In 2001, the United States sent troops to Afghanistan in the name of capturing terrorists to avenge the "9·11" attacks. This mission is not finished nearly until 10 years later when the United States killed Osama bin Laden in 2011. But U.S. troops' presence remains in Afghanistan for 10 more years till today. Now, the U.S. military is finally close to a complete withdrawal from Afghanistan, but Afghanistan is left devastated in deeper turmoil. ,我来为大家科普一下关于为什么说美国深陷阿富汗战争?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



In 2001, the United States sent troops to Afghanistan in the name of capturing terrorists to avenge the "9·11" attacks. This mission is not finished nearly until 10 years later when the United States killed Osama bin Laden in 2011. But U.S. troops' presence remains in Afghanistan for 10 more years till today. Now, the U.S. military is finally close to a complete withdrawal from Afghanistan, but Afghanistan is left devastated in deeper turmoil.


Tabish Forugh is an Afghan writer and political analyst. He introduced what is happening in Afghanistan now. "The Doha deal that is supposed to provide a venue for talks is doomed and failed. The Taliban strategy of waiting out the United States has proven to work. And now they're focused on the strategy of exhausting Afghanistan government politically and militarily. The rushed, irresponsible withdrawal of forces from Afghanistan created that political vacuum. And now it's felt not just by the Taliban, but also by the regional actors, which is creating another round of uncertainty and confusion."


He Wenping, professor from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences criticized the U.S. rapid withdrawal. "I think United States withdrawal from Afghanistan obviously is too hasty. It's not that responsible at all. Don't mention they have been based there for 20 years and not bring any peace and security in that country. For the Biden administration, the number one concern is to make 'zero casualty, zero wounded' American soldiers in all the process of withdrawal. So that's why we have come across this kind of civil conflict that immediately came up."

中国社会科学院西亚非洲研究所研究员贺文萍对美军的仓促撤离提出了批评。“我认为美国从阿富汗撤军显然太仓促了。美军根本就不负责任,更不用提美军在阿富汗已经驻扎了20 年,却并没有给那个国家带来任何和平与安全。拜登政府首要关心的,是让美国士兵在整个撤军过程中实现零伤亡。这就是为什么美军一离开,阿富汗的内乱就立即出现。”

However, Jim Walsh, senior research associate from the security studies program of MIT defended the U.S. stance, "I think we have to be careful here. There are a lot of folks who said the U.S. should not be in Afghanistan. International critics in the regions didn't want U.S. troops in Afghanistan. And I get that. But then when they leave, you can't turn around and say, 'Oh, it's terrible you’re leaving; it's causing instability.’ I mean you can't have it both ways."


Walsh added, "Yes, the U.S. is leaving quickly and yes, things are falling quickly. But tell me how many circumstances you have, where people take their time leaving? That's not the way the thing works. The U.S. has been there 20 years. Twenty years."


But the question one has to really ask is, originally, was it right to be in Afghanistan? On that, Saeed Khan, lecturer from Wayne State University provided some historical background, "The Taliban were harboring al Qaida and were unwilling to then extradite Osama bin Laden or any other members of al Qaida. How limited that campaign should have been is of course the big debate. And certainly, it's very hard to justify going well beyond that to being almost 20 years, especially given the fact that bin Laden was killed 10 years ago and not even in Afghanistan. "


Forugh then pointed out, "No one with a sane understanding of history and complexity of the region would argue for an infinite presence of the United States in the region. I'm also a student of history. No international power or foreign force can ever change the fate of a nation. That is for sure. We can agree on this. But what we wanted, but what partnership meant at the time of making deal with the Taliban was to make sure that we use all the leverages of the United States that have on the table, militarily and politically, while doing the peace negotiations for the Taliban. At the current moment, the United States seems to lose the war and also losing the peace. That is the equation that needs to be discussed."


What kind of role will the U.S. play in the future of Afghanistan now that it’s gone home? Saeed Khan said, "I'm not sure how much of a role the United States is going to continue to play, or for that matter, really Western countries. I think they've demonstrated their lack of understanding of the geopolitics of the region. They have also demonstrated their lack of commitment to the region. And whenever there is a regional issue that is best left to regional players, those that actually share borders with Afghanistan, not ones that are thousands upon thousands of miles away."

