
红色在表示颜色的时候,一般是说"血色"。而红糖是棕褐色的糖,并不是红颜色的,所以绝不应该是red sugar, 而是brown sugar.



The white sugar as normal sugar is mostly pure sucrose, which forms translucent whitish crystals.


White sugar doesn't start out white --- it's actually refined from a plant extract (primarily from sugarcane) that is a mixture of sucrose, glucose, fructose, and some minerals including calcium, iron, and magnesium. The unrefined extract is raw sugar, and these minerals give it a brown color.


Brown sugars are partially-refined sugars which still have some of the other components besides sucrose which give it the signature dark brown color. When it's fully refined, the appearance is white.




Red sugarcane doesn't produce red sugar . Red sugar is actually refined sugar with a red pigment added to it... unless you're talking about what the Chinese refer to as red sugar -- which is just their name for brown sugar.

红色甘蔗并不能生产出红色的糖。红色的糖(red sugar)实际上是一种添加了红色素的精制糖。红糖是中国人对棕褐色糖的叫法,并不是真的指红色的糖。



“冰糖”的英文是rock candy/rock sugar,或者sugar candy (英式英语)。

Rock sugar (or rock candy) is refined, crystalized sugar in small cubes or in irregular lumps. Lightly transparent, its colour can be white or light yellow. Compare to regular sugar, it has a milder taste, that is to say, it's less sweet.

Rock sugar(或rock candy)是精制的结晶糖,小块或不规则块。微透明,颜色可为白色或淡黄色。与普通的糖相比,它的味道更温和,也就是说,它没那么甜。

In Chinese cuisine, rock sugar is commonly used in both savoury and sweet dishes. It s often called for in making braised dishes (i.e. Red cooked pork belly) to give meat a shiny glaze. You will also find rock sugar in Chinese dessert recipes, such as Birds nest with rock sugar (冰糖燕窝) and Pear with rock sugar (冰糖雪梨). In Northern China, a popular street snack called Bingtang Hulu (冰糖葫芦, literal translation: rock sugar bottle gourd) is also made with rock sugar.

