
Word of the Day : December 17, 2021



verb VEN-uh-rayt

What It Means

Venerate means "to feel or show deep respect and honor for someone or something."



"But for those of us who venerate the written word, … a lost book is not an insignificant item gone astray…. Its value comes from the story and who we were and what we learned when we first encountered it." — Ana Veciana-Suarez, The Miami Herald, 8 Sept. 2021

“但对于我们这些崇敬文字的人来说,……a lost book不是丢失无足轻重的物品……它的价值来自于故事、我们是谁以及我们在第一次遇到它时学到了什么。”

Volunteers of the Peace Corps are venerated for their selfless dedication and contributions.


Did You Know?

Venerate comes from the Latin root venerārī, which has the various meanings of "to solicit the good will of," "to worship," "to pay homage to," and "to hold in awe." That root is related to Venus, which, as a proper noun, is the name of the Roman goddess of love and beauty.

Venerate 来自拉丁词根venerārī,它含多种意义有“to solicit the good will of「征求他人的善意」”、“to worship「崇拜」”、“to pay homage to「顶礼膜拜」”和“to hold in awe「敬畏」”。 这个词根与Venus有关,专有名词,它是罗马爱与美丽的女神。


What 6-letter synonym of venerate also has three e's?

