,当然,我会的。



come back later, then.


Those of us who care for the nation's defence have been astonished to hear that confidential documents have been left in a public house.

=> 我们这些关心国家防务的人,听说机密文件已经留在公共场所,感到非常惊讶。

And they have rather less surprisingly found their way into the pages of the ''Independent'' newspaper.

=> 而且他们没有奇怪的发现进入“独立报”的页面。

We have been gravely alarmed to read in these documents of huge, unnecessary and positively dangerous cuts in the Territorial Army establishment.

=> 在这些文件中,我们对领土军编制中巨大的,不必要的,积极的危险的削减感到非常震惊。

Does the Prime Minister understand the damage that will be done to the government's support? Will the leader of the House allow time to debate and to reverse this decision? Hear, hear! I remind my Right Honourable Friend that to discuss the contents of this stolen document is tantamount to condoning theft.

=> 总理是否明白将会对政府的支持造成的损害?众议院领导人是否有时间辩论,并扭转这一决定?听到,听到!我提醒我的好朋友,讨论这个被盗文件的内容,无异于纵容盗窃。

- Point of order, Mr.

=> - 程序问题,先生

Speaker! - Point of order, Sir Jasper Grainger.

=> 扬声器! - 贾斯帕·格兰杰爵士提出的问题。

Would you not agree, Mr.

=> 你不同意吗?

Speaker, that not to discuss the content of this stolen document would be a breach of faith, a betrayal by the government of its supporters? Mr.

=> 议长说,不要讨论这份被盗文件的内容会违背信仰,是支持者政府的背叛吗?先生。

Speaker, my Right Honourable Friends and I have listened to the mood of the House.

=> 议长,我的好朋友和我听了众议院的意见。

In the light of representations put from all sides today, the government, which prides itself on being a listening government (UPROAR) Order! The government will temporarily .

=> 鉴于今天所有各方的陈述,政府自on为倾听政府(UPROAR)令!政府将暂时。



rescind the cuts while it takes a further look at the whole question.


Resign! - Resign! - Order! Order! Mr.

=> 辞职! - 辞职 - 订购!订购!先生。

Urquhart! Mr.

=> 厄克特!先生。

Urquhart! - Could you spare me a few seconds? - Ah, Miss Storin.

=> 厄克特! - 你能饶过我几秒钟吗? - 啊,斯托林小姐

Yes, I think I could.

=> 是的,我想我可以。

Let's go over there.

=> 我们去那边

I've been following your work.

=> 我一直在关注你的工作。

So has the Prime Minister though he's not quite such an admirer.

=> 总理也是如此,尽管他不是那么崇拜。

- He had a terrible day today.

=> - 今天他有一个可怕的一天。

- A Prime Minister can change his mind.

=> 总理可以改变主意

Though we're not often privileged to see him do it in public.

=> 虽然我们并不常见到他在公共场合看到他。

Well, it'll all blow over, I dare say.

=> 那么,我敢说,这一切都会被打破。

Will it? Two major leaks in less than a month.

=> 会吗?两个不到一个月的重大泄漏。

Where are they from? I don't know.

=> 他们从哪里来?我不知道。

I'm responsible for the back-benchers, not the cabinet.

=> 我负责后台,而不是内阁。

I dare say I'll be asked to find out.

=> 我敢说,我会被要求找出。

The leaks are coming out of the cabinet? The Prime Minister is investigating his own closest colleagues? You might think that.

=> 泄漏是从柜子里出来的?总理正在调查自己最亲密的同事?你可能会这样想。

I couldn't possibly comment.

=> 我不可能评论。

Thank you.

=> 谢谢。

All right! Don't tell me about it! DO something about it! That is exactly what is wrong with this goddamn country.

=> 好吧!不要告诉我这件事!做点什么吧!这就是这个该死的国家的错误。

Everyone wants to give you their analysis of what's wrong and why nothing ever goddamn works! Nobody wants to get off their butt and MAKE the goddamn thing work! London! Jesus! I'd rather run a business in the Solomon Islands! Thoughts of a newspaper proprietor.

=> 每个人都想给你他们分析什么是错的,为什么没有任何该死的工作!没有人想脱下他们的屁股,并使该死的东西工作!伦敦!耶稣!我宁愿在所罗门群岛经商!对报业经营者的思考。

- He may be right.

