



Sleep 睡觉

I may need to take a catnap. 我可能需要打个盹。

Are you a night owl? 你是一个夜猫子吗?

They woke a sleeping giant. 他们唤醒了沉睡的巨人。

I need my beauty sleep! 我要去睡美容觉啦!

She is sound sleep. 她酣睡着。

I feel quite sleepy, and I want to catch forty winks. 我感觉好困啊,好想打个盹儿。

I'm ready to drop. 我累趴了。

Good night. Sleep tight. 晚安,睡个好觉。

She went out like a light after an exhausting day at work. 一天辛苦的工作过后,她倒头就睡。

Excuse me. I have to catch some zs. 实在不好意思。我不得不去小睡一会,补补觉。


dream 梦

If I win, it will be a dream come true. 如果我赢了,那就是梦想成真。

Be realistic. Don't live in a dream world! 现实一点,不要活在幻想的世界里。

That's just a pipe dream. 那只是一个白日梦而已。

Don't daydream! read your book. 别做白日梦了!看你的书。

This team has never won a championship, so their stadium is full of broken dreams. 这支球队从未赢得过冠军,所以他们的球场充满了破碎的梦想。

Just like a dream, I have not thought about it. 就像梦一样,我从来没有想过会拥有这些。

You should pursue your dream to be a singer. 你应该追求你的梦想,成为一位歌手。

To fulfill a childhood dream, I decided to learn English. 为实现儿时的梦想,我决定学习英语。

Last night I had a nightmare. 昨晚,我做恶梦了。

He is always talking in his dreams. 他老是说梦话。

