

一、介词 beyond 在位置上表示“在…以外”、“在(或到)…的那一边”之意

  1. Our special economic zone is beyond the hill. 我们的经济特区在这小山那边。(或意译:过了小山便是我们的经济特区。)

  2. The steel works is 40 kilo meters beyond the town. 钢厂离城镇 40 公里。(由“钢厂在城镇外 40 公里”引申过来。)

  3. He will look beyond the grave. 他将考虑身后(或死后)事。(意译)

  4. He has come from beyond the sea. 他从海外(或大洋彼岸)回来。(beyond 短语作介词 from 的宾语。)

  5. She can see beyond the end of his nose. 她能看得远(或看得透)。(由“能看鼻尖以外的东西“引申过来。)


  • Now it is beyond six o’clock. 现在过六点了。(意译)

  • Today he checked the circuit beyond the usual time. 今天他比平时晚些才检查好线路。

  • In the meeting room there were not beyond ten professors present. 在会议室出席的教授不超过十位。

  • Only a few restaurants keep open beyond (或 after) midnight. 仅有几家餐馆持续营业到半夜以后。

  • 三、介词 beyond 表示在范围上“超出、超过…”或“出乎…以外”

    1. The book is quite beyond me (或 my comprehension, my understanding.) 这本书非我所能理解。(表语)

    2. We found Beijing changed beyond recognition. 我们发现北京变了,使人认不得了。(状语)

    3. The temperature scales can be extended in either direction beyond 0℃ and 100℃. 温度刻度可以朝着超出 0℃ 或 100℃ 的任一方向扩展。(后置定语)

    4. By radar people can see the things beyond the visibility of them. 利用雷达人们能看见视线以外的东西。(后置定语)


    注 1:用介词 beyond 表示在范围上“超出、超过…或出于…以外”的固定短语较多,并且译为汉语时常有丰富多彩的表示方法。又如:beyond all comparison 无可比拟;beyond all hope 没有希望;beyond belief 难以置信;beyond comprehension 不能理解;beyond dispute 无可争论;beyond control 不受约束,不受控制;beyond controversy 无可争论;beyond one’s grasp 非力所及;beyond doubt 无疑;beyond expression 难以比喻;beyond expectation 出乎意料,不料等

    注 2:注意本项中有些固定的 beyond 短语还可比较灵活地用于句中作状语、插入语,只要其意思在上下文中贴切就宜。例如:

    1. She is beyond doubt (或 dispute) an outstanding scientist. 她无疑(或无可争辩)是位杰出的科学家。(状语)

    2. Beyond all doubt, Jenny and Linda will both succeed. 毫无疑问,詹妮和琳达都会成功。(插入语)

    3. In her work Jenny demonstrated beyond any question many good qualities. 詹妮在工作中不容置疑地表现出许多优秀品质。(状语)

    4. They convinced me that Ava, beyond the possibility of doubt, was innocent. 他们使我相信埃娃毫无疑问是清白的。(插入语)

    5. You must write a letter to your mother beyond all (或 beyond all things). 你首先必须给你母亲写信。(状语)

    四、介词 beyond 作“超出→超脱…”或“超脱→不屑或决不…”讲时的用法举例(常用于表示某人品质、习性等方面)

    1. He is beyond such a thing. 他不屑(或决不)做这样的事。

    2. Don't ask him how they are to pay the bills; he has gone beyond caring. 别问他,他们将如何支付这些账单;他已不再操心(或在乎)了。(由“超脱或不屑于关心这件事”引申过来。)

    3. He has only a short sighted plan, and so he is beyond thinking of the future. 他只有一个眼光短浅的计划,因而不屑考虑将来。

    五、介词 beyond 作“除了…外”讲用法举例(常用于否定句、疑问句)

    1. I had no money beyond my pension. 那时我除了养老金以外毫无积蓄。

    2. What else do you know about the stranger beyond what they have said about him? 除了他们说的有关这位陌生人的情况以外,你还知道他其它什么情况吗?

    3. Beyond inviting me to Shanghai, he also sent me a railroad ticket. 除了邀请我去上海以外,他还给我寄来了一张火车票。(只是偶尔用于肯定句。)


    六、副词 beyond 作“再过去”、“再往前”、“远处或往远处”或“以后时期”等讲,常可根据上下文理解为 beyond 后省略了有关词语

    1. The building is very high. I don't know whether there is any house beyond. 这楼很高。我不知道再前面是否有什么房子。(可以理解为 beyond 后省略 it。)

    2. She studies in the left school, but I work beyond. 她在左边的学校学习,而再往前是我的工作的单位。(同上。)

    3. These passengers are going to Beijing and all stations beyond. 这些旅客准备去北京以及北京以远的各站。(同上)

    4. They investigated the important events of 1996 and beyond. 他们调查了 1996 年以及(1996 年)以后的重要事件。(同上)

