
645th article645期双语推文



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The new Zhengzhou Museum, located on Wenhan Street, opens on April 30th.



The new venue is located in the core area of the Zhengzhou Central Cultural District (CCD). Covering an area of 147,000 square meters, it is a super large museum with a height of 62 meters. Inspired by "the center of China, the crown of China", the exterior of the building embodies the regional characteristics of Zhengzhou. The south facade is made of stone with a glass curtain wall with a width of more than 100 meters, which is modern and fashionable. The north facade has a curved structure resembling a treasure basin, implying "treasure gathered in the Central Plains". The top is covered by simple profiles from south to north, with a drop of nearly 20 meters, like the rushing waters of the Yellow River.


Walking into the hall on the first floor of the museum, you can see the large relief composed of dozens of famous historical figures. Made of white marble, the relief is 70 meters long and 8 meters high, which is rare in China.

走进该馆一楼大厅向上仰望, 只见由数十位历史名人组成的大型艺术浮雕分外引人注目。据讲解员介绍,该浮雕用汉白玉等材质制作而成,长70米,高8米,如此规模的大型艺术浮雕在国内罕见。


The relief shows Chinese historical figures in the form of statues. In the middle is the Yellow Emperor, the first ancestor of the Chinese civilization. In addition, there are Yu the Great, Qi and Tang of Shang, who made great contributions in Zhengzhou, Li Bai, Du Fu, Liu Yuxi and Bai Juyi, who blessed us with immortal poems, as well as many famous thinkers and politicians such as Yi Yin and Liezi.


Zhengzhou Museum has a collection of more than 60,000 pieces of cultural relics in nearly 20 categories such as pottery, porcelain and bronze. In particular, Neolithic pottery, bronze wares of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, stone carvings of the Tang and Song Dynasties, and porcelain of the past dynasties are exceptionally rich in local features. The exhibition area covers a total area of 36,000 square meters. In 21 exhibition halls, 20 different types of exhibitions are planned, namely, 3 basic exhibitions, 14 thematic exhibitions and 3 temporary exhibitions. The basic exhibitions are a panoramic view of Zhengzhou's historical development from the Paleolithic Age to modern times. The thematic exhibitions display exquisite cultural relics by category, and unique cultures of Zhengzhou. In addition, the venue offers featured exhibitions of local historical figures, thousand-year-old traditional Chinese medicine, and Henan Opera.



Nearly three quarters of this 147, 000 sq.m. big facility (including the public service area) is accessible to visitors. In addition, a youth center, a small theater, and a 4D cinema are planned in the venue. In the public space, a large area is dedicated to one-stop supporting services such as leisure, reading and catering. In order to make the museum come alive, the concept of smart museum was incorporated as an integral part during design and construction. The museum and Henan Unicom signed a strategic agreement to jointly build a "5G Joint Innovation Lab" to achieve full 5G coverage of the venue. With the help of 5G technology and application innovation, it will promote the construction of Zhengzhou Museum into a smart museum.

在郑州博物馆新馆14.7万平方米的建筑空间内,对公众开放及相关配套服务设施近10万平方米。同时 ,该场馆还规划有青少年活动中心、小剧场、4D影院,公共空间内预留较大面积为公众提供休闲、书吧、餐饮等配套服务的空间,实现可在馆内停留一天的目标。为让博物馆真正“活”起来,场馆在建设过程中把“智慧博物馆”概念融入其中。该馆与河南联通公司签署战略协议,共同打造“5G联合创新实验室”,实现场馆5G全覆盖,并就借助5G领域技术和应用创新推进郑州博物馆“智慧博物馆”建设。


The maximum number of reservations for the museum every day is 8,000. You can make reservations three days in advance via the WeChat official account of the Zhengzhou Museum. If you fail to make an appointment on the official account, you can try your luck at the museum. In addition, the museum offers check-in counters for the elderly and children.




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