

The lifeguards protecting the world's best swimmers世界顶级游泳选手的救生员

There are about 75 lifeguards, hired and trained to attend the various Olympic centres for swimming, diving, synchronised swimming, water polo and white-water kayaking.大约雇佣了有75名训练有素的救生员照看奥林匹克中心的赛事,有游泳、跳水、花样游泳、水球和白水皮划艇。

And the men and women given the task of guarding the pool are, effectively, being paid £260 to watch the Olympics from one of the best seats in the house.无论男女,所有救生员的任务都是坐在场馆最佳的位子上,看着比赛,守卫着池子,每个人都是260美元的酬劳。


The condom guy ensuring Olympians have safe sex奥运会发放安全套的男子,确保奥运期间运动员性事安全

The International Olympic Committee for Rio 2016 has provided more than 450,000 condoms for the two-week games. That's a lot more than any other Olympics.2016年里约国际奥运林匹克委员会给围棋两周的赛事提供了45万个安全套,比以往奥运会要多得多。

This works out at 42 per athlete or nearly three a day across the games.这样一算下来,平均每个运动员就发42个,或者说是两周的赛事将近一天3个。


The poncho wearer who could have been a pole穿雨披者,本来立根柱子就可以

Top prize for the most bizarre sights , however, went to the hundreds of dancers wearing arrow ponchos signposting the route for athletes parading their way into the stadium.然而, 最怪异景象的头奖还是要数几百名穿箭头雨披的舞者,他们为运动员列队指路,引导其入场馆。

The poncho-wearers had only one job - one that can be done adequately by a metal pole.雨衣舞者只有这一项工作,而这份工作换一根金属杆就可以来做也绰绰有余。




