
英孚教育(Education First),简称EF,是1965年创办的老牌国际化培训机构,遍布全球50多个国家。他们的教学经验和课程设计应该是经过了时间和地域的双重考验。那么他们的课程安排是怎么循序渐进的呢?笔者亲身入坑,带出从零开始的学习笔记分享。长期更新,欢迎订阅。


L3U6P3 送别某人



使用 will 动词提议或自愿在不久或更远的将来做某事。

Let’s go to Istanbul. I’ll make the plane reservations right now.(我们去伊斯坦布尔吧。我马上订机票。)

I’ll drive you to the airport next week, if you want.(如果你愿意,下周我开车送你去机场。)

使用 will 动词提出非正式请求。

A: When I go on vacation, will you take care of my dog? (我去度假期间,你帮我照顾狗,好吗?)

B: Sure, I’ll take care of little Sammie.(没问题,我帮你照顾小 Sammie。)

你可以使用 will not 谢绝请求,但务必谨慎使用:可能显得过于直接,可能会让人不高兴。

A: Will you get my luggage? (你帮我拿行李,好吗?)

B: No, I won’t.(不,我不行。)


A:Ok. Now, remenber to bring in the mail every day. and don’t forget the newspaper.

B:Ok Dad don’t worry.

A:Oh, I almost forgot.

B:What’s that.

A:It’s our hotel.

B: I thought you were going to go camping.

A: shhhh! It’s a surprise. Your mother thinks we’re going camping. But we’re not , we’re staying at a five-star hotel.

B: Dad! you old romantic!

A: But I am going fishing.

B:Have a great trip! Drive safely. And call me when you got there.


Have a great trip! 旅途愉快!

Drive safely! 小心驾驶!

Have a good flight. 坐飞机一路愉快!

Call me when you get there. 到了打电话给我。

Don’t worry about anything. 什么都不要担心。


动词 ‘try’、’remember’ 和 ‘stop’ 的意义会根据后接动词的形式而改变。

当动词 try 后接不定式 (to 动词) 时,例如 to buy,表示试图做某事。

I can’t go to the mall. Maybe I’ll try to buy something online. (我不能去商场。也许我会试着网上购物。)

当动词 try 后接动名词时 (动词 -ing),例如 swimming,表示第一次做某事,或尝试做不同的事情。

I don’t like biking. Maybe I’ll try swimming on my vacation. (我不喜欢骑自行车。也许假期我会试着游游泳。)

当动词 remember 后接不定式时,例如 to call,表示记得去履行一项职责或任务。

I always remember to call my mother on Sunday. 我星期天总是记得打电话给我母亲。

当动词 remember 后接动名词时,例如 calling,表示记得过去做过某事。

I remember calling the neighbors. (我记得给邻居打电话了。)

当动词 stop 后接不定式时,如 to eat,表示停止一个动作,开始另一个动作。在本例中,这个人在工作,但停下工作吃东西。

I stopped to eat when I got hungry. 当我饿的时候,我停下来去吃了点东西。

当动词 stop 后接动名词时,如 eating,表示一个中止的动作。

I stopped eating when I felt sick. (我感觉恶心,停止了吃东西。)

Did you remember to call your mother?

I remember seeing you at the party last week.

I’ll try to eat more fruit and vegetables.

I’m nervous, but I’m going to try sailing for the first time.

I stopped at the office to do some work.

I stopped working at six o’clock.



请听 going to、have to 和 want to 的省略形式。注意它们书写和发音的不同之处。

We’re going to fly to Hawaii. 我们打算坐飞机去夏威夷。

I’m going to call my mom. 我打算打电话给我妈妈。

It’s going to rain. 要下雨了。

She’s going to play computer games. 她打算玩电脑游戏。

I have to go. 我得走了。

We have to be quick. 我们不得不快点。

She has to leave. 她不得不离开。

He has to get up early. 他不得不早起。

I want to go to bed. 我想上床睡觉。

Do you want to go to the movies? 你想去看电影吗?

She wants to eat out. 她想出去吃饭。

He wants to go home. 他想回家。



本文由GIlin记录 配图来源课程截图:仅供各位小爷缓解视觉疲劳
