
转基因作物(Genetically Modified Crops,GMC),是利用基因工程将原有作物的基因加入其它生物的遗传物质,并将不良基因移除,从而造成品质更好的作物。通常转基因作物,可增加作物的产量、改善品质、提高抗旱、抗寒及其它特性。转基因作物的种类主要有大豆、玉米、棉花和油菜,其性状主要是抗除草剂、抗虫、抗病等几类。转基因作物因有抗寒、抗旱、抗虫等能力而为粮食缺少的国家所推崇。



Science has made a new genetic revolution possible


Thanks to great strides in fundamental research, biology is becoming ever more programmable. Two recent scientific advances show just how powerful the possibilities could be. The genetic modification of plants is allowing the mechanism of photosynthesis to be tinkered with, as research published in Science on August 18th sets out. This could lead to dramatic improvements in the productivity of plants, and eventually to a second green revolution. Tweaking the genes of people who suffer from fatal incurable diseases, meanwhile, has also had remarkable results. A series of genetic therapies has arrived, or is arriving, in clinics to treat blood cancers, spinal muscular atrophy, haemophilia and sickle-cell disease. The task now is to spread these gains far and wide.


The consequences of both advances could be momentous. The genetic modification of crops promises cheaper, more nutritious and more climate-resilient food for a hungry planet. Genetic therapies offer the hope of curing devastating diseases. They also allow for one-time treatments that can be transported to the four corners of the Earth, bringing years, decades or a lifetime of benefits to the seriously and incurably ill.


Imagine a cure for aids or sickle-cell disease that could be taken to the continent of Africa or across the Middle East. The accompanying benefits would be similar to the eradication of smallpox. This tantalising promise has been made possible by a prodigious investment in fundamental research over the years.




文本选自:The Economist(经济学人)


原文发布时间:26 Aug. 2022


Action is the proper fruit of knowledge.