=> 他可能是对的

Oh, God! - What are you working on? It's a thing about the leaks.

=> 天啊! - 你在做什么?这是关于泄漏的事情。

Urquhart's leading the witch-hunt.

=> Urquhart领导寻找巫术。

I do think he has a sort of I don't know.

=> 我认为他有一种我不知道的。


=> 。



magnetism about him.


Kissinger syndrome.

=> 基辛格综合征。

The aphrodisiac effect of power.

=> 力量的催情作用。

- I guess that must be it.

=> - 我想那一定是吧。

- Not much chance for the likes of me.

=> - 对我来说没有太大的机会。

Women don't tremble at the unbridled domination of the deputy editor.

=> 副总编辑肆无忌惮的统治下,妇女并不战战兢兢。

Well, no.

=> 那么,不。

You've got a nice face, though.

=> 不过,你有一张好脸。

I don't know what's the matter with him, Francis.

=> 弗朗西斯,我不知道他有什么事。

I feel he's not listening.

=> 我觉得他不听。

As though he doesn't trust me anymore.

=> 仿佛他不再相信我了。

He owes it all to you.

=> 他欠你一切。

He recognises that.

=> 他认识到这一点。

But he doesn't trust any of us anymore.

=> 但是他不再相信我们。

It's very distressing.

=> 这是非常痛苦的。

How can we help the man when he won't let us help him? Well, I'll continue to put the fear of God into the troops as long as I can.

=> 当他不让我们帮助他时,我们该怎么帮助他?那么我会尽可能地把敬畏上帝的力量投入到军队中去。

But there comes a time Not yet, of course.

=> 但是,现在还没有,当然。

Yes, yes, yes, quite.

=> 是的,是的,是的。

You will keep me informed, won't you, Francis? Now more than ever he needs wise counsel.

=> 你会告诉我的,弗朗西斯不是吗?现在比以往任何时候都需要明智的建议。

Of course I will, Teddy.

=> 泰迪当然会的

Goodbye, now.

=> 再见,现在。

I think lord Billsborough's losing touch.

=> 我觉得比尔斯伯勒爵士失去了联系。


=> 耻辱。

Was a hell of an operator in his day.

=> 当时是一个操作员的地狱。

Well, work to do.

=> 那么,工作要做。

Well, yes.

=> 嗯,是。

A couple of leaks are all very well.

=> 一些泄漏都非常好。

but it takes more than that.

=> 但它不止于此。

A big scandal, perhaps.

=> 也许是一个很大的丑闻。

A political scandal.

=> 一个政治丑闻。

Or a scandal about something people really understand.

=> 或者是人们真正理解的事情的丑闻。


=> 性别。

Or money.

=> 还是钱。

�50,OOO, Mr.

=> 50,OOO,先生


=> 厄克特。

It's a very generous donation, Mr.

=> 这是一个非常慷慨的捐赠,先生。


=> Jhabwala。

We don't often see such large sums in cash.

=> 我们现在经常看不到这么大的数目。

I'm a little old-fashioned.

=> 我有点老式

I prefer to trust cash rather than cashiers.

=> 我宁愿相信现金而不是收银员。

Strictly speaking, you should hand it to the Party Treasurer, not to me.

=> 严格地说,你应该把它交给党财长,而不是给我。

But you are my Member of Parliament, Mr.

=> 但你是我的议员,先生


=> 厄克特。

I know you.

=> 我认识你。

I trust you.

=> 我信任你。

Oh, I'm sure the Party Treasurer is an excellent man.

=> 哦,我敢肯定党财长是个好人。

But you, Mr.

=> 不过你先生

Urquhart you are my friend.

=> Urquhart你是我的朋友。

Except my wife and I would be thrilled to meet the Prime Minister if he should ever visit the constituency.


I'm sure that can be arranged.

=> 我确定可以安排。

(SNORTING) Accommodation address.

=> (SNORTING)住宿地址。

Three months' payment in advance.

=> 提前三个月付款。

- Fine.

=> - 很好

You're working round here now? - Yeah, that's right.

=> 你现在在这里工作? - 是啊,没错。

- And the name is? - Collingridge.

=> - 这个名字是? - Collingridge。

C Collingridge.

