




Let's play ball, Mommy 妈咪,我们来玩球。(作为球类运动一般不加the,如play basketball,当然,play ball 在成人世界还有其他的意思,这里不展开了)

OK. I will throw the ball. 好,我来扔球。(具体球的时候加the)

Catch the ball, Sweetie. 接球宝贝

Here it goes! / Here we go! 我们开始吧。

Throw it hard to Mom. 用力投给妈妈

Oops, I missed it. 哦,我没接到

I happened to drop it. 我不小心掉了

The ball's rolling. 球滚走了

Mommy will get the ball. 妈妈来捡球

Go and get the ball. 去把球捡回来

Catch the ball with two hands. 用双手接球

Put the ball between your legs. 把球夹在你的两腿中间

Throw the ball up high. 把球扔得高高的。

Hit the ball with your hand. 用手击球

Bounce the ball like this. 像这样拍球?

Catch the ball from Daddy and throw it to Mommy. 从爸爸那里接球后,扔给妈妈。

Don't throw the ball. Roll it. 不要扔球了,滚球吧。Wow, You can catch the ball very well. 哇,你接球很棒啊

It's my turn to throw the ball. 轮到我丢球了。

Throw the ball far. 扔远点

Throw the ball to me. 把球扔给我

Pass it to me. 把球传给我

Throw it back. 扔回来

Now it's my turn. 现在轮到我了

Don't throw it too far /hard, Dad. 不要扔太远了/太大力气了

I throw the ball this well. 我扔球很厉害

See? I'm this good? 看,我厉害吧

Look at where you're throwing the ball. 看着你要扔球的方向。

Throw it harder. 用力扔


