1. advice [əd'vaɪs]n. 建议,我来为大家科普一下关于自考英语二必背语法?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



1. advice [əd'vaɪs]

n. 建议

Many times during long rides, I’d developed a good relationship with my passengers and received very good advice from them. (2014.10 阅读判断) 在多次长途载客中,我和我的乘客都有一个良好的关系,并且收到了他们非常好的建议

2. advise [əd'vaɪz]

vt. 建议

vi. 建议

Ø The writer's friend advised her not to talk to her son about his weight.(2014.10 阅读选择) 作者的朋友建议她不要和她的儿子讨论他的体重。

Ø There are certain rules that are strongly advised to be followed.(2012.10 阅读理解) 强烈建议您遵守以下几个规则。

3. affect [ə'fekt]

vt. 影响

How we live our lives affects the environment.(2013.10 填词补文) 我们如何生活影响着环境。

4. appearance [ə'pɪər(ə)ns]

n. 外貌

We should bear this in mind: Don’t judge a person by his appearance. (2013.4 词汇与语法结构) 我们应该记住:不要以取人。

5. assistance [ə'sɪst(ə)ns]

n. 援助

Marriage advisers’ assistance is the best solution to violence.(2011.4 阅读理解) 婚姻顾问的帮助是解决暴力的最好方法。

6. assistant [ə'sɪst(ə)nt]

n. 助手

The young shop assistant told him the total price, $37.60. (2014.4 阅读选择) 那个年轻的店员告诉他总价格为 37.6 美元。

7. attack [ə'tæk]

n. 攻击

vt. 攻击

Ø These attacks are happening so frequently these days that you might as well assume there is no way to keep a password secret. (2012.10 阅读理解) 这些攻击最近发生的如此频繁,你不妨假设密码已经不再是秘密。

Ø More than a third of all brothers and sisters severely attack each other. (2011.4 阅读理解) 在所有兄弟姐妹中,有超过三分之一的有严重的互相攻击行为。

8. available [ə'veɪləb(ə)l]

adj. 可获得的

When you live in a dormitory, you can enjoy a wide range of campus services, which are not available to those who live off campus. (2013.10 概括段落大意和补全句子) 当你住在宿舍里,你可以享受各种各样的校园服务,而这些服务并不提供给那些住在校外的。

9. average ['æv(ə)rɪdʒ]

n. 平均

adj. 普通的

Ø Most people are said to change between these states, an average of 6 to 12 times a day. (2011.4 阅读 理解)

大多数人都说这些状态之间变化,平均每天 6 到 12 次。

Ø Average Americans used to be shorter than Europeans.(2013.4 阅读理解)


10. background ['bækgraʊnd]

n. 背景

I did not have a common background with my friends because I grew up in Europe. (2013.10 阅读选择) 我和我的朋友们没有共同的背景,因为我在欧洲长大。

11. beaten ['biːt(ə)n]

v. 打败(beat 的过去分词)

Almost four of every 100 wives are seriously beaten by their husbands.(2011.4 阅读理解) 几乎每 100 个妻子中就有 4 个被丈夫严重殴打的。