回想去年在澳洲过第1个圣诞节时,收到homestay房东的礼物,上面写着“enjoy the first Aussie Christmas! ”,我一脸不解——Aussie是哪里?闹过笑话之后当然是要补课的,不求能对澳洲当地的所有特有用语了然于心,也尽量多掌握一些常见和实用的表达。
根据我的经验,这个方法非常适合用来背单词(比较复杂的词或专用词除外),比如aquatic(水生的;水上运动),我们可以想到这个词refers to something connected with water. 这个习惯可以有效提高paraphrase的能力,是对英文写作很关键的技能。
1. Bugger
英文解释:A situation that causes dismay.
e.g. Your class starts at 10 am, but you woke up at 9.50 am. Well, that’s a bit of a bugger.
2. Fair dinkim
英文解释:-Means genuine, to be good and true.
e.g. I got promoted. That’s fair dinkim!
3. Far out
英文解释:-Something is very strange or extreme; or something that shocks you generally in a negative way.
中文解释: 一般指人被吓到了。
e.g. Far out! Can you stop scaring me?
4. Oi, lay off! (oi的发音接近-哦噫)
英文解释:-Means stop what you’re doing and give me a break.
5. Spit the dummy
英文解释:-You don’t like something and overreact (as an adult) to that situation, in an angry and childish manner.
e.g. He‘ll really spit the dummy when he hears that he’s not going on that trip.
6. G’day mate! (发音是gooday)
7. She’ll be right.
英文解释:-Means it’ll be okay. Whatever is wrong will right itself with time.
8. On ya mate!
-It is used when your friend has done something good.
9. Chuck a shrimp on the barbie.
英文解释:-Means have great time with your friends on BBQ.
1. A hot potato
英文解释: -Speak of issue which many people are talking about and which is usually disputed.
(a controversial issue or situation which is awkward to deal with.)
e.g. Dog registration has become a political hot potato.
2. Actions speak louder than words
英文解释:-People’s intentions can be judged better by what they do than what they say.
e.g. We have heard what you said, but actions speak louder than words.
3. Add insult to injury
英文解释:-To further a loss with mockery or indignity; to worsen an unfavorable situation.
4. An arm and a leg
英文解释:-Very expensive or costly. A large amount of money.
e.g. The tuition fee of the university costs an arm and a leg.
5.Ball is in your court
英文解释:-It is up to you to make the next decision or step. It is someone‘s turn to do something.
e.g. Well there’s not much more I can do, so the ball is in your court now.
大家在澳洲留学的时候可以多和local相处,参与本地人举办的活动,而不是仅仅在国人的圈子中社交。小编相信,尽管刚开始的时候大家会在沟通上遇到一些困难,但是这是接近“native speaker”的必经过程。等你能和澳洲人谈笑风生的时候,那个时候的成就感一定是很强的吧。