




Step 1. 出门前,准备雪人的装饰物


P: We are going to build a snowman. What can be used as the snowman's eyes/nose/mouth?

K: ...(给孩子一些时间等他组织语言,如果孩子说不出来,家长提出建议即可)

P: Good ideas. Let's take two blueberries(当眼睛), a carrot(当鼻子), a block(当嘴).

And I think we can take a scarf for the snowman. It would be cool.

Step 2. 滚雪球


P: First, let's roll the base of the snowman. Take a handful(一把) and start shaping (塑造,使成形) the snow into a ball. Keep packing(拍,压实).It's big/large enough.

Let's make the second ball. It should be a bit smaller.

The third ball, it's smaller than the second ball. It'll serve as(充当)the head. Look, this is the smallest ball. (比较大小的概念,无痛植入)

Step 3.将三个球堆叠在一起

P: Let's pack some snow on the top of the base. It'll help hold the midsection(中段部分).

Now, lift the midsection ball and put it on the base.

Then, pack some snow on the top of the midsection.

Finally, put the head on the midsection.

Step 4. 装饰雪人

P: Now we can decorate our snowman. Put on the eyes, the nose and the mouth. Wrap the scarf around the snowman's neck(给宝贝系围巾的时候,也可以说这句哦).

Let's find two twigs(小树枝) for the snowman. They'll serve as arms. Put them on the sides of the snowman.

Step 5. 给雪人起名

P: We've done. You can give the snowman a name.

K: ...(娃会起什么雷人的名字呢?好奇...……)


除了好好儿地堆雪人,我们还可以玩儿点刺激的,Blindfold(蒙住) your child and let him or her to get the eyes, the nose and the mouth in place.




如果不能出去玩雪,可以在家里做一个手工纸盘雪人,Paper Plate Snowman Craft,做完挂在房间里,也是非常有冬天的气氛哦!



large paper plate

Small paper plate

Medium buttons

Small buttons

Red, orange, black and green paper

2 twigs




Step 1. 粘圆盘

P: Tape the small paper plate onto the large paper plate to create the snowman's body.

Step 2. 剪帽子,粘帽子

P: Cut a hat out of black paper and glue it to the top of the small plate.

Step 3. 剪帽子条,粘帽子条

P: Cut a green strip out of paper and glue it on the hat.

Step 4. 剪围巾,粘围巾

P: Cut a longer green strip(条)out of paper. It's the snowman's scarf. Glue it over here (复杂点儿,可以这样表达Glue it the junction of the large and small paper plates).

Step 5. 粘胳膊

P: Tape the twigs on the sides of the large paper plate.

Step 6. 剪手套,粘手套

P: Cut two mittens out of red paper and glue them onto the ends of the twigs.

Step 7. 剪眼睛,粘眼睛

P: Cut two black eyes out of paper and glue them onto the small plate.

Step 8. 剪鼻子,粘鼻子

P: Cut a triangle out of orange paper and glue it under the eyes. It's snowman's nose.

Step 9. 粘嘴巴,粘扣子

P: Glue the 5 small buttons under the nose in a smile.

Glue the 3 medium buttons in a row on the large plate.


1. Have a Snowball Fight 打雪仗



P: Let's have a snowball fight. Take a handful and shape the snow into a ball. Keep packing until it is compact(紧实的).ok, throw it to hit your daddy. (这种游戏,有爸爸在就是好,扛打)

2. Snow Graffiti 雪上涂鸦


Give kids spray bottles(喷壶) full of water that's tinted(着色) with food coloring(食用色素) to decorate the snow.

3.Frosty Toss 投雪球


Have a snowball-throwing contest! Creating a circle in the snow with the stick. Toss the snowball.

4. Go Tubing 溜冰


Have your kid sit on the swim ring and then push him or her. Be careful!


