

导演:保罗·索伦蒂诺(意)主演:托尼·塞尔维洛(意)评分:7.8/10第86届奥斯卡金像奖 最佳外语片第66届戛纳电影节 主竞赛单元 金棕榈奖(提名)

评论翻译1、a portrait of the artist as an old man9星 短评:一幅老炮艺术家的肖像


Somebody could be annoyed by the fact that nobody in the movie seems never to do any kind of work at all -- curiously enough, the only self-proclaimed hardworking man happens to be a very seriously-looking international criminal! But for most of the other characters, money looks more like a cause, than a consequence of life. Without the restraints of needs, left with no practical excuses for not being happy, they still accomplish somehow the no small feat of spoiling their lives with various forms of suffering and pain.可能会有人被这样一个事实困扰到,即电影中的人们貌似从来都不需要从事任何一种工作,说来也怪,唯一一个标榜自己在努力工作的人碰巧是一个看着挺严肃的国际罪犯!但对其他大部分人物来说,金钱看上去更像是一种伟大的事业,而非人生结出的果实。毫不克制自己的需求,那些会让自己不开心的现实理由也完全不留,他们通过把自己的人生沉溺在各式各样的苦难和痛楚中,仍以某种方式成就了并不算渺小的壮举。



2、A feast for the eyes, the ears, and the soul9星 短评:一场视听和灵魂的盛宴


The film begins on a jarring and surreal note and continues in an episodic Fellini-like vein throughout its two and one-half hour runtime - the sweet life revisited.这部电影以刺耳且超现实的调子开篇,并在它两个半小时的时长中,持续呈现出了一种片段化的费里尼式情调,重新探讨了甜蜜的生活。Servillo is magnificent as the blocked writer seeking renewal and his presence makes every scene come alive with spontaneity. Though The Great Beauty is not a film about Rome per se, the cinematography of Luca Bigazza memorably captures the striking sights and sounds of The Eternal City, the ancient monuments juxtaposed with the modern buildings. Literally bursting with the pulse of flawed humanity, The Great Beauty is a feast for the eyes, the ears, and the soul.赛尔维洛相当出色,他饰演了一位陷于瓶颈而寻求自新的作家,他的存在,极为自然地给每一个场景注入了生命。虽然《绝美之城》本身并不是一部讲述罗马的电影,但卢卡·比伽扎的摄影却令人难忘地捕捉到了这座永恒之城那不同寻常的风景和声音,把历史古迹和现代建筑并置在了一起。带有瑕疵人性的脉搏突如其来地炸裂开,一点没有夸张,《绝美之城》是一场视听和灵魂的盛宴。3、Italian cinema at its best10星 短评:意大利电影的巅峰I had to go to see this movie twice in a row as the first time was not enough: I was literally overwhelmed by it like the Japanese tourist at the beginning of the movie.我不得不连续看了两遍,因为一遍是看不够的:我就像片头那些日本游客一样被彻底征服了,一点没夸张。


But the most important subject is life itself and how to live without having regrets.但最重要的主题是生命本身,以及如何不留悔恨地去生活。



The character are perfectly described and very, very well played (Toni Servillo is not a surprise because we knew him from The consequences of love and Il divo), but other actors like Sabrina Ferilli and Carlo Verdone, they have been a nice discover indeed.人物刻画完美,而且演绎得极好(托尼·塞尔维洛的表现并不让人惊讶,因为《爱情的结果》(2004)和《大牌明星》(2008)已经让我们熟识了他),但其他演员比如萨布丽娜·费里利和卡洛·维尔多内,真是让人惊喜的发现。You will leave the theatre with the awareness you have seen a masterpiece.Highly recommended你离开影院的时候,就会明白你刚看的是一部大师之作。强烈推荐4、Like Swimming in Honey 10星 短评:就像在蜂蜜中游泳



Servillo's acting is superb from his moments of dry humour to the heartbreaking intensity of those feelings he cannot quite hold on to.塞尔维洛的表演出神入化,从他讲冷笑话的那些瞬间,到连他都不太能克制的那些让人心碎的强烈情感。La Grande Bellezza gives a window into Roman life that is probably only fully understood by a fellow Roman. However all can appreciate the aesthetic pleasure of Sorrentino's Rome and the bittersweet meanderings of its characters.《绝美之城》为我们打开了一扇通往罗马生活的窗口,而这可能只有罗马人才能完全理解。然而,所有人都能欣赏到索伦蒂诺镜头中的罗马所激起的审美愉悦,以及那些人物甘苦参半的漫谈。This is a cinema of the highest order, imbued with elegance & style. For the viewer it is like swimming in honey. Grazie Signore Sorrentino.这是一部达到了至高水准的电影,满溢着高雅和风格。对观众来说,就像是在蜂蜜中游泳一样。感谢索伦蒂诺。
