
You give me enough money, I don't mind you looking for another woman outside, you give me enough love, I won't leave you because of money.


Others are good to you, you have to strive for strength, and you will be able to repay in the future. Others are not good to you, you have to strive for more, hope that one day you will be proud.



Everyone has a hard time, but if you can get through this, After many years, looking back on those difficult years, it will eventually become the most exciting look in the whole life.


Because of the evaluation of others, how many edges and corners we have worn away and how many unique characters we have lost. The longer we care, the more we can't tell whether life is for ourselves or for others.



The scenery you see at the age of 20 is definitely different from the scenery you see at the age of 30. Because it contains some bitter taste of life. Therefore, we must take advantage of the young and go out for a walk, the kind of eyes that have not been lived without can best discover the beauty of Zhou Zhou.



Many times we will change the initial outcome in order to win or lose for a while. Think about it. It's not worth knowing. Who knows what you're thinking. He who does not know makes your heart.

