1、Benefit from 从…当中获益 近义句型:is benefit to…,我来为大家科普一下关于慎小嶷雅思写作36个句型?以下内容希望对你有帮助!




1、Benefit from 从…当中获益

近义句型:is benefit to…

2、Invest in 对…投资.

近义词:subsidise /sponsor /allocate money to

反义词:withdrew /suspend the funding of

3、Promote the development of 促进…的发展

4、Boost efficiency / productivity 提高效率 生产率

近义词:enhance efficiency / productivity

5、Play a pivotal role in 在...中起关键作用

近义词:play a crucial/essential role in…

6、Enrich one’s social/academic/professional experience 丰富社会的/学术的/专业的 经验

近义句型:expend one’s outlook/vision 开阔某人的视野

反义句型:limit one’s vision

7、Keep society safe and stable 保持社会的安全和稳定

近义句型:maintain social stability

8、Have a duty/obligation to do… 有责任做…

近义句型:be obligated to do sth. /be accountable for

反义句型:be exempt from doing sth. 被免除某种责任,比如paying taxes

9、Relax their bodies and ease their minds 让身心放松

近义句型:afford sb. entertainment and pressure

10、Be based on… 基于…

翻译句型:lay the foundation for…/lay the groundwork for… 为…打好基础

11、Generate employment opportunities 创造就业机会

近义句型:stimulate the job market

反义句型:reduce employment opportunities

12、Be less time-consuming and more economical 省钱又省时间

近义句型:be more efficient and cost-effective

13、Fulfill one’s potential 发挥某人的潜力

近义句型:achieve one’s potential

翻译句型:restrict one’s potential

14、Remove the barrier for 为(发展、交流等)消除障碍

反义句型:be a hindrance to /be a hurdle to /be an impediment to 对…造成阻碍

15、Promote the cultural communication and interaction between …and… 促进…和…之间的文化交流与互动

近义句型:contribute towards the mutual understanding between … and …

16、Curb the proliferation of 控制(犯罪、污染、媒体)的扩散

近义句型:ban/ prohibit/ eliminate sth.

17、Raise people’s awareness of 提高人们的某种意识

近义句型:disseminate /diffuse knowledge about… 传播某方面的知识

18、Has a inherent advantage of 在某方面有优势

近义句型:be superior to… 比…更有优势

反义句型:be inferior to… 不如…的

19、Never manage to reach a comparable level(不能相提并论的)


1、Live in poverty /misery/frustration/anxiety 生活在贫穷/痛苦/沮丧/焦虑 中

近义句型:lead a … life

2、Drive up the crime rate 使犯罪率上升

反义句型:lower the crime rate

3、The competition is increasingly stiff 竞争越来越激烈

近义句型:be increasingly competitive

4、To avoid… , people should… 为了避免…,人们应该…

近义句型:people should… so as to prevent… 为了避免…人们应该…

5、Widen the gap between A and B 加大A与B之间的差距

反义句型:narrow/bridge the gap between A and B

6、Stem from… (某种坏现象)起源于…

近义句型:A can be attributed to B A的产生可以归结到B这个原因上

7、Pose threat to 对…构成威胁

近义词组:jeopardise sth.

8、Stifle creativity/imagination 扼杀创造力/想象力

反义句型:foster/simulate creativity

9、Find… monotonous and unmotivating 发现某事物很单调无法给人动力

近义句型:find… unattractive nor productive

反义句型:find… highly stimulating

10、Diminish individual leisure time 减少人们的休闲时间

对比:drive away individuals’ loneliness

11、There is a definite link between A and B 两者之间存在紧密关系

反义句型:there is no correlation between A and B 两者不存在关系

12、Spin out of control 失去控制

反义句型:keep… under tight control

13、Cause tension and conflicts between…and… 在两者之间造成紧张和冲突

反义句型:ease the tension between… and …

14、Be overly dependent on 对某事过度依赖

反义句型:be independent of… 对…不依赖

15、Have a detrimental influence upon 对…有负面影响

16、The population is booming 人口在激增

反义句型:curb the population explosion

17、Is markedly incompatible with… 与…明显不协调

近义词组:be incongruous with

反义词组:be consistent with
