4、《卜算子·我住长江头》:是宋代词人李之仪的作品。这首《卜算子》深得民歌的神情风味,全词以悠悠不断的长江水为抒情线索,描写了女主人公相思之绵绵不已,对爱情的执着追求与热切的期望。或许每个人的人生中都有一个这样触不到的爱人,潜藏在内心深处,就像美好的诗和远方。《Bu Suan Zi•I live Upstream》

was written by Li Zhiyi in Song Dynasty, which is quite something like a ballad. It describes the heroine's endless yearning, persistent pursuit for love and eager expectations in a clue of the Changjiang River. Maybe in life everyone has such a lover who can't be touched but deeply inside, just like the beautiful poetry and distance.


I live by the Changjiang River upstream,

And you live downstream.


I think of you day after day but you beyond my view farther,

Although we drink together from the same Changjiang River.


When will the river cease to flow?

When will my bitterness cease to grow?


May only your heart be steadfast as mine,

Truly live up to such love affections fine.

