今天是火鸟老师陪你早起打卡的第 36 天哦!Day 36

我不知道的英语口语表达 不得不做的事情(1)


A.What happened?/wɑt//ˈhæpəned/?


B.That’s^it, my lease^is^up. I have to move./ðætsɪt/,/maɪ//lisɪzʌp/./aɪ//hæftə//muv/.





A.What happened?发生什么事了?

B.That’s^it=that’sall, my lease^is^up. I have to/ move.我的租期到期了,我必须搬出去。


Sb. have to /do sth.谁谁谁必须做什么事情

裂变思维:万能公式→拆解句子→举一反三→简单句→复杂句(场景)She has to /go to work /on weekend, becauseshe will ask for a week off /next month./ because she wants to make moremoney to support the family.

拆解:she has to work. → she has to go to work.→ She has to /go to work /on weekend.

I have to go to work because I need to support my family.

I have to go to library this afternoon.

I have to go to the library.

I have to buy me a cup of coffee

Mr. firebird has to leave early /because he has got a date with his friends.

I have to return to class. I have to return to class today. I have to return to class today, because the rain is heavy.

I have to study. → I have to study all day long. I have to study /for my dream /all day long. I have to study /for my dream /allday long, and now is my summer vacation, I have to use my time properly.so Ihave to review my course.

【万能公式造句】I have to go shopping.

She has to go to the hospital.

He has to have the breakfast.

She has to get up.she has to get up right now, or she willmiss the last bus. and today is her first day to work.

We have to play. We have to go to play. We have to go to play together. We have to go to play together sometime.

I have to go out. I have to go out this morning. I have to go out this morning because I need to playtennis.

I have to study. →I have to studyhard. I have to study /hard /every day.

I have to wash. →I have to take awash. →I have to take a wash soon.

I have to talk. / I have to talk to mylawyer. / I have to talk to my lawyer about it. I have to talk to my lawyerabout it /the day after tomorrow.Because the sales price was decreased by ourcustomers.

I have to get up early ever day.

I have to prepare breakfast. →I haveto go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

We have to travel/next week/with myfriends next week/to the prairie with my friends next week

I have to get up. I have to getup early. I have to get up early from Monday to Friday.

I have to get up early every day.

because I have to cook breakfast for

my family.

I have a hundred and one things to do.

I have something important to tellyou.

I have to cook. I have to cook everyday. I have to cook for my family every day. I have to cook for my family healthevery day.

I have to cook breakfast for my family.after breakfast, I will open the window and door air the room.make the bed, dust

the table. sweep the floor. and then Istart learning English.

I have to meet you. I have tomeet you now. I have to meet you now with my dog.

I have some information you may be ableto use.

I have some work for you to do.

I have to take some time to considerbecause this is a difficult problem.

I have to go.

I have to go shopping with my mom inthe afternoon.

She has to play soccer.

He has to work all day long.

She has to get my permission from mebecause I am her boss.

She has to memorize the English words.

I have to support the family,I'm already a grown-up./ I am no longer a child.

I have to /cook for my family /everyday.

They have to take care of my mothernext week. because I am going to travel with my workmates.

He has to tell the truth /for his future/forhis study/for his life/for his safety.

I have to keep health, because I wantto enjoy my future's life/I want to travel around the world/ I want to taste differentkinds food of the world.

I have to work hard to support my family.That's no choice

I have to book an appointment to seemy family doctor.

I have to do more exercise to keep myhealth.

It's raining heavily outside, I have tostay at home /for safety.

I have to leave right now, because Ineed to practice writing.

I have to practice my English everyday to improve it

I have to work every day.

I had to retire when I was 55.

I have to keep smile for all of you.

I have to go /leave right now.

You would be more alert, you have toget more sleep.

you have to get up early every day tolearn English.

I have to go to work now.

The food tastes yummy, I have to eat itright now.

I have to stay at home because thecoronavirus is awful outside.

You have to wake up and get up, it's timeto go to school.

Because my customers have ordered aproduct.

I have to speak English every day forseeing my daughter.

I have confidence in you.

I have to give the Tai massage to herright now.

I have to study English /every day /tobuild a better future.

We have to wear masks during pandemictime.

She has to make ends meet, because shecouldn't pay the credit card.

He has to pick up his children

every day

Time passes quickly, I have to takecare of my mom.

I have to leave him, because we lostour love.

I have to learn English very wellbecause if my English is well I can

get a raise more.

I have to get closer to the truth.

She has to leave, because she forgot toturn off the tap.

I have to go on my diet.

I have to come back to HK, because my son will not recognize me/soon.

She has to forget her boyfriend, becausehe left her.

I have to cooperate with them.

We have to create some new products/ developa new product and offer better service.

I have to do exercise so in for my fitness/shape.

I have to learn English well for seeingall the world.

You have to attend the meeting,because all of the leaders willbe present at the meeting.

I have to find the real reason becauseif not, I can't build the countermeasures to solve the problem.

I have to make a presentation'material to report the monthly performance, because I am in charge of factory’smanagement.

Let’s eat, I am hungry, I was too busyto have dinner yesterday.

He has to stand in the front, becausehe is a leader and he has to explain his thinking about next action plan.


万能公式提炼:What happened to sb.谁谁遇到什么事

英语表达能力:观点 多个原因 多场景融合


