《Good Time》
Good Time
Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen
It's always a good time处处都是美好时光
It's always a good time处处都是美好时光
Woke up on the right side of the bed 今天心情特别好
What's up with this Prince song inside my head?怎么会有首王子歌在我脑中挥之不去
Hands up if you're down to get down tonight 如果你也打算来狂欢那就举起手来欢呼吧
Cuz it's always a good time 因为这将会是段美好时光
Slept in all my clothes like I didn't care穿着衣服睡觉与否我不在乎
Hopped into a cab, take me anywhere跳进一辆出租车里,带我去任何地方吧
I'm in if you're down to get down tonight如果今夜你打算狂欢的话我也加入
Cuz it's always a good time 因为这将会是段美好时光
Good morning and good night无论早晚都你好啊
I wake up at twilight我在这霞光中苏醒
It's gonna be alright一切都会好起来的
We don't even have to try 甚至我们都不用在意
It's always a good time这里就已是美好时光
Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh
It's always a good time让我们尽情享受着美好时光
Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh
We don't even have to try, it's always a good time无需刻意追求,尽情享受这美好时光
Feet down dropped my phone in the pool again一不留神又把手机掉进了泳池里
Checked out of my room hit the ATM 退房结账后直奔ATM
Let's hang out if you're down to get down tonight 让我们今夜一起出去狂欢吧
Cuz it's always a good time 因为这将会是段美好时光
Doesn't matter when无论何时,
It's always a good time then那时将会是美好时光
《Good Time》 整首歌曲英文简单,朗朗上口,适合听力训练。
《Good Time》以亚当·扬空灵且富有跃动的嗓音,搭配略带鼻音的声线,甜美不带做作,搭配简单上口的旋律、复古俏皮的编曲,就这样自在地、自由地哼唱着;如同秋日洒下的点点暖阳,亦像一道贴心的午后甜点,轻易唤起听者心底里最柔软的那寸美好时光,令整首歌充满活力。歌曲清新,积极,拥有着朗朗上口的流行音乐氛围,就如同歌词里面所唱的一句“每一刻都是好时光”, 歌曲清新,积极,充满着对生活无尽向往。