剑桥大学出版社出版的《英语在用》(English Vocabulary in Use) 丛书被誉为“英语学习者的‘圣经’”,我来为大家科普一下关于英语发音归纳?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



剑桥大学出版社出版的《英语在用》(English Vocabulary in Use) 丛书被誉为“英语学习者的‘圣经’”。

《英语在用—中级英语词汇》共有100个单元,今天分享的是Unit 1--D,主要是讲扩大词汇量的方法,音频材料是英式发音。前四个单元是关于学习方法和一些基础知识,从第五单元开始进入词汇学习。欢迎感兴趣的朋友一起学习,在英语学习的旅途上,相互鼓励,共同进步!

Expanding your vocabulary

When you learn a word, e.g. dirty, think of synonyms (syn) [words with a similar meaning] or opposites (opp) in your language. Look them up in a bilingual dictionary to find the English words, then look up the English words in an English dictionary to check the meaning. From this, you will find that the opposite of dirty is clean, and you may also find filthy [very dirty].


1. expand: making something bigger 扩大,增加

2. synonym [ˈsɪnənɪm] (syn):words with a similar meaning 近义词

3. opposite (opp) [ˈɒpəzɪt] 反义词

4. look up (在参考书、列表、词典等中)查检,查找

5. bilingual [ˌbaɪˈlɪŋɡwəl] 双语的, 会说两种语言的,用两种语言(写)的

6. filthy [ˈfɪlθi] very dirty 肮脏的;污秽的
