今天我们一起来学习英语日常口语交际:What a cute teddy bear !


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Alice: Wow. What a cute teddy bear! 哇,好可爱的泰迪熊!

Lily: Yes. My mother bought me last week. And I like it very much. 是的。我妈妈上周刚给我买的。我非常喜欢它。

Alice: Can I play with your teddy bear for a Moment? 我能玩会你的泰迪熊吗?

Lily: I am afraid not. I am playing with him. 不行哦。我正在玩呢。


Lily’s mother: Lily, it’s a good thing to learn to share. If we share, and so do others, each of us can play more toys. Right?


Lily: Mom, I see. Alice, let’s play with the teddy bear together. 妈妈,我知道了。爱丽丝,我们一起玩小熊吧。

Alice: Thanks, Lily. We can also play with my toy car. 谢谢你,莉莉。我们还可以玩我的小汽车。



1. teddy bear泰迪熊

2. bought(buy的过去式)买

3. play with 和......一起玩

4. share 分享
