CNN一则新闻:"President-elect Donald Trump went nose-to-nose Wednesday with a press corps itching to cross-examine him after more than five months at arm’s length...."“在保持超过五个月的距离后,总统当选人川普星期三与一群渴望盘问他的媒体近距离接触”,我来为大家科普一下关于eye地道英语?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



CNN一则新闻:"President-elect Donald Trump went nose-to-nose Wednesday with a press corps itching to cross-examine him after more than five months at arm’s length...."“在保持超过五个月的距离后,总统当选人川普星期三与一群渴望盘问他的媒体近距离接触。”

这边之所以用"nose to nose",而不是"face to face",是为了强调川普与媒体之间的对立,有点“颠峰对决”的意味。

除了"face to face"、"nose to nose",让我们了解身体哪些部位的“对对碰”可以产生意外火花:

1.head to head:公开、直接的矛盾或竞争、正面交手:

We will go head to head with this company at Computex.



2.ear to ear:不是消息从哪儿传到哪儿,而是指从脸或脖子的一边延伸到另一边,尤指笑容,因而有"grin (smile) from ear to ear"一词:

He grinned from ear to ear at the good news.



3.eye to eye:这可不是看对眼的意思,而是“观点一致”,通常与see 连用:

We don't see eye to eye.




I don’t see eye to eye with her on the financial crisis.(我和她就金融危机的议题上观点不一。)

4.mouth to mouth:别想太多,就是嘴对嘴的人工呼吸

I tried mouth to mouth on her but she did not respond.



5.shoulder to shoulder:就是“并肩作战”。

We fight shoulder to shoulder to reach the sales target.



6.heart to heart:字面上是“心连心”,其实是“诚实、坦荡”的意思,通常与talk、conversation连用。若直接当名词使用,则代表坦白、开放式的讨论,且通常为严肃的话题:

I had a heart to heart with the boss here.



7.hand to hand:史蒂芬.席格著名的便是“空手格斗术”(hand-to-hand combat)。不过 "hand to hand" 不只代表“近身肉搏”,也有“直接交手”、近距离接触的意思:

Direct hand-to-hand street marketing is quite effective for new shops.


