



互联网电影数据库(英语:Internet Movie Database,简称IMDB)是一个关于电影演员、电影、电视节目、电视艺人、电子游戏和电影制作小组的在线数据库。

IMDB网站是目前互联网上最为权威、系统、全面的电影资料网站,里面包括了几乎所有的电影,以及1982 年以后的电视剧集。IMDB的资料中包括了影片的众多信息,演员,片长,内容介绍,分级 ,评论等,就个人买碟而言,很大程度上也是参考IMDB的得分。 它所特有的电影评分系统深受影迷的欢迎,注册的用户可以给任何一部影片打分并加以评述,而网站又会根据影片所得平均分、选票的数目等计算得出影片的加权平均分并以此进行TOP250(最佳250部影片)和Bottom100(最差100部影片)的排行。





User Reviews

Hilarious stephen chow ghost movie.

17 October 2002 | by secrective (detroit) – See all my reviews

Stephen Chow plays an "insane" person who is not afraid of anything. He also appears to be parodying Leon (the professional). Carrying his trusty plant and bag of cling wrap and chocolates he helps a young girl to rid her building of a couple mean ghosts.

This is a must see for any Stephen Chow fan, and at least a renter for any fan of chinese comedy. This ranks up there with Shaolin Soccer and God Of Cookery on my list.

secrective (detroit) 评论:








User Reviews

Stephen Chow does cop comedy.

27 January 2016 | by OllieSuave-007 (California, USA) – See all my reviews

In this action comedy, Stephen Chow stars as SWAT team leader Detective Sing Chow, who goes undercover at a high school to retrieve a stolen gun for the Commissioner.

As with many of Stephen Chow's films, this one has no shortage of slapstick humor and ridiculous action-comedy. Chow proves he could do action as well when he tries to deal with the ammunition smugglers when they raid the school and hold a group of students hostage. In the mist of all the mayhem is a touch of romantic humor courtesy of Sing's affection with school official Miss Ho (Sharla Cheung).

A little goofy here and there, but this is a pretty good film and is rather entertaining.

Grade B

OllieSuave-007 (California, USA)评论:










User Reviews

James Bond meets Austin Powers

1 January 2001 | by Buddhi Fonseka (Australia) – See all my reviews

When I first saw this film I didn't know what to make of it - is it a Chinese James Bond or is it a Chinese Austin Powers. Well its neither and both at the same time if you get the drift.

Nevertheless it is totally insanely funny with its very silly plot and characters that had no credibility and I really enjoyed watching it. Fairly violent - but what else would you expect from a Hong Kong action film.

Buddhi Fonseka评论:









User Reviews

A fun ridiculous romantic comedy

29 April 2005 | by FANCYDOUGHNUTS@HOTMAIL (Seattle) – See all my reviews

This is the film Stephen Chow directed before Shaolin Soccer. There is no kung fu in it, but it is hilarious nonetheless. Chow plays a down and out actor who can't get a job even as an extra. He works at a Neighborhood Welfare House and, in his spare time, gives "acting" lessons. These lessons turn out to be for people like a young wannabe Triad member who wants to learn to act tough so he can collect money, or for an expensive call girl to act virginal so she can make more money. All this and more - the subtitles were a bit tough to understand at times, but all in all I laughed quite a bit and it made me think of Stephen Chow as a Peter Sellers type of guy here. This film also hilariously spoofs John Woo films and has a cameo by Jackie Chan!









User Reviews

One of the funniest films ever made!

1 August 1999 | by Leigh Melton (USA) – See all my reviews

You don't have to be a devotee of Hong Kong cinema to love this delightfully silly spoof movie. While you might enjoy this film even *more* if you recognize the targets of its barbs, each gag stands alone. Karen Mok as Sister Turkey is one of the finest comedic portrayals I've seen in quite a while. Of course Stephen Chow, one of Hong Kong's most famous actors, gives a typically over-the-top performance as one of the world's great weasels turned... well, not exactly a good guy, but at least a bit *less* of the weasel.

Lots of genres get their turn in this film: martial arts movies, cooking shows, Chinese television commercials, you name it. A definite must for HK cinema fans or for anyone who likes to laugh out loud at films which are silly and witty at the same time.

Leigh Melton(USA)评论:








User Reviews

Corrupt Officials, evil Kung-Fu Masters, and Circus Folk, OH MY!

