
Paz Viola




the light of hope 120 x 120cm oil on canvas

《希望之光》布面油画 120 x 120cm

Top of glory oil on canvas 120 x 120 cm 2021

《最高荣耀》布面油画 120 x 120 cm 2021


Untitled oil on canvas 140 x 120cm 2022

《无题》布面油画 140 x 120 cm 2022


Paz Viola,当代抽象艺术家,1985年出生于乌拉圭卡梅罗市。自幼酷爱画画,7岁起开始尝试造型艺术,并参加国内外各种艺术大赛。14岁起开始在乌拉圭、阿根廷、智利、美国、意大利等国博物馆和画廊举办画展(个展/合展),作品已入编智利、墨西哥、阿根廷和西班牙高等院校的艺术博士学位课程之中,也见诸艺术书籍与杂志,包括《拉丁美洲造型艺术年鉴》、《High Impact视觉艺术志》(纽约)以及委内瑞拉、西班牙、阿根廷、英国、法国等国出版的艺术书籍。自2019年定居北京,目前已在国内举行两次个展,作品已被北京金台艺术馆、深圳大芬美术馆收藏,并在中华艺术宫、北京艺博会等展出。

Paz Viola, contemporary abstract artist.was born in Camero.Uruguay in 1985. He loved painting when he was young. He began to try plastic arts at the age of 7 and participated in various art competitions at home and abroad.At 14. Paz Viola began to participate in group shows and individual shows nationally and internationally in galleries and museums in Uruguay, Argentina, Chile,United States,Italy,among others.His work have been featured in doctoral studies programs in art in universities in Chile, Mexico, Argentina and Spain, and are frequently featured in magazines and art books, among which are Latin American Plastic, Art Annual Review, High Impact: the Art of Visual (New York)as well as books in Venezuela, Spain, Argentina, UK, France, etc. Museum and Shenzhen Dafen Art Museum, and exhibited in the Chinese Art Palace, Beijing Art Expo.etc. Since he settled in Beijing in 2019. he has held two solo exhibitions in China. His works have been collected by Beijing Jintai Art.

在Paz Viola 看来,艺术是自我的体现,是艺术家精神或潜意识的延伸,触而不及,存贮于最纯粹的自我空间。Paz Viola 的作品汲取了南美的色彩和记忆,源于灵感脉动:一点一线,万象即生。我画,故我在。Paz Viola 力图用作品展现想象中的境界,体现人类内心不断的挣扎求索,善与恶、明与暗之间的博弈较量。抽象的技法旨在呈现自我之居所,向前一步便迈入永恒之光,后退一步即沉入无尽之暗:这一心灵之域既是画家独有的,也是全人类共有的,更是画家想与每一个人分享的。

In Paz Viola's view, art is the embodiment of self and the extension of artist's spirit or subconsciousness. It is stored in the purest self space without touching. Paz Viola's works draw on the color and memory of South America.and derive from the pulse of inspiration: a little bit, a little bit, everything comes into being. I draw, so I am. Paz Viola tries to show the imaginary realm with his works, reflecting the constant struggle and quest of human hearts,and the game between good and evil, light and dark. Abstract techniques are designed to present the residence of the self. One step forward is to enter the eternal light, and one step back is to sink into the endless darkness. This realm of mind is unique to painters, common to all humaning, and it is what painters want to share with everyone.

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