


-Lynette: How was your night? 今晚过得如何?

-Tom: We are raising little terrorists. You know that, don't you?

raise: 养育 terrorist: 恐怖分子


-Lynette: Oh. You didn't have a good time? 哦,你过得不开心?

have a good time: 玩得愉快

-Tom: Okay, you know what? Drop the act. I know you gave them cookies.

act: 表演,假装 drop the act: 别装了 cookies: 饼干

好啦,我说你别装了! 我知道你给了他们饼干。

Lynette: Oh. Who cracked, anyway? 哦,不管怎样,是谁泄密了呢?

crack: 使破裂【这里可理解泄露秘密】 anyway: 不管怎样

-Lynette: Well, there was dinner, but it wasn't much of a party.


She retaliated with this whole revelation which I won't even go into now,and the bottom line is he stormed out. Clearly, there's trouble in paradise.天堂


Believe me, if a woman ever humiliated me like that in public, hm-- it would only happen once.

相信我,如果一个女人像那样在别人面前下不来台。 嗯 -- 我一定会让她好看的。。