17 October 2002 | by secrective (detroit) – See all my reviews

Stephen Chow plays the son of a judge who's family has been famous for its judgements. Too bad his first case gets him shunned from his villiage for taking a bribe. This leads him on a quest to clear his family's name and to become a great judge.

This movie goes hand in hand with "Lawyer, Lawyer" in which he plays a lawyer (surprise!). If you like this, you might also like "Justice, My Foot!"




这部电影和另外一个他出演律师的电影《lawyer,lawyer》很像,如果你喜欢这个,你也会喜欢《Justice,My Foot》这部电影。






User Reviews

If you don't enjoy this movie, you are a bad person

3 February 2003 | by Keith Stevens (cornjob-2) (Indiana, PA) – See all my reviews

Throughout the nearly two hour running time of this movie, the room was a glow with merriment, excitement, and remarks of "Holy crap, that is the coolest thing ever!" Indeed, for this movie is filled with amazing visuals, fantastic fun, and all around goodness. Shaolin Soccer is a harmless movie, the type that mentions the normal morals you might find in a children's movie (work in teams, don't let success go to your head, cheating is bad, etc.), without preaching them.

Some Shaolin-trained, but for the most part poor and unhappy men get organized in a soccer team with a coach who was crippled in a soccer riot after losing the big game twenty years ago. You've got a variety of misfits--the spunky young'n with the steel leg, the obese convenience store clerk who can nearly fly, the plutocratic salary man who uses a style reminiscent of Flying Chimpanzee's Cotton Belly in Wing Chun. It's an odd little band, stretching from barely-post adolescent to nearly retirement age. This rag-tag band is quite endearing and it works so well.

Sure, there are a few instances of cheap humor, but you've got to expect this. The visuals are fantastic, the characterization competent (even if you probably have seen the archetypes before), and it's a lot of fun, whether it's the parody of a war movie (which my friend called scant instants before it happened) or the somewhat unusual tribute to Bruce Lee (hint: it's all in the sunglasses).

Should you see this movie? Yes. I'd say this movie deserves 4 1/2 stars out of five based on technical merits, etc. But on fun? That's right, it gets a million billion stars. Now let's see what Miramax cut out--25 minutes? Crap.

Keith Stevens (cornjob-2)(Indiana, PA) 评论:






我们应该看这部电影吗?必须,满分5星我给4星半,这只是给予技术层面。如果是基于乐趣方面,我给百万个十亿颗星。Miramax 竟然剪掉了25分钟!垃圾!





User Reviews

The best movie ever!

Author: dongcai from United States 18 August 2012

Yes, it's not just the best movie ever from Stephen Chow but the best movie ever!

You have to watch the first part before fully appreciate all the trivial details in the second part. If we consider the first part as the usual comedy product of Stephen Chow, then surprisingly the second part not only continued the comedy routine but every funny element eventually turn into something much deeper, richer and tragical, which made this movie absolutely cult icon in the next decade in China.

The story is based on the classic Chinese Novel 'Xi You Ji', in which the rebel Monkey was tamed by the Budder and helped a Monk to go to India. Stephen Chow's contemporary adoption of the story is one of his trademarks by mixing the modern elements with the ancient context. It not only added the funny material into the movie, but also the irony and insanity on top of it which younger generation is so addicted to.

At the beginning this movie looks just like another Stephen Chow's typical box office hit but with the stories go on, audience started to feel increasing sadness and later on realised the unavoidable tragical ending.

It's a tough movie for Westerners to understand and appreciate because it requires quite bit Chinese culture knowledge and lots of loss in translation but I would still encourage everyone to give it a go simply for it's such a wonderful and creative movie.

dongcai (from United States)评论:











Freaking fantastic.

Author: jive-3 from toronto 15 September 2004

Goodness me, what a fantastic movie. Caught the world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival and the entire theater laughed until they cried. Amazingly directed, HILARIOUSLY funny, it blends a 1930s gangster stylishness into a Hong Kong kung fu movie to astonishing results. Who would've thought you could top Shaolin Soccer? Not me, until I saw this movie. Stephen Chow pulled it off. Chow's comedic timing gets better and better with every movie he makes, and while his films are depending more and more on CGI these days, and makes this movie much more a fantasy kung fu film than a traditional one, it hardly detracts from the enjoyable experience. Make it your mission to see this film - it will be one of the most entertaining you ever see. I can't remember the last film I enjoyed myself in more. My eyes still hurt from wiping away tears of laughter. Seriously.

jive-3 (from toronto)评论:






