

3月10日拍摄的用于编织的发光纤维。 新华社记者 刘颖 摄

According to Peng Huisheng, leader of the team and a professor from Fudan’s macromolecular science department, it developed transparent conductive weft fibers and luminescent warp fibers. When woven together, they form micrometer-scale electroluminescent units similar to those on a digital Display screen.科研团队负责人、复旦大学高分子科学系教授彭慧胜介绍说,团队研制的“发光经线”和透明的“导电纬线”交织时,可形成微米级电致发光单元,与数字显示屏的电致发光单元类似。

“发光经线”(luminescent warp fibers),外观与生活中的寻常纱线类似,但通电后即可发出明亮的光。“发光经线”的直径可在0.2毫米至0.5毫米间精确调控(its diameter can be accurately adjusted between 0.2mm and 0.5mm),赋予了其超细超柔的特性(make it super thin and soft),以此梭织而成的衣服,可紧贴人体不规则轮廓,并保证轻薄、透气(light and breathable)。

The team has produced a 6-meter-long and 25-centimeter-wide display textile. It contains 500,000 electroluminescent units and is capable of meeting the resolution requirements of some practical applications.



Display可以用作动词或名词,均表示“展示,展现,显示”等意思,比如:public display of affection (PDA)就是“公开展示感情”,即“秀恩爱”,fireworks display(烟花秀),window display(橱窗展示);display one's skill(展示某人的技能), Toys were displayed in the store window(玩具在商店橱窗里展示)。而在电视、电脑、手机等电子设备领域,我们更常见的是display screen(显示屏)。

The brightness between electroluminescent units deviates by less than 5 percent and remains stable even when the textile is bent, stretched or pressed.


It can withstand hundreds of times of machine washing.



3月10日,复旦大学科研人员展示用于编织的发光纤维。新华社记者 刘颖 摄


Based on flexible textiles, the team developed an integrated system with functions such as display, sensing and power supply. It shows promising prospects in various areas including real-time positioning, intelligent communication and healthcare.该科研团队基于编织方法,还实现了储能织物、触摸传感织物与显示织物的功能集成系统。该系统在实时定位、智能通讯、医疗辅助等方面展现出良好应用前景。

People with linguistic disabilities, for instance, could efficiently and conveniently communicate with others in the future by wearing the display fabric.



显示织物 display textile

高分辨率 high resolution

智能通讯 intelligent communication

物联网 Internet of Things


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