=> C Collingridge。


=> 对。

I might look you up myself one of these days.

=> 我可能会在这些日子里看到你。

- Do you specialise at all, like? - Yeah.

=> - 你专门做什么? - 是的。

Verbal abuse, colonic irrigation.

=> 口头虐待,结肠灌溉。

- Bye, then.

=> - 那再见。

- Bye.

=> - 再见

Nasty little man.

=> 讨厌的小人。

- It was all right, though? - Yes.

=> - 没事吧? - 是的。

Couldn't Charlie Collingridge do it? It's a waste of money paying me 18 grand to run errands.

=> 查理·科林里奇无法做到吗?为了跑腿而付出的代价是浪费金钱。

- I'm supposed to be the brains.

=> - 我应该是大脑。

- You are.

=> - 你是。

You are.

=> 你是。

I swear it.

=> 我发誓。

Well, what's he want it for? Don't tell me he's going on the game.

=> 那么,他想要什么?别告诉我他正在玩游戏。


=> 几乎不。

PM's brother needs to be careful.

=> 下午的兄弟需要小心。

I don't know what it's for.

=> 我不知道这是为了什么。

Spanking mags? - Using his real name? - Ours is not to reason why.

=> 打屁股? - 用他的真实姓名? - 我们不是为什么。

We're doing a favour.

=> 我们正在帮忙。

The request came from the top.

=> 请求来自顶部。

We don't breathe a word.

=> 我们不会呼吸一个字。

- You wish to open the account with? - �50,000.

=> - 你想打开帐户? - 50,000。

- Excellent.

=> - 优秀。

- In cash.

=> - 用现金。


=> 优秀。

A high-interest current account, sir? No, I shan't draw on it immediately.

=> 高利息经常账户,先生?不,我不会马上拿来的。

- Could I purchase shares through you? - But of course.

=> - 我可以通过你购买股票吗? - 但是当然。

It would be a pleasure.

=> 这是我的荣幸。

Mendox Chemicals.

=> Mendox化学品。

to get them for about 240 pence.

=> 让他们约240便士。

Um I'm rather pressed for time.

=> 嗯,我宁愿要时间。

Could I leave that with you? We should be able to confirm it by four.

=> 我可以和你一起离开吗?我们应该可以通过四点来确认。

- Excellent.

=> - 优秀。

Thank you very much.

=> 非常感谢你。

- Not at all, Mr.

=> - 一点也不,先生


=> Collingridge。

A pleasure.

=> 荣幸。

Junior Minister of Health, Mrs.

=> 卫生部长,


=> 麦思平。


=> 先生。

Speaker, I'd like to make a statement.

=> 议长,我想发言。

The Department of Health, on the advice of the Chief Medical Officer, has today licensed three new drugs.

=> 卫生署根据首席医官的建议,今天已批准三种新药。


=> Cybernox。

manufactured by Mendox Chemical Company.

=> 由Mendox Chemical Company制造。

with general application in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis Charles Collingridge here.

=> 与一般应用在这里治疗类风湿性关节炎Charles Collingridge。

You opened an account for me last week.

=> 你上个星期为我开了一个账户。

I'm afraid I've had to alter my plans.

=> 恐怕我不得不改变我的计划。

Negotiations on the hotel in Turkey have fallen through.

=> 在土耳其的酒店谈判已经落空。

and I'm flying back to Kenya at the end of the week.

=> 我将在本周结束时飞回肯尼亚。

Well, can't be helped.

=> 那么,不能帮助。

Had a bit of luck with those Mendox shares, though.

=> 但是,这些Mendox股票有点运气。

Should clear 9 or 10,000 on them.

=> 应该清除9或10,000。

Can you sell those today at anything over 295? I'll come in tomorrow morning to close the account.

=> 你今天可以在295以上的任何地方卖掉吗?我明天早上进来关闭帐户。

Can you send a closing statement to my London address? Charles Collingridge.

=> 你能把我的伦敦地址的结束语发给我吗?查尔斯·科林里奇。


=> W2。

Thank you for all your help.

=> 谢谢你的帮助。


=> 再见。

- Not working this morning.

=> - 今天早上不工作

Francis? - Oh, yes, Elizabeth.

