上期我们研究了介词with 的用法,本期我们研究介词by 的全面用法,我来为大家科普一下关于英语语言学中的语境的知识?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



上期我们研究了介词with 的用法,本期我们研究介词by 的全面用法。


sit by a tall tree, stand by the window,

by the river, by the sea

2、表示交通工具、通讯方式、邮政方式,名词前无定语,后无s 。

by bike /car /bus /air /plane /train /subway 地铁/ship /sea /helicopter 直升飞机;by mail 邮政/post 邮政/phone /cellphone /mobile phone 手机/email /telegraph 电报/road /land 从陆路;by radio 电台/hand 手工;by electricity 电/force 武力,learn sth by heart 背会,know sb by name 仅知其名,know sb by side 仅识其面,by mistake 由于错误,by chance 恰巧,by accident 恰巧,by good fortune 好运气,side by side 肩并肩。


by lunch time, by the end of 过去时间状语要用过去完成时。

by the time 加句子,相当于一个时间状语从句。主句用完成时。

We had learned more than 1,000 English words by the end of last term. 到上学期末我们已经学了一千多个英文单词。


The classroom is cleaned by students every day.


He made a living by begging. 他以乞讨谋生。

by means of doing sth =by doing sth

本期我们从五个方面研究了介词with 的用法,欢迎大家点赞评论,关注互动交流。Thank you, everybody! Bye, See you next time!
