start to do开始做;开始去做某事;开始做某事The machines start to wear down, they dont make as many nuts and bolts as they used to机器开始出现磨损,螺母和螺钉的产量不如从前了,我来为大家科普一下关于start的用法?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



start to do开始做;开始去做某事;开始做某事The machines start to wear down, they dont make as many nuts and bolts as they used to机器开始出现磨损,螺母和螺钉的产量不如从前了。

start doing something开始做某事You cant get very far until you start doing something for somebody else. 当你为他人做了些事情,你才能走得更远。