Gossip Girl 绯闻女孩双语台词分享二 1. And to prove that I care about more than his titles.为了向他证明我不是只看重他的头衔,我来为大家科普一下关于美剧gossip girl 贴吧台词?以下内容希望对你有帮助!

美剧gossip girl 贴吧台词(Girl绯闻女孩双语台词二)

美剧gossip girl 贴吧台词

Gossip Girl 绯闻女孩双语台词分享二

1. And to prove that I care about more than his titles.为了向他证明我不是只看重他的头衔。

  1. I’ve planned a day of polite interaction with the proletariat. 我计划和他度过平民的幸福一天。
  2. If it’s too much for you,I will be on the next flight. 如果你觉得承受不了,我就马上赶过去。
  3. Well,does stepbrother count? 继父带来的哥哥算吗?
  4. Aren’t you glad you finally reached the last chapter? 你不高兴吗,我们终于说到故事的结局了。