世界文化与遗产 World Cultural Heritage
名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers
鱼米之乡 a land of milk and honey
世外桃源 a heaven of peace
丝绸之路 the Silk Road
藏传佛教 Tibetan Buddhism
兵马俑 tetrra-cotta warriors and horses
大雁塔 the Wild Goose Pagoda
三峡 the Three Gorges
黄鹤楼 the Yellow Crane Tower
九寨沟 the Jiuzhaigou Ravin
迎客松 the Greeting pine
钟楼 the Bell Tower
鼓楼 the Drum Tower
桂林山水 Gulin Scenery with Hills and Waters
日月潭 the Sun Moon Lake
五岳 the five great mountains
飞来峰 the floating Peak
四合院 quadrangle
亭台楼阁 delicately painted and decorated pavilions
鸟语花香 birds twitter and flowers
日月潭 the Sun Moon Lake
鸟语花香 birds twitter and flowers