看美剧学英语:I have time to kill(有空闲)



1. Okay.I got you.If you say You have time to kill,you mean You have free time,You have nothing to do right now or some time in the future.

2. Okay.I got you.To have time to kill means To have some free time,or spare time.

也就是说,只用英译汉学习have time to kill时,我们是没有机会把这些学过的英语用起来的。

3. Okay.I got you.If you say You have time to kill,you mean You have free time,You have nothing to do right now or some time in the future.

4.Okay.I see.If you have time to kill,you have nothing to do for now,or for tomorrow.

因此,要想给自己“说”英语的机会和锻炼,学英语have time to kill时,记的就不是中文:无所事事;没事可干;闲着,而是上面的已知的英语。这才是学习的重点。


附查英英字典:Yahoo have time to kill meaning

1.Cambridge: to have nothing to do for a particular period:

2. Free dictionary:To have extra time, unscheduled time.


1.We have some time to kill before we leave - do you want to have some coffee?

2.I stopped at the card store because I had some time to kill before my appointment.

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