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What does "Brexit" stand for?


The term is a commonly-used abbreviation for British exit from the EU."Brexit"是“英国退出欧盟”的简写。

IN NUMBERS:EU referendum


18: Minimum age citizens must be to vote 英国公民参加投票的最低年龄限制

£6 million: Maximum amount groups can spend on official referendum campaigns 600万英镑:各种团体可用于正式投票活动的最高数额

1975: Last time Britain had a referendum on the EU (or the 'Common Market' as it was then called) 1975年:英国最近一次“脱欧”公投的时间,以决定是否继续留在欧洲经济共同体。

67%: Percentage of the 1975 electorate who chose to stay in 67%:1975年公投中,支持英国继续留在欧洲共同体的选民比例。

65%: Turnout in 1975 referendum 65%:1975年公投投票率。

£12.9 billion: Amount the UK paid to the EU in 2015 after rebate taken into account 129亿英镑:2015年英国向欧盟纳税共计129亿英镑(折扣后)。

7: Number of ministers who attend David Cameron's Cabinet meetings who want to leave the EU 7:英国首相卡梅伦内阁中支持脱欧的大臣人数。

150: Number of Conservative MPs expected to back Brexit 150:据估计支持脱欧的保守党议员人数。

2.7 million: Number of people born in another EU country who now live in the UK according to Migration Watch 270万:根据“移民观察”组织的数据,生于其他欧盟国家、现居英国的人数。

