








大家好,我是小学英语组的***号考生,我试讲的题目是《Houston is in the south》,下面开始我的试讲。

I. Lead-in

T: Good morning, boys and girls. Welcome back to school. Nice to see you, again.

Ss: Nice to see you, too.

T: How are you today?

S1: Fine, thank you.

T: How is weather today?

S2: It’s sunny.

T: Now, listen to me carefully: Do you know which country is the biggest one in theworld?

S: Russia.

T: How about the second one?

S: Canada.

T: Wonderful!

II. Presentation

Activity 1

T: Now, look at the PPT. What’s this?

S: It is a map of the USA. T: Well done! And what do you know about the USA? How many cities you know in the USA?Please write the names on the blackboar.

S: I know that the capital city of the USA is Washington D.C.

T: Great! And what about the second question? Lily, please.

S: I know San Francisco, Boston and New York City.

T: Super!

Activity 2

T: Then, I will play the tape and you should listen to the tape in accordance with the map show on the screen. Then, please choose from the blackboard the words they have heard from the tape. Do you understand?

T: The tape is over, who can tell me which words you have heard from the tape?

S: I have heard the word: map.

S: I have heard the word: east.

S: I have heard the word: west.

S: I have heard the word: south.

T: Wonderful! You are very careful!

Activity 3

T: Now, I will play the tape again, and you should listen to the tape carefully with some questions:

(1) Is the US big or small?

(2) Wher is San Francisco?

(3) Wher is Houston?

(4) Is New York in the west?

A few minutes later, I will invite some of you to answer them.

T: Time is up! Who wants to be the volunteer? Bob, please answer the first question!

S: The US is big. T: Great! What about the second one? Our monitor, you please!

S: San Francisco is in the west. T: Super! What about the next one? You, please!

S: Houston is in the south. T: Great! What about the last one? Tom, please!

S: New York is in the east.

Activity 4

T: At last, please listen to the tape for the third time. This time, please try to follow the tape and imitate the pronunciation.


III. Practice

Activity 1 Pair work

T: Now, please l work in pairs to read the dialogue. What’s more, please pay attention to the intonation of asking and answering questions.


T: Time flies! Who wants to give us a performance? You two, please!


T: Wow, your pronunciation is great! Thanks for sharing!

Activity 2 Train Game

T:Now,let’s play a game-- Train game! More cities in the US on the map will be shown on the PPT. You should read the names of the cities first and then play the game. Before the game, I will divide you into 2 Groups. When I ask the No. one of each group with “Wher is …?”, the No. 1 of each group should answer with “It’s in the …” Then the No. one of each group asks the next one, in turn, the first group finishes will win the game and get 1 point for their group.. Are you clear?

Ss: Yes, I am clear!

T: Let’s go!

T: Wow! Group A is faster, congratulations! Group B, please come on!

IV. Consolidation

T: Ok, next, let’s do a task! I will show a map of China on the screen. Six students a group, imagine one of you is from Canada or England or other foreign countries and wants to know about China. The other group members should try to introduce China to him/ her. In the process, you can use the sentences you have learnt in this lesson and meanwhile, you may add some more introductions related to the cities by themselves. Several minutes later, I will invite some group to give us a report. Are you clear? Ok, let’s go!

T: Time is up! Which group wants to have a try? Wow, Group B you are so brave! It is your show time!


T: Your report is very careful!

V. Summary

T: Who can tell me what we have learned in this class?

Ss: We learned the sentence pattern and some new words.

T: Yes, but we also learned the importance of loving our country.

VI. Homework

T: Today’s homework is to talk about your favorite city in China with your parents and share with the class in the next lesson. Class is over, bye!

VII. Blackboard Design


我的试讲到此结束, 谢谢各位考官的聆听。



(1)一般过去时表示过去某时发生的动作或单纯叙述过去的事情,强调动作;现在完成时为过去发生的,强调过去的事情对现在的影响,强调的是影响,且和现在有关。例如:Did you do your homework? 你做作业了吗?Yes, I did, but I haven’t finished it yet. 是的,我做了,但是还没做完。


一般过去时的时间状语:yesterday, last week, ago, in 1980, in October, just now 等,皆为具体的时间状语。

现在完成时的时间状语:for, since, so far, ever, never, just, yet, till/until, up to now, in the past years, always 等,多为不确定的时间状语。

(3)现在完成时可表示持续到现在的动作或状态,动词一般是延续性的,如 live, teach, learn, work, study, know。一般过去时常用非持续性动词。如:come, go, leave, start, die, finish, become, get married 等。
