Video conferencing has been around for more than 20 years. Until the COVID-19 pandemic, though, you would find that many people needing to attend a meeting remotely would be calling from a real conference room full of their teammates. Today, we’re routinely holding video conferences that are 100% virtual. And this is creating a problem that technology can’t fix.,我来为大家科普一下关于阅读理解专项训练及答案?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



Video conferencing has been around for more than 20 years. Until the COVID-19 pandemic, though, you would find that many people needing to attend a meeting remotely would be calling from a real conference room full of their teammates. Today, we’re routinely holding video conferences that are 100% virtual. And this is creating a problem that technology can’t fix.

The problem is us, specifically the fact that we haven’t evolved socially to the point where we can bear much separation. So much of our well-being and work productivity is decided on how close we are Physically. The removal of that for any period of time can be severely damaging. One surprising victim of social distancing is laughter.

Normally people laugh about 18 times per day. And 97% of that time we’re laughing with others — we are 30 times more likely to laugh with others than to laugh alone. Think about it: how often when you and your friends laugh at something that is actually funny? Research shows that 80% of what people laugh at is really not that funny.

So why do people laugh? They laugh in order to laugh with others. Just as everyone starts yawning when just one person yawns, most people can’t help but laugh when those around them do. This is why TV comedy shows often use prerecorded laugh tracks.

Laughing in response to other people’s laughing is not just a behavioral phenomenon. When we laugh, our body produces two key chemicals: endorphin which helps relieve pain and sets off feelings of pleasure, and dopamine which can improve learning, motivation and attention. In fact, studies show that people can stand 15% more pain simply by laughing for a few minutes beforehand. Laughter is also associated with higher motivation and productivity at work.

In today’s home-alone, virtual-team world, this is exactly what you as a team leader should be doing: for your team members to stay healthy and productive, you need to get them to laugh more and stress less.

1. What is the problem mentioned in the first two paragraphs?

A. Physical weakness.B. Lack of technology.

C. Social distancing.D. Reliance on virtual conference.

2. What can be inferred from the article?

A. Laughing alone is normal.B. Laughing is for fun.

C. Laughing starts with yawning.D. Laughing comes more in groups.

3. What is paragraph 5 mainly about?

A. The motivation behind laughter.B. The chemicals regarding laughter.

C. The mechanism of laughter.D. The significance of laughter.

4. What would the author most probably discuss next?

A. How to boost laughter.B. How to better a team.

C. How to reduce stress.D. How to increase productivity.


1. video conferencing 视频会议系统

2. pandemic n. (大范围或全球性的)流行病,大流行病,瘟疫

3. virtual adj. 虚拟的

4. productivity n. 生产效率;生产力

5. removal n. 移走;拿走;除去;消除

6. behavioral adj. 关于行为的

7. phenomenon n. (pl. phenomena) 现象

8. endorphin n. 内啡肽(内分泌激素,有镇痛作用)

9. dopamine n. 多巴胺

10. beforehand adv. 事先,预先,事前

11. associate v. 联想,联系;与……有关


1. Until the COVID-19 pandemic, though, you would find that many people needing to attend a meeting remotely would be calling from a real conference room full of their teammates.


分析:在本句中,“Until the COVID-19 pandemic”是时间状语,“you would find that... full of their teammates”是主句。其中,that引导的是宾语从句,作find的宾语。在这个宾语从句中,“many people”是主语,现在分词短语“needing to attend a meeting remotely”是后置定语。

2. Just as everyone starts yawning when just one person yawns, most people can’t help but laugh when those around them do.


分析:在本句中,“Just as everyone starts yawning when just one person yawns”是方式状语从句,“most people can’t help but laugh when those around them do”是主句。在方式状语从句中,“everyone starts yawning”是主句,“when just one person yawns”是时间状语从句;在主句中,“most people can’t help but laugh”是主句,“when those around them do”是时间状语从句。“can’t help but do...”意为“忍不住做某事,不能停止做某事”,but后面要用动词原形。

3. When we laugh, our body produces two key chemicals: endorphin which helps relieve pain and sets off feelings of pleasure, and dopamine which can improve learning, motivation and attention.


分析:在本句中,“our body produces two key chemicals”是主句,“When we laugh”是时间状语从句。“endorphin which helps relieve pain and sets off feelings of pleasure, and dopamine which can improve learning, motivation and attention”是“two key chemicals”的同位语,对其进行补充说明;“which helps relieve pain and sets off feelings of pleasure”和“which can improve learning, motivation and attention”是定语从句,分别修饰“endorphin”和“dopamine”。



1. C 细节理解题。根据第一段的“Today, we’re routinely holding video conferences that are 100% virtual. And this is creating a problem that technology can’t fix.(今天,我们经常举行100%虚拟的视频会议。这就产生了一个技术无法解决的问题。)”和第二段的“The problem is us, specifically the fact that we haven’t evolved socially to the point where we can bear much separation.(问题出在我们自己身上,尤其是我们的社交能力还没有进化到可以承受长期分离的地步。)”可知,前两段提到的问题是,疫情导致社交距离变远。故选C。

2. D 推理判断题。根据第四段的“Just as everyone starts yawning when just one person yawns, most people can’t help but laugh when those around them do.(就像当只有一个人打哈欠时,每个人都会打哈欠一样,当周围的人笑时,大多数人都会忍不住笑。)”可推断,成群的人笑得更多。故选D。

3. D 段落大意题。根据第五段的“When we laugh, our body produces two key chemicals: endorphin which helps relieve pain and sets off feelings of pleasure, and dopamine which can improve learning, motivation and attention. In fact, studies show that people can stand 15% more pain simply by laughing for a few minutes beforehand. Laughter is also associated with higher motivation and productivity at work.(当我们大笑的时候,我们的身体会产生两种关键的化学物质:内啡肽,它可以帮助缓解疼痛并引发愉悦感,还有多巴胺,它可以提高学习能力、积极性和注意力。事实上,研究表明,仅仅提前几分钟笑一下,人们就能多忍受15%的疼痛。笑还能提高工作积极性和工作效率。)”可知,本段主要介绍笑声的重要性。故选D。

4. A 推理判断题。根据最后一段的“In today’s home-alone, virtual-team world, this is exactly what you as a team leader should be doing: for your team members to stay healthy and productive, you need to get them to laugh more and stress less.(在今天这个独自在家、虚拟团队的世界里,这正是你作为一个团队领导者应该做的:为了让你的团队成员保持健康和高效,你需要让他们多笑,少焦虑。)”可推断,作者接下来最有可能讨论如何增加笑。故选A。