=> 弗朗西斯?哦,是的,伊丽莎白。

I am working.

=> 我正在工作。

I'm working very well, as a matter of fact.

=> 事实上,我工作得很好。

Very good of you to come in, Humphrey.

=> 汉弗莱,你很高兴进来。

I didn't feel comfortable with this money.

=> 我对这笔钱感到不舒服。

Five minutes with the PM, he says.

=> 他说,PM五分钟。

Bit more than the going rate, isn't it? I'll write to Mr.

=> 比现在的速度多一点,不是吗?我会写信给先生

Jhabwala today.

=> 贾布瓦拉今天。

Chaps like him should be encouraged.

=> 像他这样的队伍应该受到鼓励。

- Indeed.

=> - 确实。

- I'll see the PM is informed.

=> - 我会看到PM通知。

About time he heard a bit of good news.

=> 大概他听到一些好消息。


=> (CH))先生


=> 厄克特。

Good morning, Mattie.

=> 早上好,玛蒂

I couldn't believe it when you said ''roof garden''.

=> 当你说'屋顶花园'时,我简直不敢相信。

I'd no idea it was here.

=> 我不知道这是在这里。

Surprisingly few people know about it.

=> 令人惊讶的是很少有人知道这一点。

Good place to get away from the rabble.

=> 逃离乌合之众的好地方。

So, what was it, Mattie? Thanks for your help over the last couple of months.

=> 那么,Mattie是什么?感谢您在过去几个月的帮助。

You must be glad they're over.

=> 你一定很高兴他们结束了。

Well, we've known easier times.

=> 那么,我们已经知道更容易的时间。

What makes you think the summer's going to be any better for us? What do you mean? Can I say something in absolute confidence, not even on lobby terms? Yes.

=> 是什么让你觉得这个夏天对我们会更好?你什么意思?我可以绝对自信地说一些话,甚至不用谈谈游说吗?是。

Yes, of course you can.

=> 是的,当然可以。

I've heard that the tabloids are going to mount a personal attack on the PM.

=> 我听说小报将对PM进行个人攻击。

- A nasty one.

=> - 一个讨厌的

They're going to use his brother.

=> 他们会用他的兄弟。

- His brother? Charles Collingridge.

=> - 他的兄弟?查尔斯·科林里奇。

You know him? Between the two of us, he's a liability.

=> 你认识他?在我们两个之间,他是一个责任。

Alcohol problem.

=> 酒精问题。

Debts everywhere.

=> 债务无处不在。

When he's had too much to drink, he's not sure of his sexual orientation.

=> 当他喝得太多时,他不确定自己的性取向。

See the problem? If the PM disowns his brother, he's a heartless bastard.

=> 看到问题?如果PM下嫁他的兄弟,他是一个无情的混蛋。

If he stands by him, he's a security risk.

=> 如果他站在他身边,他是一个安全风险。

That's how they'll play it.

=> 他们就是这样玩的。

Why are you telling me? Because I think you're a responsible and honourable journalist.

=> 你为什么要告诉我?因为我认为你是一个负责任的,尊敬的记者。

I trust you.

=> 我信任你。

And well, because I think we're going to need all the friends we can get.

=> 还有,因为我认为我们需要所有的朋友。

There isn't any chance he's involved in something unsavoury with his brother? Oh, no.

=> 他没有任何机会与他的兄弟卷入一些不愉快的事情吗?不好了。

No, I'm sure there isn't.

=> 不,我确定没有。

He's fond of his brother, but he's not a complete fool.

=> 他喜欢他的兄弟,但他不是一个完全的傻瓜。

You'd have to say that.

=> 你必须这样说。

You'd cover up for him even if there was something.

=> 即使有什么东西,你也会掩护他。


=> 也许。

But there isn't, is there? He seems to need a lot of propping up.

=> 但是没有,是吗?他似乎需要很多的支持。

Well, that's all part of my job.

=> 那么,这是我工作的一部分。

And it's all worth it, wouldn't you say? Since you ask, no.

=> 这一切都值得,不是吗?既然你问,不。

I think there's at least one man who'd make a better leader.

=> 我认为至少有一个人会成为更好的领导者。

You might think that, Mattie.

=> 你可能会认为,Mattie。

I couldn't possibly comment.

=> 我不可能评论。
